“Where were you?….”,asked a worried Twinkle to Kunj who was standing at the threshold of their room.
Kunj was not in a proper state. His hair were messy,shirt was out of the pants, blazer was in on his shoulder. He looked drunk but could manage himself as he was habitual of partying and getting drunk after his office.
“I am asking something to you!?!!….Kahan the Kunj!? Where were you!?”,she asked giving him support.
He removed her hand from his arm and walked in.
“Am I answerable to you?”,he said throwing his blazer on the bed.
“Yes…you are…I am your wife and I am suppose to know about you!!”,she said walking behind him.
“Yes…you’re my wife so be a wife! Don’t act like my mother !!! “,he said turning towards her with anger.
“Kunj! Will stop being so difficult!?!!!”,she yelled.
“Okay…..so first you start being easy!!!!!”,he yelled back.
He threw his shoes in one corner and started removing his clothes.He threw things everywhere.
Twinkle was pissed as was tired of his behavior.
“Why are you making the whole room messy?”,she said grabbing him by his shoulder.
“You’re my wife naa..! Then go ahead.”,he screamed holding her hand tightly.
“Yes….I am your wife but not your maid or bed-mate!!!! “,She said with tears in her eyes.
“Look! Don’t interfere in my matters!!…..or you’ll face the worst!”,he said giving nail marks on her skin.
“I am facing the worst!! What can be worse than this!!”,she said.
“Leave my hand!! It’s paining…leave……”,she pleaded.
Twinkle with her other hand got rid of his hold, she pushed him back.
“What do you think of yourself, Haan!??.……I am not the one to bear your attitude!!”,she said angrily with tears down her eyes and held his neck tightly.
“Twinkle….look….I am telling you with love….Stay away from me and from my matters….”,he said and went off to sleep.
Twinkle was crying. She had been through this every day since they got married. She tried to make this meaningless relationship work but failed.
Their relationship was not more than a bodily relationship.
Twinkle felt dejected and slept on the other side of the bed.
The next day….
Kunj was getting ready.
He was asking for coffee from past 10 minutes.
“Where the hell are you!???… Twinkle!!! Where’s my coffee?”,he shouted buttoning his shirt.
“Here it is!….I was talking to Riya…!”,she said forwarding the mug.
“Oh!! So your stupid friend is important than me….I am getting late…”,he said.
“Kunj! Why can’t you talk properly? Dare you speak anything about my friends!!!”,she replied.
“Okay…..fine!”,he said and picked up his coat.
“Coffee?”,she said , walking behind Kunj.
“Pour it on your head!! Sar pe Dal lo apne!!!”,he said going out of the room.
Twinkle was surprised.This man was too much.She was frustrated of his rude behavior. He was just difficult to understand.
She placed the mug on the table with jerk. She sat on the couch cursing her fate.
Twinkle always believed that one day her prince charming would come and take her on a white mare. She was happy that she got married to Kunj,her prince Charming. But soon, she discovered that she was wrong. He was not her prince…. Off-course he was……but for him, she was not his princess. They hardly talked to each other because Kunj, the great had made it clear that they won’t take this marriage seriously,they won’t behave like typical hubby and wifie,he had given her full freedom to do whatever she wanted , he had made it clear that she won’t question him for having relationship with anyone after marriage, on being asked why he was doing so by Twinkle he replied very casually that it was his wish.
Kunj never wanted to get married to Twinkle Taneja or even to anybody else because he believed that long time relationships do not work and are a complete waste of life, he had a whole different perception, because he had seen his own parents fight and not living in peace. He believed that marriages destroys one’s peace of life. He believed that marriages are nothing else but having a partner and having a bodily relationship and then to increase population. He did nothing to make their relationship work. They were not even friends. Twinkle was just like his mistress. He didn’t give a damn whether she is happy or not. Neither she did because she had developed resentment for him.
There’s no particular reason why he was so weird and she was so indifferent.
Twinkle was not one of those women who could be suppressed. She often fought with him for the same reason. She was the one who was equally paying Kunj for his actions. Their fights were a daily routine. No love just war that too without any reason.
