Fan Fiction

Ajab sanskar ki gazab kahani chap -20

Hello to all my lovely readers i know u waited for this update for long time nd i am sorry to wait for u so long now I’ll not waste ur time so start reading..Nd thanks for commenting in my previous episode keep supporting like this..

Chapter 19

Chap – 20

@next day

Sanskar n laksh comes out of their room getting dressed well for the party…

Laksh is looking a handsome hunk in his black n white combination of Armani suit n sanskarr..

(Don’t ask me howz he is looking..??)

He is dressed up in a Royal blue Blazer ,Light Violet Shirt ,White Trouser , White and Blue Print Pocket Square, Black Leather Belt and Tan Brown leather shoes with a clean shave..He is looking awesome,handsome hunk,hot..etc..

Laksh saw him n comes towards him n kept his hand round on his shoulder n smirkingly says..

Lak – Bhai.. U r looking killer..I am feeling like today’s night u’ll not be alone becoz girls in the party will not leave u..

San smilingly – Shut up laksh n stop joking..

Suddenly his phone rings n he turns around to attend the call..After some minutes laksh says..

Lak surprisedly – Sanskar…

Sanskar saw towards him n saw his face on which surprise is written..Sanskar put his hand on laksh shoulder n jerks him but he didn’t react he calls his name but then also he is standing like a zombie then he follows his eyesight n turns his face where laksh is seeing..

The two most beautiful ladies are standing in front of them n their respected would be life partner are watching them with aww look..

Ragini is wearing a black saree , backless silver color blouse with a brotch on her saree pallu..She tied her hair in a bun..Laksh is just staring her with all his love becoz he never saw her in saree..She only wears western type dress n first time he is wearing something like saree..

N swara.. She is just looking like an angel,princess who directly came from heaven just for one person n he is sanskar..Swara is wearing a royal blue color floor-length ball gown. A very dressy cocktail dress with light make up.She wore matching earrings, a bracelet in her wrist,matching high-heels n opened her hair with loose curls which is increasing her beauty more..

He gets freezed nd dumbstruck seeing her.. A cold brezze blews n in this her hair blews in the air..His phone left from his hand in utter shock by seeing beauty queen in front of him..Swara saw him in utter disbelief becoz he is also looking too handsome n also she saw towards his phone lying on the ground..Sanskar is staring her non – stop..Swara feels his gaze on her n she blushed hard..He didn’t bother about his phone n his leg unkowingly steps forward on the way of swara..Swara saw him coming towards her.She gets nervous by seeing him coming towards her. With each step of sanskar her heartbeat gets faster..Sanskar reaches near swara n stares her lovingly from top to toe..Swara tries hard to hide her blushness but she can’t..Her cheeks is turned to crimson red..Sanskar smiles seeing his effect on her.Both saw into each others eyes..



Their precious moments gets disturbed by listening the laughing sound of raglak..

Rag – See swara i said u earlier that sanskar will get flat on seeing u..

Sanskar blushes a little n brushes his hair with his hands..

Lak – hey..hey..Someone is blushing here..

Sanskar glares laksh..

Rag – yess..yesss..I had also seen..U know what I think laksh both of them don’t need to do act of couple..??

Lak confusedly – Why..??

Rag laughing – Becoz both of them r blushing like a newly wed couple..

Both laughs hard n ragini gives hi -fi to laksh..

San angrily shouts – Stop it now u both..

Both stops n become serious..

San calmly – Good..

Ragini seriously comes near him says..

Rag – By the way sanskar u look cute when u r blushing..

N laughs on his face laksh also started again from behind..Both starts to laugh again..N seeing them swara also can’t control n she also laughs..

San irritated – Ok All of u sit here n laugh..N then we’ll get late in the party..

But there is no affect of sanskar’s talk on them..N he goes angrily from there..

The scene shifts towards the party hall..Swasan n Raglak comes there..

Swara – Sanskar I am feeling very scared..What if Mr &Mrs dsouza ask something..??

San – Come on swara u grown up my confidence nd now u r only getting scared..Don’t worry i am with u na nd its matter of just mere 2 hours..

Raglak – yess nd we r also with u na so don’t worry..

San – Now come inside..

Swa – hmm..

