Categories: Ajooni

Ajooni 13th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Rajveer is unable to find Ajooni

Ajooni 13th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
The guard comes to Shanky and his man, he asks what are you doing in the farmhouse? The man says Ravindra sent us with this sack, we have to put it here. The guard says he would have called me, you broke in so I will inform Ravindra. Shanky and his man attack him, he faints so the man drags him away.

Rajveer comes to the warehouse and looks around for Ajooni. Harvindar thinks he should kill him here and Shanky will be blamed. Rajveer finds Ajooni’s earring and gets worries. Harvindar is behind him and points a gun at him but he turns around so Harvindar hides his gun.

Ajooni wakes up and is tied to a chair. Shanky says finally you are up, I will take revenge from Ravindra by using you now. He sits with her and asks his man to make their video. Shanky grabs her hair and asks

her to cry if she wants to be saved. He says in the video that he needs 50 crores otherwise he will kill Ajooni. He asks his man to send this to Ravindra. Ajooni asks him to not touch her. Shanky says anything for you.. he smirks at her.

Rajveer and Harvindar come back home. Rajver says we found Ajooni’s earring in his warehouse so he is behind all this. They get a packet so the servant brings it. Ravindra opens the box and finds a phone inside. Rajveer turns it on and they find a video in which Shanky is grabbing Ajooni and says if they want to save her then they should pay him 50 crores otherwise he will kill her.

The man brings food for Ajooni but she says I rather die than eating your food. Shanky comes there and says she wants to die so we should kill her family with her. Ajooni says don’t do that. Shanky says I can kill Meher with you if you want. Ajooni begs him to not do it. Shanky says then eat what we are providing. He frees her hands and she starts eating while weeping. She gets dizzy and faints. Shanky smirks and says the medicine worked quickly. He says I am sure they must have got the news by now.

Ravindra tells the family that 50 crores is not a small amount, its not easy to arrange that. Harvindar tells Rajveer what he will do as a throne owner? Ravindra says I still have property in my name, we can sell that. Rajveer says no, we will not pay a single penny to Shanky. I will not spare him, he leaves. Ravindra says we have to bring Ajooni back at any cost.

Ajooni wakes up and its night time, she screams for Rajveer and cries. She faints again.

Rajveer is looking on the road for Ajooni but can’t find her.

Bebe tells Aman that you made us all worried about Harvindar and we had to send Ajooni away. Harvindar comes there and says we should pack the bags as this house will be sold soon. Harman says what are you talking about? Harvindar says Ravindra is ready to sell this house for Ajooni. All are shocked.

Ravindra brings a real estate manager in the house and shows him around. Bebe comes there and asks what is happening? Ravindra tells her that I am trying to save our house’s honor, Ajooni has done a lot for us. She put her life on line to save us all, she saved Aman’s life, Rajveer needs her and we are incomplete without her. This house is just a house and we can make it again if we have Ajooni. She is more important than any house, I will die for my family. I am ready to sell myself for Ajooni. Harvindar says what is she to us? she can die all we care but we won’t sell our house. Ravindra slaps him.

PRECAP – Rajveer watches the video again and tells Ravindra that this looks like our farmhouse. He goes to the farmhouse and bangs on the door. Shanky is shocked to see him.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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