Twinkle was also a bad-tempered woman if someone behaved adsurdly with her.
Twinkle was just living a meaningless life along with Kunj.She liked Kunj, the day they officially met for the alliance.She had given herself to him because she had an attraction towards him.
Sometimes, if she was sweet,he was a devil and when he was good ,she was a witch.
Both fought with each other on small things. This was not nok-jhok but a fight with absolutely heart paining words.
She looked at the mug angrily and threw it down with force and stromed off.
He was late again. Bell rang and Twinkle went to open the door.
He entered but to her surprise he was in a sober state.
“Didn’t you drink today?”,she said closing the door behind him.
“Kyu? Tumse puch kar piyunga?”,he retorted sitting on the sofa.
“Okay….fine! I am going to sleep. Come if you want to!”,she said.
“Where’s the dinner today?”,he asked.
“Why? Did you want to have it?….I thought you would come with a full stomach as you usually do! So I ordered and ate myself.”,she said and proceeded to her room.
“Sorry! Darling!”,she said going up to the room.
He knew she did it on purpose. He didn’t say anything but moved to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out a container containing dough.
He put the pan on the gas.He took out some dough , formed a ball out of it, flattened it with the rolling pin and tossed it on to the pan with butter. He was making carrom seeds parathas [Ajwain wali parothi?]for himself. Yes, he knew how to cook.
On the other side of the cook top , tea was bubbling.
He set his meal in a tray and proceeded to their room.
He sat on the bed with the tray. He peeped to the other side and saw Twinkle sleeping. He knew she was not asleep.
“You can eat if you want to….Stop faking it….I know you’re not asleep.”,he said sipping his tea and checking out his phone.
She got up surprised and tucked her hair being her ears.
“Why do you care?”,she said.
“Who said I care?”,he replied.
“Ugh!!!….”,she breathed.
“Okay….have some…I know you have not eaten anything.”,he offered his parathas.
Glaring at him , she took a morsel and placed it into her mouth. They were so crispy yet soft and melted in her mouth.
After eating a paratha , she proceeded to wash her hands.
“Great!”,he said looking into his phone.
“What?”,she said.
“Nothing……Just go to hell.”,he said.
He took the utensils and went to keep them into the sink.
He lay on the bed staring at the beautiful sight in front of him. Twinkle was trying to sleep, she had this pout which was tempting him.
She turned and faced him.
They were looking at eachother.
They were in no mood to fight like cats and dogs.
“What?”,she said.
“What?”,he said.
“You know what!……f**k you!”,she said angrily.
“Okay……if you wish…..you can…..I am ever ready.”,he said smirking.
Suddenly out of no where he placed his hand son her cheeks and proceeded to her two soft friends parted with a sweet breath.
She too moved towards him.
And the next moment there lips did the talking.
This was expected.They fought everyday. Abused eachother but they held desires for each other too.
He broke off the kiss and turned away.
“Don’t you dare touch me again!!!….”,she said and rubbed her lips.
“Oooo….So how will you purify yourself from within because my touch resides there too.”,he said and slept.
What a absurd relationship they had!
Next day….
Twinkle got up early and yawned.
She remembered last night and his words.
“How will you purify yourself from within because my touch resides there too….”
She had mild tears in her eyes along with red hue on her face.She got a memory of that day when she had surrendered herself to her husband for the very first time, then she recalled all the days and nights till now, when they were united physically. She wished Kunj had said that he loves her when he kissed her forehead to calm her. But sadly that didn’t happen. But why was thinking so. She didn’t love him. “Why the hell am I thinking so much!?….I don’t love him. Mere bodily relationship does not mean that there is love!”
She got angry as she remembered that he didn’t care. Twinkle fell back to sleep as her head pained.
After a while Kunj woke up. He saw Twinkle. He chuckled as he saw that mark on her lip. How she was rubbing it , made Kunj smile.”Wait! I should not think about her! She’s just my roommate!…..Okay…… Bed partner?…..so called wife?…And I don’t like her…”,he thought and got up to get ready.
