Fan Fiction


“I am staying with you for how many days as a paying guest?”- Annika asked Prinku.
Priyanka stumbled on the rug at the corridor .Annika bhabhi had really gone insane to pay for her own house.. her husband..
“Last six months..”-She walked more carefully,”this is your house too”.
“Oh bete ki!!”- Annika covered her mouth,”what work did I do that I became owner of such a big house”.
Owner of a big house..She is owner of a small heart..the small and weak heart of Shivaay Singh Oberoi..her brother.
“An event organiser”- Prinku entered her room,”the best one in Mumbai”.
“Oh…”- Annika smiled as she got her identity of work,hard work,”I am an event organiser then..My equipment for work”..
“You can ask Shivaay bhaiyya about details”-Prinku sat on her bed and dragged Annika with her,”he have the keys to your store room and office”.
“I will ask him today”- Annika sat silently for some times.
“Shivaay look here ..”- Pinky initiated her drama,”I think I have slight fever”.
“You”- Dadi put dupatta over her shoulder,”Billu is a businessman not a doctor”.
“I will call the doctor Chotimaa”- Rudra came to aid,” we are not ready to bear your fever when all we are suffering from head ache”.
“Call the Doctor, Rudra”-Omkara hurriedly came down, a bag in his hand,”I am going to Bareilly as that Kaali Thakur kidnapped Chulbul from here”.
“Go and bring him back soon”- Jhanvi knew by then that Chulbul is Gouri..her daughter-in-law…
“I am coming with you O”- Rudra tag with his brother till the door.
Rudra will come with him and Shivaay will be left alone in his problem when Annika bhabhi is not with him. Omkara Singh Oberoi is not selfish to leave his brother in problem..but his best buddy Chulbul and his life is in innocent life is to be saved…his best buddy Chulbul.
“Om you go…”- Shivaay bid a good bye to his pony tailed brother,”Annika is here safe with me..nothing to worry”.
“Shivaay my house key”-Annika show her hand,”I am going there now”.
“You can’t go there like this”- Shivaay got terrified..she is set to leave him behind and move away from his house..,”I have misplaced the key some where”.
“You lost my keys..”-Annika felt like chocking the Billu,”Where will I go now”.
Did anyone said bad words to her…She is not willing to stay here with his family..his thought went on like a train that have a single chain to pull down its speed…
“I got a new deal to work for a wedding”-Annika cried dramatically,”you are my friend for life but enemy for my job”.
“Search my keys soon”-Annika pulled him with her,”you careless boy lost my office keys”.
“Office!!”-Shivaay felt like losing his memory,”its not office..its your old house”.
“Whatever…just give me the keys”- Shivaay wiped his face as a glass of water wet his handsome face,”You are just a friend..don’t try to control my life just because I am staying with you”.
“Annika stop!!”- He flared his nose in anger,”You are not working anymore”…
“Why not,but Prinku said I am very good at my work!!”- She put the glass back on the window panel,”I am working and you can’t stop me”.
“You are no one to stop me “-She accused him…
He is no one..Shivaay Singh Oberoi is no one to his own wife..his married wife with all the front of the whole world..Now as he had accepted that she is his some one special…he remained no one important for her….He wished to bang his head hard..
“You throw me in the pool”-Annika shouted but he has no other way to remind her of her memory as she threw water on him as per their rule of love..
“This is not the first time Annika..I did it before also”- He felt helpless at his own condition,”you always throw water at my face and I throw you in to pool”.
“Thank you friend”-Annika hugged her forgotten husband,”for teaching me swimming for these many days”.
“You have to say this only”- Shivaay wished he can die by drowning in the three feet deep pool water,”kuch aur yaad aaya??”..
“Haan yaad aagaya”- Annika left him and reach up the edge of pool,”People catches cold if they remain in water for more time unnecessarily”…
“what the wuck!!”- Shivaay too came out from water.
“Rudra for Annika’s mother now as she claimed that day in front of the whole media that my wife is her daughter”- Shivaay ordered his Laxman,”Annika is out of her memory..let both mother and daughter spend some time together”.
“I will bring Saahil from boarding school too”- Rudra tosses car keys in air to catch back in his playful manner,”Saahil can be helpful in this case”.
“No..let Saahil stay there”-Shivaay was not ready to hurt his friend..the little kid from problems,”If Annika denied to recognise him then his condition will be worst”.
“Smart boy Billu”- Rudra quickly hugged his super hero brother and ran for his duty…
“The drama can be exposed once that lady is here”- Shivaay ran his fingers on hair,”the matter is more complex then it seems to be..and we both are suffering from its consequences”.
This had to be end ..for once and forever…He can’t live like this. His wife is with him and still away from him behaving like a complete stranger.
“I will not let you go away from me”- Shivaay Singh Oberoi promised himself.
“Bhaiyya”- Rudra called in his mobile,”here is no eyes and stars”.
“What!!”-Shivaay controlled his hands from murdering his new few hours old mobile,”Which eyes and stars!!”..
“Nayanthara…eyes and stars together”- Rudra did his signature logic sign but Shivaay couldn’t see it through voice call.
“We have to find her soon”- Shivaay find an easy dustbin to throw all his frustration and anger.
Shivaay Singh Oberoi all set to find the reason his wife behaving aloof to him…


Animated-energy shines the spiritAdmirer-can and have manySweet- The pleasurable feelingTime-for its importanceHeart- Warm and loving Assertive- The attitude with style

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