Categories: Amita Ka Amit

Amita Ka Amit 22nd April 2013 Written Episode Update

Amita Ka Amit 22nd April 2013 Written Episode, Amita Ka Amit 22nd April 2013 Written Update

Episode starts with the conversation between Ammu, Preeti and Aarti. Aarti says what instead of thanking you he scolded you? Ammu right away denies….he dint scold me. He only asked me not to do anything for him. Aarti teases unke liye?? Ammu blushes and asks her to not to tease her. She then asks you must have felt bad then. Ammu again denies that she dint. I am still wondering why I dint feel bad to hear him say that. He had pain in his tooth whole night and I sat holding his cheek. I felt good that I could do something for him.
Aarti points out that this means she is falling in love with him. Ammu again blushes but dismisses it. We fight after every minute how can we fall in love with each other?
Aarti says their story seems like some television soap. People fall for each

other in arrange marriages too. Ammu asks Preeti to tell Aarti to keep quiet. I told papa also that we will go on honeymoon to make our relationship work.
Aarti says then why are you searching for excuses of not going? Amit spends his whole day in office and you guys sleep in separate rooms at night. Honeymoon is the only way to bring them closer.
Preeti agrees with Aarti. But Ammu says she promised Amit that she wont force him to come along.
Aarti makes her realise that she has promised Hemant to go and Amit that they wont go. She is stuck now plus she has no time left. Ammu realises what Aarti is saying and hurriedly disconnects the call.

She enters in the kitchen to speak with Fallu. Fallu says she was waiting for her. But why does she seem so worried? Ammu tells her that she cant tolerate cold. Kashmir would be too cold for them.
Fallu tells her that she has packed shawls / coats for her to wear there. I was waiting for you so that I can teach you to make Amit’s favourite dishes. Ammu is tensed. She recalls Amit’s words… don’t have to do anything for me.
She asks her what if he doesn’t like something which I make. He must be habituated to what you make. Fallu smiles and tells her that Amit’s dad too used to eat what ba used to cook but after marriage he started liking what I make for him. Now its your responsibility to take care of Amit.
Fallu is packing Amit’s lunch. Ammu sees parathas and reminds her that Amit had toothache yesterday. Fallu is taken aback that she forgot. Now what should she make for him?
Ammu suggests khichu? Fallu agrees and says it wont taste good when cold. She tells Ammu to take Amit’s lunch for him. Ammu has no choice but to agree.

Amit is in a meeting with his employees. He tells them to have lunch later and first concentrate ont he meeting. Next minute, he spots Ammu outside his cabin. He suggests them to go and eat first. They go after wishing hi to Ammu.

Ammu comes in. He asks she bought tiffin for him? She quickly tells him not to be angry on her. Mummy ji had asked so I couldn’t say no.
Amit says no not for that. He had toothache na so he wont be able to eat it. She says you can as it is khichu. He becomes happy that his mother remembered that he had toothache. Ammu becomes quiet. He eats it but realises that this isn’t cooked by Fallu.
She says she has cooked it. I donno how make much too many dishes but certainly know how to make khichu. Amit smiles. You remembered I had toothache? He compliments her khichu. She smiles shyly while Amit continues to eat.
She sweetly says you had asked to forget everything I tried to but remembered it all of a sudden.
He says no issue. She then shares how she told Fallu that she cant tolerate cold as an excuse for not going on honeymoon. He excitedly asks then?
She shares how mummyji said she has packed warm clothes for me. Then I started making khichu and I liked it when she said I had made it the right way. But to create less mess next time.
Amit shares that he wasn’t angry with her in the morning….he was worried.
She tells him not to worry so much. They will find some way out soon. He clears her confusion….I wasn’t speaking of honeymoon. I was speaking of your hand. You sat holding my cheek whole night so it must be paining right?
-Ammu sweetly nods in a no. She shyly steals glances of him while he is eating. She says I was thinking if I lie that I have got hurt then we can cancel going on honeymoon.
He quickly dismisses the idea….what if she gets hurt for real? I too will have to stay awake like you. Both smile at each other. I have an old client in Srinagar – Mr. Ashok – I have never met him just spoken to him on phone.
She says oh then I will have to find some reason to stay here alone. He says no he dint mean that. He says if you want you can come along too. She becomes excited. With you? You want that I come with you? Amit says yes. It will mean two things – he can attend the meeting and they both can roam around Kashmir too. But if you don’t want to then. Ammu cuts him midway and says I want to. Both smile at each other.
Ammu quickly adds that as mummyji has done the packing already so she too will have to come or else. He asks her to start the packing then. Both smile at each other and sweet background music is playing in the background. Amita leaves all smiles and Amit watches her go.