He came out of the shower and got dressed , she was still sleeping.
“How late she’ll sleep? “,He thought.
It was already nine. He had to leave by ten.
He took his coat and went downstairs.
He had to make breakfast again!
He wore an apron lest his clothes should not be spoiled. He went to the refrigerator took out eggs and bread.
He toasted breads slices in a pan. Taking a bowl , he cracked the eggs, put in chopped tomatoes, salt,oregano and whisked it. He prepared an omelet and his tea along with it.
He put the breakfast in two plates. One for himself and for her.
Twinkle who was coming down of the stairs rubbing her eyes, was shocked to see him cooking for himself without shouting on her.
“I have prepared the breakfast.”,he said while eating his.
“I don’t want it…..I’ll make for myself.”,she said with attitude.
“Okay…”,he said and ate the breakfast out of her plate too.
He finished everything and moved towards the sink.
Her words rang into his mind.
“I’ll make for myself…”
He took out the crate of eggs and dropped it to the ground. He took another one and dropped it to the ground.
“What the hell!!!!”,she shouted.
He took the packet of bread and took it with himself.
“Make it…. yourself!”,he said and moved away in anger.
She was annoyed.
“Wait…..Why did you do this???”,she said holding his collar.
“Leave my collar!”,he demanded.
“No….Why did you do this Kunj? Don’t you groceries and snacks….. everything was finished and I had to purchase them???”,she said.
“I wished to do it……You deserve this….Go to the market and buy them!.”,he said and pushed her back.
“Why are you so insane?”,she shouted.
“Shut up! Mad woman”,he shouted going out.
She was pissed of! Twinkle clenched her jaws and threw the vase which was kept at the table.
***********TO BE CONTINUED***********
PRECAP “Rohan! Tum?…”,said Twinkle and hugged him.
Rohan smiled and kissed her forehead.
Kunj who was watching them clenched his jaws and with anger threw his glass down.
Hello!!!!! ?????Pagal mat samjhna! I had written this story long back! Kabhi post nahi ki…..socha Kar doon! Take it as a pre farewell treat!??? Aree jaongi na padhai karne…..usse ke liye……
Toh baccho! Batao kaisa laga!? Aur what do you think will happen next?
And this is a two shot……sirf do shots!!paaka!…..?Milenge jaldi!!! Byeee??
It was awesome pls post soon
It’s so yucky.
Bad wibes…
Pagalo ka writer bhi pagal.
Shiv shiv koi bachaye hame inse.
????Thanks Fenu bhaisahab! ???i know it’s yukk????
Pagal ki TU wali Behan pagal hi toh hogi!!! Yeah sahi khaha?????
Wow! that was awesome!!
Cheena u truly have a great vocab
Twinkle and kunj Dono hi khadus hai
Precap is quite enticing
Post soon
Love ya?
areeee its amazing .. superbly written
I feel some changes in Kunj .. waiting for the last part
prrcap is awesome
Awesome shot…every time u cm with a unique plot… Just love it?
Awesome post soon next one can’t wait
Next part jaldi upload karna. I will be waiting.
Loved it
Awesome Yaar amazing
Finally twinj per os
I was waiting for it.
And Precap is so interesting
Post soon this tome
Nice and do make kunj jealous and post soon.
Nice episode
TOTALLY loved it
It was soo unique??
Poor twinkle and sanki kunj??
DO post soon plzzz
Love u
Superb one post soon..
That was amazing ???

Loved it
Bechari twinkle ??
How can kunj be like this ??
Hope everything changes in next episode ?
Let’s see
Post soon??
Waiting ??
Awesome episode
Post soon dear
Oh my god!!! I’m laughing so hard! I was wondering what was going on all throughout, and I couldn’t figure out much even then… It was really fun to read this find of a story on Twinj, something so different from the general prototype I’ve seen here… You are a wonderful writer though…. You can make even unimaginable stuff look real… I can’t wait to see what happens next..
This is really wonderful …post sooon