Fan Fiction

All alone ragini episode 55

The episode starts with sanskar shocked face and that photo to be revealed as ragini and ananya photo and gets tensed by reading message to save them.
He walks here and their and thinks wats happening who may be that person who wants to hurt swara and ragini .is he related to me but no laksh past oh my god i have to talk to him and clear things or else it will become late and sees whole family is coming and hides that
photo and cleans his face and ap comes and hugs him.
Sanskar:-maa relax nothing happen to laksh ..
Ragini is holding swara hand who is really scared..
After a while dp and rp also comes.ap goes and rests her head on his chest and crying…
Dp:-dont worry ap nothing will happen to him.
Rp:-haa bhabhi u see its a small accident laksh will be fine.
Sujatha comes and consoles ap
Meanwhile doctor comes out all rushes towards doctor..
Dp:-how is my son doctor.
Doctor:-he is out of danger no need to worry its a small accident
We will shift him to room and within 1 hour he will gain his senses and leaves from their.
Rp:-i said na babhi nothing will happen to our laksh.Ap smiles and swara also relaxes.Nurses brings laksh out in strencher all Goes towards him and swara follows him to inside room when they are about lift ragini stops her and says u just got surgeory u cant lift swara.
Swara:-but i want to help plzz.
Ragini:-i have a idea u place hand on him and they will lift ok.
Swara smiles and does as ragini said and she comes back and hugs her and ragini kisses her on her forehead and after sometime sanskar is sitting near laksh by Holding his hands and ragini comes near to him and sits next to him and assures him that everything will be fine meanwhile dp comes and laksh too gains senses and sees all family members and sees ap crying.
Laksh:-maa dont cry i am fine see.
Ap cares his head and asks is it hurting.
Laksh:-no maa and by the way u touched it naa so it will be no pain any more..

All gives a little smile elders leaves from their .
Sanskar swara and ragini are their with laksh.
Sanskar:-how this all happen laksh.
Laksh:-bhai leave na we will talk later.
Sanskar:-situation is different laksh they have to knew and they should also take care of them selves.
Laksh sees swara and ragini with Shocked faces.
Swara:-wat ever it is say it laksh from 2 days u were in so tensed say it na plzz
Laksh:-bhai as i called u and started immediately in junction suddenly some car came and hitted my car and ran away.
Sanskar:-do u see anyone in car.
Laksh:-no bhai ..infact its so blur for mee.
Sanskar:-we will complain to police we will try by cctv footage
at that street if we get any car number…
Swara:-u still want to say anything.
Laksh and sanskar both sees at each other and shows them photos ..
They both gets tension.

Ragini:-who send it and why.
Swara:-whom ever send it they came to knew about us completely that why they sended photos like this to u..
Laksh:-i dont get who might be it…and catches his head and feels pain.
Ragini goes forward and keeps hand on his head and says.
Ragini:-laksh dont take too much stress ok and leave this to sanskar he will handle it and u should take rest.
Laksh:-but bhabhi they are treating us by taking you both names and our kids..
Ragini:-laksh dont u hear wat i said take rest thats it.
Ragini:-just ..finger on your lips.
And laksh follow her orders

Sanskar and swara smiles.
Sanskar signals ragini to come out.
Sanskar goes out saying some reason and ragini goes to fresh up reason leaving swara and laksh.
Swara:-sits near laksh and has tears in her eyes.
Laksh wipes her tears and cups Her face and says look at me swara.
Swara looks at him and cries laksh hugs her and swara too ..
Laksh:-i am fine dear..
Swara:-i got frightened by lisening your accident cant you drive slowly..
Laksh:-next time i wont smile for me if u think i should recover early.
Swara smiles and laksh too smiles.

Outside room.
Sanskar is waiting and ragini comes their and asks..
Ragini:-is situation is serious sanskar.
Sanskar:-haa i am having a doudt that it was not a accident and its a warning to us…
Ragini:-oh my god then we have to carefull.
Sanskar:-ok lisen i will stay here with laksh to night u and swara leave ok.
Ragini:-but sanskar ..plz be carefull and takecare of laksh too.
Ragini and swara leaves to maheswari mansion.
Sanskar is sleeping on sofa and laksh on bed ..

Its night a person comes inside by holding a injection and covers his face….
He sees sanskar sleeping on sofa and goes near to laksh and keeps a hand on his neck but stops and takes a injection and about to Inject but unfortunately he hits a tray and it makes a sound because of it sanskar wakes up and looks here and their and sees a person with injection who is about inject laksh.
Sanskar slowly gets up and takes a flower vase and hits him on his hand and soon his injection reaches to corner and when he about to leave sanskar catches him and both struggle a lot because of their noises laksh gain His senses and sees sanskar fighting with some one else and shouts for help and tries to go and help him but he unable to get up because of medicines..
Soon that masked person sees few people coming to room and threws sanskar with all force and he hits to wall and know his head is bleeding and he too fall unconsious…and laksh gets shocked by seeing blood on sansky face.

Precap:-ragini cries seeing sanskar injured and laksh returns home..


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