Ajnabee by Shazi Part 5:

Previous Part: http://www.tellyupdates.com/ajnabee-part-4/

Here u go guys! As I said before, be patient it is a RagLak n SwaSan fanfic I have shown no love between swa-lak n there are going to be some twists so don’t be confused and enjoy reading!

Days go by and Swara becomes more and more moody with Laksh ignoring whatever he says to her and trying to irritate him without doing anything for him. Laksh thinks that she is upset that they never go to her parents’ house and this is the reason why she is tensed but he doesn’t know that the reason behind her being cranky is that she cannot stop thinking about his first love. (As I said before, first and true love is not easily forgotten)

Laksh’s pov:

I am really sorry Swara I know I am unable to keep you happy because I can’t take you to your parents’ house but the reason is that whenever I see her, I can only think about her and forget the rest of the world. If I do that, it will be more painful for you and I have considered you as my friend so I don’t want to hurt a friend. God is testing me but I will not break under pressure for sure!

End of his pov.

On the same evening, both go to their rooms and doze off. Swara has left the light of her room on because she sometimes gets nightmares. Someone is observing both of them from the window…

Person: it’s just perfect! They don’t feel anything for each other! I have been observing them for a long time and now, I can execute my plan very easily. I just need some time and someone to do what I am destined to do and everything will be fine. Now it is my turn to show the world who I am! Just need to be patient…

In the morning, Swara gets a call on her phone:

Ragini: good morning my sweetheart!
Swara: Ragini it’s so early in the morning what happened?
Ragini: why? Doesn’t Laksh allow you to speak on phone now?!
Swara: it’s nothing like that tell me what happened?
Ragini is furious: can’t I call you to give u a good news?
Swara: of course you can my love tell me
Ragini: ok ready?
Swara: yah come on now don’t build up suspense
Ragini: Guess whose best friend is back?
Swara: stop the riddles get to the point
Ragini: ok ok your Sanskar is back from the States and he is eager to see u
Swara jumps out of bed in excitement and screams: What? When? How? Oh my god!
Ragini: see I told u that u would be really happy!
Swara: this is the best news you have given me I will come there as soon as I can!
Ragini: don’t bring your husband he is so boring he will spoil the mood
Swara: of course I won’t! See u soon then and keep Sanskar there ok!
Ragini: ok I will

In Laksh’s house:

Swara goes to knock on his door… knock knock
Laksh: come in
Swara: hi umm… actually
Laksh: oh Swara how are u is everything fine?
Swara: yah well I was wondering if I could go to mom’s house today alone?
Laksh thinks that she was upset: yah of course I can drop you if you want
Swara: no! I mean the driver will take me
Laksh: sure?
Swara: yah don’t worry ok I will pack and I might stay there over night
Laksh: it’s ok you can

Meanwile at Ragini’s house:

Ragini: so Mr. where have u been all this time? U r such an idiot u didn’t even meet me before going
Sanskar: sorry dude everything was so quick and then one event after the other I was unable to manage
Ragini: do u know how much Swara missed u?
Sanskar: yah actually I need to apologise to her I have left her here and I was absolutely stuck I didn’t know what to do and…
Ragini: what I u saying? I can’t seem to understand
Sanskar: no nothing
Ragini: so shall we plan a surprise for her?
Sanskar: yah I will take u both to have ice cream in the evening when she arrives so she will listen to me
Ragini: brilliant idea I really can’t wait
Sanskar: you haven’t changed still that foodie kid
Ragini: why would I change?
They both laughed

In the evening, Swara reached her house and was in a hurry to meet Sanskar. She tries to enter the house but Ragini blocks her way…
Swara: where is he?
Ragini: sorry I couldn’t hold him back!
Swara: what? I told u to!!!
Ragini senses something strange in Swara but decides to ignore it
Sanskar: first promise me that you won’t explode my head
Swara has her eyes welled up and she doesn’t look at anyone she just pushes Ragini to the side and hugs him. Tears fall down her eyes and Sanskar senses it.
Sanskar whispers in her ears: Swara please you are married now!
Swara looks at him and then recomposes herself… Ragini has confused expressions and Swara’s parents are busy talking to Sujata so they don’t notice what is going on in the hall.

Ragini: let’s go I am desperate for ice cream
Sanskar: yah we have planned a trip out for u Swara
Swara is upset: what was the need of it when u don’t consider me yours anymore?
Sanskar: please Swara keep quiet what would Ragini think about us
Swara: the truth?

They all reach a big hotel with a sublime ice cream parlour… everyone orders their favourite one and of course Sanskar orders for Swara!

Someone is observing them from far away and calls the waiter…
Person: waiter mix this into that man’s ice cream!
Waiter: madam we aren’t allowed to do that
Person: not even for 5000 rs?
Waiter: ok but nobody must know about it
Person: no one will ever

The waiter comes and serves them ice cream and the person smirks… the waiter gets back and that person explains him the plan!

Ragini gets a call from her clinic and has to leave urgently:
Ragini: sorry guys I have to go dad is waiting for me outside you guys don’t spoil your mood carry on eating and then I will join in later
Shekhar comes in: Ragini beta fast clinic has called
They both head off to the clinic leaving SwaSan in their awkward conversation…
Swara: so how is everything?
Sanskar feels dizzy and is about to faint when the waiter comes.
Waiter: madam you guys are such a cute couple actually we have a room upstairs if your husband is feeling uneasy then I can take you guys to relax for some time
Sanskar: yes, I am not feeling well
Swara: ok let’s go
Waiter helps them reach the room and Swara locks it from inside… she brings water and makes Sanskar drink it but he is fully under the influence of something and feels tipsy but Swara doesn’t know that!
Swara: Sanskar you left me when I needed you the most!
Sanskar comes near her and holds her hand to which Swara closes her eyes and he says: I am sorry but I had some difficulties… I still love u!
Swara: you do?
Sanskar: yes of course I do…
Swara becomes weak and they both head towards the bed… They start making love and are so lost into each other that they cannot think of anything else!
In the morning, Sanskar finds himself with Swara in the hotel room covered with sheets and he is in a state of shock! He pushes her which wakes her up…
Sanskar: what has happened?
Swara: what do u mean? You told me you love me and…
Sanskar: no! I was not in my senses this is insane Swara your life will be ruined you are a married woman!
Swara: I have never even let him touch me I don’t sleep in the same room as him I have only loved u!

Scene ends on the tensed face of Sanskar…

Precap: What would be the consequences of this act? Will anyone ever find out? Is this going to break everything? Keep reading to find out…

Ok so another major twist lol… This is about first and true love which is unforgettable so no bashing please as all of us have loved someone! Let me know what you think about it… Don’t worry RagLakians you will have some intense scenes coming up too 🙂 I won’t be able to update the next part before Saturday so please be patient as I have some exams…


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