Categories: Ajooni

Ajooni 8th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Shanky fools Bebe into giving him property

Ajooni 8th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Dolly tries to remove the scorpio from Ravindra and it bites her. Bebe and Shanky rush in, the doctor goes to treat Dolly. Bebe is worried about Ravindra, Shanky says Rajveer must be behind this, I am telling you to take him home as he will be safe there. Bebe says I can’t put Ravindra’s life in danger, she tells the doctor that I will take him home and you will set everything there. The doctor is scared and says okay. Shanky smirks.

Ajooni is calling Rajveer in the mandir and says why is he cutting my call? Rajveer comes there and says because I am here for my Ajooni. She smiles and hugs him. He says I was waiting for you, why did you call me here and not at home? Ajooni says you might not believe me. He says just tell me. Ajooni says someone from the family called the police,

it was Amrit. Rajveer says what? Ajooni says I know you won’t believe me, I brought that recording to you but they removed the proof against them. I am sure that someone from the house wants to send you to jail. His friend comes there and says the police came to my house, looking for you. Ajooni says now you believe that someone from the family is against you as only I and the family knew where you were. Rajveer says don’t worry, I have to leave now. He hugs her and leaves.

Ravindra is brought back home. Harman cries and says please wake up, I just sent you to meet Rajveer and reunite with him. I just want you to wake up, I can’t live without you. The doctor asks them to let him rest. Harman says I won’t go anywhere. Bebe says please let him rest, she tries taking her from there but Ravindra holds on to Harman’s hand, she says please wake up. The doctor says he is showing sign of improvement. Shanky gets a call and leaves.

Scene 2
Tajendra and Amrit come to meet Shanky, he says Ravindra got saved as Dolly saved him. I should kill him in the house. Amrit says we will kill him but not so soon, I want them to beg for their death. Tajendra says its time to show their place. He asks him to use Bebe against others. Ajooni is passing by and is shocked to see them meeting with Shanky.

Shanky comes home and meets with Bebe. He massages her head and says I want you to rest. Bebe says thank you. Shanky says this Rajveer has given you so much stress? why did Rajveer run away if he didn’t do anything. Bebe says I can’t believe that Rajveer would do this but why? Shanky says who would get all this wealth if something happens to Ravindra? Bebe says then everything will go to Harvindar, Dolly and Rajveer. Shanky says that’s why he is doing all this, he wants that wealth. What if anything happens to Ravindra then Rajveer will ask for his share. Bebe says I will call the lawyer and ask for his help. Shanky says you can call him but what about you? Rajveer might attack you or Dolly if he gets to know that. Rajveer might kill Dolly to get more property. Bebe says no, I won’t let it happen. I will put all wealth in your name. Shanky says don’t do that, they deserve their share too. Bebe says its my last decision to give all wealth to you. Shanky smirks.

Tajendra and Amrit come back home and Ajooni confronts them that they met with Shanky. Tajendra says yes, we met him as we worry about him, I raised him for years. Ajooni says then you could have called him home. Amrit says you are confronting us like a policewoman so shut up. Ajooni says you keep saying that they are our enemies but you are meeting with Shanky behind our backs. Amrit tries to slap her but Ajooni stops her and says I know you people are playing a game against Rajveer and I but I will expose it soon, she leaves. Amrit says we should take care of this girl today only.

Bebe calls the lawyer and says I want to change the will so come and meet me tomorrow. Harman comes there and says what is going on? Bebe says I will give all my wealth to Shanky, Harman is shocked.

PRECAP – Tajendra tells Amrit that Ajooni is stupid, I told her that Rajveer got into an accident and she ran away to check on him but she doesn’t know that she will be hit by a car. Kaviri is shocked to hear that. Ajooni finds Rajveer on the road and rushes to him but a car is about to hit her but Kaviri comes there and tries to speak up, she screams Ajooni.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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