Both the couple enters inside d’souza n his wife welcomes them..

Swasan & Raglak gives a flower bouquet to dsouza nd his wife n says..

San – Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs.Dsouza..

Both smilingly – Thank u very much..

Swasan – It’s our pleasure..

Mrs.Dsouza – Hmm..Soo..Sanskar she is ur fiance swara..

Sanskar saw towards them n smilingly says..

San – yess..

Mr.dsouza – No matter what sanskar but ur fiance is too beautiful..

San slowly in his ears – Just be careful dsouza ur wife is standing behind u only..

Dsouza laughs – I am just complementing her who is actually worth of it kyun sweetheart (seeing towards his wife)

Mrs.dsouza smiles – Ofcourse..N don’t worry i m not feeling jealous becoz really ur fiance is too beautiful n u both look perfect with eachother..

D’souza – yess that’s the truth..

Swasan -Thank you..

Swara looks at sanskar worriedly n sanskar signals her to be cool n calm..They all r chit -chatting then only dsouza asks.. Then only kavita saw sanskar..

Kav(monologue) – Oh gosh..How can anyone look so tempting in semi – formals..?? If earlier i know that he is so handsome than I would make him my fiance instead of getting trapped with that rajat..

She also comes there nd dsouza introduces her to swara..

Dsouza – By the way sanskar what is the date of ur marriage..??

Swasan looks on to eachother..All the four thinks what to answer n all of them speaks at the same time..

Rag – 21..

Lak – 23..

Swa – 24..

San – 26..

All the four looks to each other as if they r saying in their mind oh shit..

Dsouza confusedly – Till my knowledge in india the marriage held on one day only..

Mrs dsouza – yess..N they r telling 4 differents date..

Kav – What is this sanskar..??

All the four starts laugh fakely mr & mrs dsouza nd kav are watching them confusedly..

Dsouza – Why r u all laughing..??

San slowly – Kyunki hamari band baj gyi h..

Dsouza – What..?? U said something..

San – Ahh..woah..umm..

He scratches his forehead to get some idea n suddenly says

San – Woah..Laksh is my best frnd na so he’ll only clear the confusion of the dates..(seeing towards laksh) Tell laksh..

Lak shouts irritated – Aree what should i tell..??

Sanskar widens his eyes n pleads him through eyes to tell some story..

Lak – I meant to say that in our indian wedding there r many rituals na like haldi,mehendi,sangeet..So we tell u all those dates..Hai na..

All starts to say yesss…yesss…

Lak – Now u both talk with swasan we’ll come in a min..Let’s go ragini…

N he drags ragini from there..

Dsouza – By seeing the bright smile on ur faces its sure that this is love marriage..So sanskar when u fall in love with swara..

Sanskar saw towards her n thinks what to answer…

Mrs dsouza – Why u r thinking so much.??

San -Actually I am thinking that which moment i tell u..??

Swara is standing beside him only he holds swara by her waist n drags her near him..Swara become shocked of his sudden action..

San continues – Becoz each n every time when i see swara i fall in love with her again n again..Hai na swara..

Swa fake smiles – yess..

Kavita gets jealous by seeing them so happy..

Mrs dsouza – Wow..!! Swara u r very lucky how much sanskar loves u..?? I am sure he proposed u very grandly..

San smilingly – proposal..U never dreamt off that how i proposed her..??

Kav jealously – Really..Just tell us also that how u proposed swara..??

San – So it begins with…

Swa interrupts – Sanskar…If ur petmission is there then can I tell this..

San- Sure..

Swa – Thank u..So..It’s not the grand proposal as u all r thinking n sanskar is saying..The proposal is very simple becoz i like simplicity.Nd that moment is very special for me becoz sanskar proposed me with full of his love..We had gone…….bla…blaa..blaa…

Swara is telling them a beautiful romantic proposal n sanskar is listening her carefully yet amusedly..

Mrs dsouza amazedly – Wow..!! Such a beautiful..beautiful proposal..Swara ur would be hubby is very romantic..

Swara blushes a little..

Mrs dsouza – Come on swara..I’ll make u meet with my some more frnds..

All are enjoying the party in full mood..A waiter by mistake pours drink on sanskar’s blazer..

Waiter – Sorry sir…

San – It’s ok..

