Categories: Amita Ka Amit

Amita Ka Amit 17th June 2013 Written Episode Update

Amita Ka Amit 17th June 2013 Written Episode, Amita Ka Amit 17th June 2013 Written Update

The epi starts with Batuk asking Amit about Antra. Amit goes quiet while Ammu waits for an answer. He fumbles….his wife. Batuk asks him who he is talking about. He replies you don’t know him. He is from our college only and I fact was in our batch itself….Ankit. batuk denies there was no one with such name in our batch. When Amit insists Batuk decides to call and check with Sanjay. He will help us. Amit snatches his phone from him startling both Ammu and Batuk. He was our senior in Arts section. Batuk again corrects him. There wasn’t any art section in our college.

Amit feels completely trapped. He looks towards Ammu and then signals Batuk to support his story who finally obliges. Amit gets up to get his papers and leaves for his room. Batuk too excuses himself from there citing

if he stays for a little more time than Amit will get doubtful. Ammu nods. He leaves while Ammu stands tensed.

Amit is searching for something and wonders why anything isn’t found at the right place in their room. Ammu enters and takes out an envelope for him. Were you looking for this? He looks at it wide-eyed and then back at Ammu with slightly shocked expressions. He kind of snatches it from her. How do you know I was looking for it? She says she guessed it. He questions her if she has checked what is inside it? She is surprised. What are you saying? Why would I check it?

He replies that so because you are talking to my friends behind my back. Ammu says she dint call Batuk bhai for that. He asks what for then. She thinks…..he wanted to gift you something so came to ask me about your preference in music. He explains to her that he has been with Batuk since he was 4 years old. He knows everything about my likes and dislikes already. Think of a better excuse. And our sweet Ammu tries to think of another (lol ). He tells her to let it be. I am leaving now as I am getting late. She bids him bye but the very next second stops him. I too want to go shopping please drop me at the market. She goes to get her purse. Meanwhile he gets a call and excuses himself. Please take another car as I am in a hurry. He leaves. She thinks Kanha ji you would have made just one piece like me. I got the very same person upset who I wanted to give surprise too.

Ammu and Preeti reach a club. They are almost done with their shopping. Ammu thanks Preeti for helping her as if she would have gone alone then she would have been stuck on which colour balloons to buy only. Preeti laughs. If you would have decided the colour as well even then you would be debating with yourself as to whether to buy them at all or not. Decide the gift for Amit fast as ma is messaging me to come home asap. Ammu says she wants to give him something which he can keep with himself for the rest of his life. Preeti teases her saying that gift you already are giving him. You are about to confess your love to him that will be the best gift. Preeti shouts I love you while all the people sitting there look at her surprised. Ammu tells her to stop for the same reason. Preeti smiles. Amit isn’t here to listen to it. Rest everyone else be it. Ammu smiles.

Amit is at the very same club talking to someone on phone. Yes I am at the coffee shop itself. No, I am early. He smiles to himself thinking I like girls who come on time.

Preeti urges Ammu to think fast as she has to leave. Some guests have come over. Ammu is confused. Preeti suggests buying lenses for Amit. Think about it he will look so smart without spectacles (specs). Ammu smiles at the idea and gets thinking. Preeti finds her lost. You keep thinking while I leave. They both bid each other bye and she leaves.

Ammu smiles recalling Preeti’s words about Amit looking smart in lenses. She dreams of him playing badminton, pool and even swimming without wearing specs (guess she is forgetting he is a typical workaholic…when did she see him playing…cute though!). She blushes at the idea.

She thinks to herself. Amit will see the whole world with my gift. How romantic! She calls Amit asking him the number of his specs. He is puzzled. She says she has problem in looking at things kept far. Though it is not so that if I see you then I wont recognize you. She is walking and comes behind a pillar. Amit is right opposite it. He suggests taking her to doctor for medical check-up as he comes home. Ammu denies. I am talking about your specs. Leave all these questions. Tell me the number. He replies that she is having problems not him. Plus your questions have no basis of any sorts. They are mostly irrelevant and weird. She tells him that she can guess hers depending on his. He reminds her that this isn’t a film. I have an urgent meeting to attend to. Saying so, he disconnects the phone before she can say anything else to him.

Ammu turns and spots him. She runs after him calling his name. He stops, turns and comes back to the very same place opposite the pillar. But she hides again while Amit goes back inside the club. She sighs in relief. Its good otherwise my surprise would have been ruined.

She picks up her shopping bags and something strikes her. amit said that he had a meeting with his client then what is he doing at this coffee shop here. Amita Shah you should change your name to Mrs. Shakki Shah (because of her doubtful nature). His meeting can be anywhere. She is still fully not convinced about the same though. Should I check once?

Amit takes the lift while Ammu takes the stairs. A girl is shown coming from the poolside (hazy, face not shown). Amit takes a seat inside the restaurant while Ammu watches this from outside confused. What am I doing? Spying on him? yes because you are mad. Let us go Mrs. Shakki Shah.

Ammu and that girl collide sending a stuff rotating towards the pool. The girl runs after it and catches it before it falls in the pool. Ammu apologizes to her. That girl tells her to chill. I too should say sorry. Looking at your packets it feels like you are planning a surprise party for someone.

Ammu smiles. It is for my hubby. It is a surprise party so don’t tell him. The girl looks confused and then smiles. Ammu smiles sorry I know it was a bad joke. Your way of talking tells me that you are not from here. She nods back. I am born and brought up in the US though I am a complete Indian by heart. I am getting late and don’t like to keep anyone waiting. Wish your hubby from my side too. Ammu thanks her. Nice meeting you. The girl hurries upstairs after telling her the same.

At Shah House, Ammu excitedly shows her purchases to Nani and Fallu. I bought everything from sale. They both smile looking at her shopping. Looks like you have looted a shop. Ammu sweetly tells them I am a middle class girl so even if I loot someone I will loot in sale only. All have a hearty laugh at the joke. She tells them how she bought return gifts for Amit’s friends.

Ria and Tina watch all this from upstairs. Ria sulks. Say anything she (Amita) is indeed lucky. Look at her. because of her there was such a drama in the house. She doubted Rohan and looking at everyone it seems that everyone has completely forgot that incident. Tina tells her not to think too fast. However much she tries to set things right, she hasn’t been able to stop Amit from going to the US. Ria isn’t convinced though. When he sees the surprise birthday party planned by her he will automatically feel something for her. tina nods. It might be. She smiles to herself.

Amit comes back home. Tina stops him and hands him a glass of cold drink. I am worried about the recent happenings hope everything is fine. Amit tells her not to worry. Whatever happened dint create rift between anyone at home. I have forgotten everything plus Rohan too has forgotten it all.

Tina thanks him. I was feeling so burdened. He assures her that everything will be fine. She asks him about his birthday plans. He tells her that for him every day is the same. She reminds him that he is married now. He must take her out on a dinner date or something. Amit goes speechless.

Precap: Amit’s phone rings. Ammu looks at the caller and is shocked. It bears the photo of the same girl she had collided with earlier at the club. I was born and brought up in the US but I am Indian at heart.

Update Credit to: pooja

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