All 3 friends again have a con call. Aarti and Preeti tease her that they cant believe he has agreed to come with her. Ammu says he has some work that is the only reason to come along.
Preeti says stupid, you think he only has work so has agreed to come. You only pretend to be naive. Ammu blushes and asks if she should pack jeans too? Preeti teases why not after all she is going on her honeymoon. Aarti too teases her this time they will stay in one room right?
Ammu says you….the servant comes and tells her that her parents have come. She cuts the call and goes to meet them happily.

Amit’s dad and Fallu welcomes them. He says they should have called before coming. Hemant and Varsha are tensed. But Amit’s father says so that he could have asked them to bring over his favourite sweet. Hemant hands him 3 boxes of the same sweet and he becomes all the more happy and hugs him.
Ammu comes running and hugs her parents. Varsha tells her to pack as many warm clothes as possible. Not to take something from the hands of strangers and put chain on her bag. Hemant tells her they are going in a plane, not train. Plus there is Fallu she will be training Ammu. Look, she has already started training her and our Ammu has become so intelligent. All the while Amit’s parents smile listening to Ammu’s parents worrying over Ammu going.
Amit’s dad asks everyone to come inside and sit. All go in but Hemant stops Ammu. He says you cant believe how relieved he is after finding out that they are indeed going on their honeymoon. Ammu says yes we both are going for sure. Now you don’t have to worry at all. All packing is done. He hands her khakra and she happily takes it. Both smile.


Ammu enters her room and starts looking for her Kanha ji. She takes out the idol from her closet and thanks Kanha. He has made everything fine. Now there is no more tension. Thank you and smiles.

Hemant asks if Amit Kumar likes cricket? Because people find great bats there in Kashmir. Just then, Amit comes and starts keeping the baggage one by one. His dad teases him if he is planning to settle down in Kashmir.
He says his things are in one bag while the other bags contain Ammu’s stuff. Varsha says it is still less. Whenever she goes out she takes double than this. All smile.
Amit again confirms with them if she does this always? Hemant says yes always. Plus, whenever she is going to some special place, she takes more luggage. Fallu calls for Ammu and Amit follows suit.
Ammu shouts she is coming. She is happily coming downstairs when she trips and fall down the stairs. All rush to her. Tina, Ria and Rohan too rush to her aid while Amit stands back and thinks she is faking.
He has flashback of her words….what if I act that I have got hurt somehow. He thinks if she dint want to go then she could have told him. Why did she have to do all this?
Hemant asks him to come and help Ammu. Amit still busy in his thoughts says it is just a small injury.
Hemant is taken aback and says…small? she fell from stairs. Ammu is in pain and looks at Amit.


Amit’s dad calls for the doctor. Ammu gets up and asks Amit to keep the luggage in the car. He nods. She tries to walk but fails and shouts in pain. Hemant is keenly watching Amit’s reactions.
All try her to forget everything and rest first. They have called the doctor he will come and check you first. Tina, Ria and Rohan are disappointed that their plan failed.

Amit thinks she is overacting. Whatever she is doing but one thing is for sure she is too good in acting. The doctor checks Amita and tells them…..she doesn’t have fracture but her ligament broke. She will have to rest for some days. All become worried listening to this.

Tina has flashback of her own words to Rohan….when Amit goes to Kahmir, he can easily handle the high-end client he wants to. She says what…they have to go on their honeymoon!
The doc says she cant or else her ligament will break completely. Ammu is shocked and asks this means honeymoon cancel? The doc says sorry but yes. You cant go anywhere for some days.
Everyone is tensed for different reasons. Hemants tells her to get well first and then think of going anywhere.

Precap: Hemant shouts at Amit….your drama / your lie was to come in front of everyone one day and it has come now. Ammu shouts at him stop it papa. You forgot that I am not your Amita….I am Amita Amit Shah now. Amit looks on.

Update Credit to: pooja


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