Fan Fiction

FOR YOU? ALWAYS (part 21) An Ishqbazz FF by 29

Chapter 21
She was looking at him. He was such a great guy. How can someone be so selfless and inspiring? “Look didi! Bhaiya gave me these books” a small kid with huge glasses came running towards Anika and showed her his gift which was given to him by Shivay. She bends down and looked at the most expensive edition of Harry Potter books set in the kid’s hand. It was a rare edition and only Shivay could have get it. “Wow Anand! These are amazing” she said and Anand ran from there to show his gift to other children. Every kid over there had a gift in hand. Anika looked at everywhere and all she could saw was happiness. KidS were now painting on Omkara’s face, one kid was sitting in his lap and Gauri was also taking part in the painting while giggling. “How beautiful these two are looking” Anika thought to herself. Kids were calling Rudra “The Superman” because he was giving them rides on his shoulder.

Sidharth got hold of Mother Ria accidently, he was blind folded so he had no idea whom he was approaching and Mlika was rolling with laughter on the floor by looking at an embarrassed Sidharth. A wide smile made its way on Anika’s face when she felt a small tap on her shoulder. By turning back she saw the pair of most beautiful eyes looking at her with love and care. “Thank you Shivay!….its just amazing. Look how happy these kids are. I mean I have never seen them so happy before. Why are soo good?” she wanted to say allot of things to him but words were not strong enough to praise his act. He looked at her for few seconds and then he engulfed her into a hug. It said everything, it conveyed every emotion, it answered every question. Anika closed her eyes and few kids were running around them and were singing some song.

In the night, everyone was now very tired because of all the dancing and fun. But Shivay went directly towards his study. He had some work left to finish. Anika saw him working and thought that what a workaholic he is. She went into his study with two coffee mugs. He was busy in his work when he sensed her. “Come in Anika. why are you staring at me” she was on his back and her widened in shock on this. How did he always know that it’s her? she came inside and saw him typing on the laptop with speed. He was writing some mail to someone and to many tabs were opened on the front bar. Managing hundreds of tasks in time was something only he can do. She sat on the sofa near him and give him the mug. Shivay looked at her, took the mud in his hand and shut down the laptop. “You made it?” he took a sip and asked her.

Anika nodded her head in yes. “Its brilliant” he took another sip and a smile appeared on Anika’s face. Getting appreciated from your love one is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Shivay was looking at her and she was looking at the cup while moving her finger around the round ring of cup. “Is something bothering you Anika?” he placed his cup on the table and took her hand in his. Her hand was cold and Shivay gently rubbed it to warm it. Anika still didn’t say a word. This time Shivay took her other hand as well by taking the cup away from her hand. “You can tell me” he came a little close to her.

ANIKA: I am afraid Shivay! (she almost whispered and Shivay tightened his grip on both her hands)
SHIVAY: Don’t be….just live this life with me and I’ll vanish all of your fears. You are getting afraid of the happiness? Stupid girl…. (He pocked her nose and Anika smiled back) You have Shivay Singh Oboroi, nothing bad will happen now. I promise (He placed both his hands on her cheeks now and was creasing them a little. Anika thought that she could not handle anyone closeness but she was wrong. It was Shivay and she trusted him the most in the world. Shivay bend towards her a little and Anika felt sweet burn on her cheeks. They both were sitting in a huge study with dim lights of lamp. Shivay made his face close to hers and Anika closed her eyes. He was noticing every feature of her in detail. Moving and more closer he realized that she has closed her eyes even more tighter. Shiavy was now an inch away from her face when he down casted his eyes and saw her clenching the fabric of her cloth tight in her palms.

He moved his face up and gave her a small peck on her forehead and then moved back. Anika was nervous, yes she trusted him but still she got a little afraid. It was hard for her to totally get rid of her past tortures. She opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her. “You can always stop me when you are not ready Anika! Don’t be nervous anymore” and he genuinely mean it. He had dreams and desires but Anika’s will and comfort was his priority. Again, this guy won for her. she thanked God after a long time. The rest of the time she sat there reading a book while Shivay again got busied with his work. Both were discussing few things in between. Dadi and Rudra saw both of them through the window and both prayed for the happiness of this couple.

“I am going to sell this stupid, good for nothing car of yours” Malika said this irritatingly. Because Sidharth was busy in fixing his car for the past one hour and she was sitting inside like a small irritated child. He can afford best car but no, he can never leave this old, sick car. “Sometimes I think that he loves this car more than me” Malika thought this and just then Sidharth came inside the car.

