Fan Fiction

I am always there 4 u.. I dont need anyone episode 17

This is 7 years leap..

In Australia
Now Arnav was 24 years old..he was now young buisness man ..started own firm without his father’s support.

Arnav getting a call from his Dad..he don want to take the call..he didn’t pick…then his mom called…he pick up the call…

Arnav: iam very busy right now..i will call u after sometimes..
Dad:Beta just listen to us..we need to talk..
Arnav: ok..after coming to house ..we i need to go..
Mom: Beta ..just one minute..plz..
Arnav: No mom..bye..
Mom: Beta..i am dying..will u plz listen to me..
Mom:yes,.i leaving forever..and before leaving u all..i need to fix some things…in my life i just focussed for wat i want to..i just don care about anything..with ur dad’s money..i enjoyed everything..even i don’t care for u..but wen ur love, care goes for someone..i got scared..not becoz of u..but the money…i thought like that anjali was using u for our money…thatsy i asked ur dad to take u with us..but some other things were these seven years u never go for her..or she ..i know that u didn’t say anything to her..she will be in now before i am leaving this world..i want u to be in safe with lots of goin for say all the tomorrow wait for my call…no..for ur sister call…bye beta….
Arnav: Mom r u serious…or is this any kind of Drama..if that i don want to use my sister..
Dad: no beta..its serious..beta in my life ur mom was everything to me..wen she says she want to live this life..enjoy her life..i earned for her..for day and night..i lived for her happiness…after ur birth i keep listening to she leaving me..i also want her keep happy even in her last days..we will call u time to flight..

Arnav was very happy now…finally he was goin back to India…everything was solved..he goin to meet his dhi…he will be with his dhi forever…no one will separate them…Arnav was so happy…

Next morning..

Arnav waited for their call…but before that he got a call from his PA..sir flight got crashed..ur mom dad was no more…

Arnav: wat..
He heard the flash news..that the flight went to india got crashed..everyone died…

Ankita:Arnie..wat happened… cant do this to me…i need to see my…
Ankita:Arnie..relax its dream..
Arnav: sorry darlin..i can’t get over it..u sleep…i am ok now…sleep..
Arnav went to balcony..he sees the star..some was shining..he just stare them..
Arnav: y do u always doin this to me..wenever i am happy u crash them..after a long parents agree my dhi
…but u kill them..y r u doin this to me…but i decided.. i am going for my dhi..i am goin ..India…

To be continue…


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