Ajeeb daastaan hai yeh – Intro

Hey Guys this is julie. I am going to write a beautiful romantic story by using my own couples. As I love all the actors and actress of Indian televsion so I have selected 2 couples for my story as leads. So now I will start my story intro of characters if you all OK with it then I will start story.


Parth (role played by parth samathan)

A very egoistic arrogant person. Single living person. Had some dark past. Singing is his passion. Plays guitar. Had only one family member that is his brother.

Tejaswi ( role played by tejaswi prakash wayangankar)

A cute bubbly girl. Loves to enjoy every single moment of her life. Lives far from parents due to studies. Loves her mom dad and sister. Believes in pure love. Most importantly short tempered.

Arjit ( role played by arjit taneja)

Very flirty. Loves to do pranks. A little sensible when comes to family. Loves his brother like anything. Mostly enjoys with every girl whom he met. Have no values or belief in love & relationship.

Hiba (role played by hiba nawab)

A daring and attitude type girl. Loves challenges & can do anything for her prestige. Loves her family mainly her sister. Hates cheaters and liars.

So these are my couples guys. Ha I have not changed their names and continued with their original names. So I think there will be no confusion. And ha if you guys are not satisfied with the couple selection then I am sorry for that bit I am not going to change the pairs.

Here I will give you all a small part which is showing the meeting of our leads.

Lead 1 meet

A big college is seen where a handsome guy is ragging a girl to hug him in front of his friends. But she is denying & pleading him to leave her. But he is not in mood to leave & frightening her to do as he say.

From far and girl is seeing everything & got angry on that guy & thought to teach him a lesson. Here guy is forcing that girl & here this girl is coming towards him to teach a lesson.

When she came near to him & when about to call him then the first girl who was afraid has pushed this guy back & ran away. By her push suddenly the guy missed his balance and fallen on the girl who came to teach him a lesson & he gave a lip lock unfortunately or fortunately.

Both are shocked and the guy moved some up & saw the girl who has closed her eyes due to this sudden happenings. Slowly she opened her eyes and both had a cute eyelock.

Lead 2 meet

A big hotel is seen where some rich kids are doing party and enjoying by drinking. Some are dancing for music & some are just chit chatting.

At one side a group of friends has been seated & talking. Then one of the friends asked a guy to do some bet. Then they decided that lead of the gang that is a guy has to close his eyes & should goes to a gang of girls who is opposite to their gang. Then should go to each girl and when he feels who is the right girl he should kiss her & come back.

All agreed for it & tied a cloth to gang lead & sent him near girls gang. He passed through girls but neither feeled anything special & whend he is passing through then the perfume of a girl attracted him very much & stood near her.

Then he opened his eyes & saw her & mesmerised by her beauty & turned her towards him & without giving any gap or heed to her to speak he immediately kissed her tightly on her lips & leaved her. The girl was shocked by his act & both had an eyelock.

So that was it for today. Interesting right. Then please comment. And ha guys also guess whose are lead 1 couple & who are lead 2 couple. Don’t forget to comment. See you tomorrow.


A fun loving girl. Likes IT actors all.

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