SIDHARTH: What? Why are you looking at me with such dangerous expressions? (He pretended to be afraid of her)
MALIKA: I am serious Sidharth. You chose me or this khatara. (every time they go out, this car never let their journey to be a break free one)
SIDHARTH: Hey don’t do this to me. you know how much I love this car. I bought it with my first saving. I have emotional attachment with this car.
MALIKA: This means that you love it more than me? ok then why don’t you marry this car instead of me. (she folded her arms and turned her head away. Sidharth love it when she is angry because she doesn’t know how to be angry. She was so bad at it)
SIDHARTH: Good idea! Then I can take the pheras by actually sitting in the car. Wont that be cool? (He was in a full mood to tease her)

She wanted to smack him but she didn’t gave any reaction. This time she will not agree easily. Sidharth tried to talk to her for few minutes and then he gave up and took out a bar of chocolate from his pocket. “When nothing works, chocolate works” he thought to himself. Maliak was a business women, she was strong, bold and confident but one thing which was typical about her was her love for the chocolate. That’s why Sidharth always use to keep a Chocolate in his pocket. Without even uttering a word he just started eating the chocolate. Maliak first ignored him but then after so much resistance she turned back and saw him eating the bar with amusing expressions. “What kind of fiancé are you?” she tried to snatch the bar from his hand but he was quick enough to draw back his hand. Maliaka was now looking at him with anger. They were supposed to go on a dinner but his stupid car again got stop. She was so hungry and this guy was sating chocolate in front of her without even offering her.

SIDHARTH: You want some? (He again showed her the bar and Malika looked at him with irritating face)

But this time he offered her the chocolate. By putting all her ego and anger on the side she grabbed the bar from his hand and started eating it. She lifted her head up when she was finished. Sidharth was continuously looking at her. how childish she behaves sometimes. Sidharth moved towards her and kissed on her cheek. “You are so cute” he whispered in her ear. “Let’s just stay on the road for the whole night” he encircled his hands around her and pushed her towards him. Mlika gave him a threatening look but in response he again kissed her cheek. “This is road Sidharth! Leave me” she tried to free herself but he was not in the mood. “Sidharth! You are getting cheap day by day” she pushed him back a little when he was coming more close to her. “Madam! Due to this cheap boy, Anika and Shivay are now together” she said this with pride and lift up his collar. “Woo… we all were there to help them and you are taking the credit all alone” She ruffled his hair and he moved back instantly. “Hey not the hair” he said like a child and Malika laughed while Sidharth started to dress his hairstyle by looking at the mirror.

“Please please don’t kill her” Omkara was busy on a call when he heard Gauri’s voice. By ending the call immediately, he almost ran into his room and there he saw Gauri sitting on the bed with blanked all over her and while hugging the pillow tight she was watching a horror movie. Omkara laughed on her “Gauri! Look at your face. You are looking more horrified then the heroine” Gauri gave him a poker face look and then she again started commenting on the film. Om came near her and sat on the bed. he took the bowl of chips and started watching the movie. The scenes on which Gauri got afraid, Om actually laughed on them. Now they both were in the same blanket when Gauri gave a small shriek by hugging Om tight. She placed her hand on her eyes and tried to look at Tv but again she hid her head in his chest. “Why don’t you turn it off?”

Om said this by encircling his protective arms around her. if she was getting so afraid then why was she watching it. “No I want to see the end” Gauri again peeped from the blanket, she was still hugging him. After the movie Om was about to go when she held the collar the of his shirt. “Where are you going?” she asked him like a child. He was going to finish his painting but by looking at her all he afraid he decided to stay there. “Nowhere” he again slipped himself into the bed and Hugged her. she too encircled her arms around him. Om combed her hair with his hands and Gauri closed her eyes. She hugged him even more tighter and Om placed a kiss on her forehead. She clenched the collar of his shirt when his lips made its way down her nose.

“You will make me crazy one day” he whispered in her ear and kissed on her jawline. Gauri was blushing hard and she smiled a little on this line. Om traced his finger on her lips and then his lips replaced his hand. He kissed her gently. With care and affection. She didn’t respond but she also didn’t object. After few seconds Om broke the kiss and again hugged her. he will not move forward until she is ready. She knew what he was thinking. But she too needed some little time. What was right now is just perfect. She didn’t want to rush into the things.

Hey Guyz! I know I didn’t follow my precap. Just decided to change it little.
Do tell me how todays chapter was. Please please please do comment. Your comments are very valuable to me. keep reading and keep sharing your precious views with me.

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