Sanskar went to washroom..Kavita saw him going there n she also goes behind him..He had cleaned his suit n turns around nd find kavita in front of him..

Kav – Hii sanskar..

San stutters – Hii..Wh..what r u here..??

Kav – From when i met u i am seeing u r ignoring me..Isn’t it..!!

San smiles fakely – No..Actually not its just I am..

Sanskar is going to complete his sentence then only kavita comes very near to him.She travels his hands from neck to chest n kept her hand round on his shoulder almost drooling over him..

San stutters – Wh..what r u doing..??

Kavita kept her index finger on his lips

Kav – Sshh..Today U r looking damn s***..

Sanskar is getting angry of her behaviour.He wanna push him up but he thinks that she is the guest of Mr dsouza so he tolerates her..

Kav – Sanskar u got changed very much if i known this romantic n dashing sanskar earlier then i had married to u only..

San strictly – But for ur kind information my engagement is done with swara..

Kav casually – So what..?? Till now marriage is not happened..nd..

Kavita smirks n holds his cheeks n Sanskar tries to go away but as more he tries she comes near to him..Kavita is going to kiss him but ..

Kav continues – If u say yess then I am ready waise bhi that swara is not ur type..She is boring..If u’ll come with me then i will give u everything what u want love,name,fame,mon..

Sanskar tries to go away but as more he tries she comes near to him..Kavita is going to kiss him but Sanskar fumes in anger n just pushed her away..He shouts at top of his voice..

San angrily – Enough..If u said one more word na I don’t know what will i do..

Sanskar turns to go away but stops..

San – Nd yess swara is far better than u nd i love her a lot..So just stay away from me..

He comes out frustrated n with angerness..Sweat is coming on his forehead.Swara saw him n comes to him..She puts her hand on his shoulder..Sanskar got scared nd moves away…

Swara concernedly – Sanskar.. What happen..??

San stutter – No..Noth..Nothing..

Swara – Really..Then why r u sweating..??

San – haan..

He takes out hanky nd cleans the sweat..She comes near to him n concernedly says

Swa – Sanskar everything is alright na..

San – yess..Absolutely..It’s just I feel hot na that’s why this sweat comes out..

Swa – U r saying truth..

San – yess..

Swa smiles- ok..Then let’s go..

San smiles back – yaa..

Swasan & Raglak are chit -chatting with eachother n now sanskar feels comfortable nd relax..

San clearing his throat – I didn’t think that u r so romantic..

Swara looks on to sanskar..

San – I meant to say that u elaborate everything so beautifully n romantically..

Swa smiles – Thanks..

San- Ur welcome but for one thing i am damn sure that u r gone on 10 – 50 date’s with ur romantic bf’s that’s why u r romantic..Hai na..

Swa shouts – oh hello what did u mean by 10 – 50 date’s..??

San a bit loudly – haww..Don’t tell me it is more than 5o..Wait a min kahin tumne century toh nahin

Swara hurriedly puts her hands on his mouth n angrily shouts

Swa angrily – Shut up sanskar..If u said another word na I’ll kill u…Nd yaa I didn’t gone to any date wate…I tell that story becoz i like to read novels so i tell one story from that otherwise i think all this waste of time..

San – ohhh…So u didn’t gone on any date..!!!

Swa shouts – No..!!

San – Nd u havn’t any bf…

Swa shouts –!!!

San slowly – Ohh So u r soo boring that no one made u as his gf..

Swa suspiciouly – What..?? What did u say..??

San realizes his mistake –

Swa angrily – U said me boring..

San innocently – haww..No…Swara..Why would i say this..??

Swa strictly – yess i listened that..

San – No..

Swa – yes..

San – No..

Swa – yess..

San – No..

Swa – No..

San – yess..

Swa angrily – See u accept it..U r very bad..Just see after this party what I’ll do with u..??

Swara angrily goes from there n sanskar shouts her name but she didn’t stops..

San monologue – Shit yarr..I am just doing some fun n swara got angry..U r stupid sanskar..U r such a stupid..Can’t u control ur tongue for a second.??

Precap – Romantic dance of swasan..

Hopefully guyzz it is up to the point n u liked it..Sorry for grammatical mistakes..


The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.

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