Anjali got ready for her first day in school..She was waiting for Auto rickshaw..There was heavy rain..At that time dog was barking loudly..because its puppy got struck in middle of the traffic..She walked towards puppy..At the same time one boy came running, jumped toward puppy hold it safely nd saved it..She cant see his face clearly..She felt happy for that boy, that he was so caring at this age..Den she went to school..It was all well in school..When she was coming back to home..Suddenly one car went very fastly..Nd someone throwing garbages from that car on the road..without stopping it..The car was stopped after going some distance.A teenage boy came out to clean his face..Anjali got angry with this boy..She urged towards him..but he get in nd drove fastly..Anjali scolded him for putting garbages on the road but not in trash..She said “How irresponsible ”
To be continue..