thank you roshni aastha advaitha umama for ur comments and if anyone by chance read it thanks to you to . sorry aastha for the late update had personal issues .umama i didnt understand what you meant hope you will make it clear.
yet again i woke up all sweating and panting, breathing heavily in this chilling early morning. it took a while to control my laboured breaths. oh! how i hate that dream cum nightmare. its been over month since i’ve started seeing the same dream everynight. it takes me six hours to see something that could have taken place within just thirty hours. and this stupid headache. damn! it kills me inside out. but the one thing i couldn’t put my head on is that boy’s face,as soon as am up all i remember is his blurred face while the rest of the dream can be clearly remembered. “ouch!” mummas scream snapped me out of my thoughts. “jezz, u better be upcoz i dont wanna give your teacher anymore excuses again nd anyway you’ve already lost two weeks classes, wait you even remember you have tuition today.
god when will you give her brains and jezz i want your room to be cleaned after ur classes”. oh no! tuition. i sighed for it was all i could. “jezz i want your lazy butt out of the bed in ten seconds” i heard mumma calling out and that was all i wanted to hear for i dragged myself out off d bed and towards d washroom. mumma was right i indeed had a lazy butt. after getting fresh i wore black jeans a white tank top and pulled my hair into a neat ponytail. for me getting ready meant wearing neat clothes and tying my hair up i hate to leave my hair free. i have average looks which i have inherited from both my maternal and paternal families. my mumma is the most beautiful lady i’ve ever seen. and when it comes to cosmetics we both have a strict no mantra. i even have a beautiful sister(cath) who happens to be a dentist by profession,the one who supports me in all my mischievs .
my dad (dadda) is quite an angry bird one of the reasons he never get involved in our studies he has this temper you see. while descending the stairs i cam see mumma setting the table for breakfast. mumma is the best cook i’ve ever met,alright maybe not more than my grandmumma . whenever mumma comes in my mind all i could think of are two words-love and selfless love. being a graduate in a subject people dreamt about in her twenties, she gave up all her dreams for me and cath. “good morning baby” mumma beamed i never understood how people could change colors in such a short time . i nevertheless snorted for she knew this morning was not much good for me as am having tuitions. she was trying not to laugh at my expressions. by this time dadda and cath had even joined us. “mumma i really” i began but”jezz baby when you’ve already met your teacher wat is the so need in getting nervous”this time it was dadda. “dad its just that she dnt wanna go, i mean mom she has been learning by herself all this while and has always been responsible” and here comes cath my sweet savior. but mom is really adamant
“i know that cath but i also remember her struggling with this subject during her boards”. i ate as quickly as possible for i hate being late even if it was for something i dont like, so i practically gulped down my breakfast. once i finished it i gave one last pleading look to mumma before storming out. i took my darling bike and set out to mission tuitions. despite the fact that i dont wanna go i feel inexplicably calm and mind seemed to be in a relaxed mode. my teacher lived just two blocks away so it wasn’t even much of a journey and i reached in hardly fifteen minutes. but as soon as i parked my bike my heart started picking up its pace and i lost my cool….
hope this ones long enough and sorry if theres any mistakes. all i got to tell you is that this is a story about the wierd dreams i have been getting and the wierdest part being most of it turning into a reality. this is a story about my dreams put together along with a plot i have had in my mind for a very long time
Oh!!!smelling strongly good….??just hope that u will continue it…and update the next part ASAP…did u give the intro earlier??
Hey ireena I’ve already posted the intro am sry i dnt know to give u link hope you’ll find it and thanks for d comment
Yeah..i got it…its beautiful. i do hope that u will post the next part sooon?
Hey frndz sorry to say even though the content is d same d format is quite different from wat I’ve posted jst dnt know why. And in the 1st para i meant to post 30 minutes instead of 30 hours and thats my mistake
Really lovely yrr you described every sceme perfectly well… What a lovely family jezz have or better to say.. You have!! Keep writing anandha
Thanks support yaar…
Thanks *for the support yaar…?
It’s ok.Lovely..Interesting.Eagerly waiting for know those dreams.
Thanks yaar…
sry 4 te late reply……………loved it……….so this is ur story ??????? naughty girl…………