Categories: Amita Ka Amit

Amita Ka Amit 7th February 2013 Written Episode Update

Amita Ka Amit 7th February 2013 Written Episode, Amita Ka Amit 7th February 2013 Written Update

Epi starts wid amita waiting for the oder guy(whom amita thinks he s amit) to get up…but she s hell shocked the real amit to get up and walk.. she starts walking..and amit may be scared o tensed and he starts walking in the oder direction..and someone in da group tell him to go wid her…hesitatingly amit goes to amita…
Amita was expecting amit to pull chair for her.. but amit dint do tat.. they both sit…and amit starts saying yu look entirely diff from the pic which was sent to me and he show her pic which was in his phone…
Amita starts blabaring like tat pic was taken in mall…and tat pic was taken after the makeup…
Amit doesn’t like mall and he says its just waste of time..
After some discussion they both decide to go…and while she gets up she

drops her purse…all da items in the purse falls down…it had all girly things which irritated amit…
While going few kids playing there bumbs into amit he scold them not to play here and ask them to play in play ground…then amita remebers the FB( where amit was repremanding a kid for eating choco’s widout permission).she s hell shocked…
They both come bac…amita’s grandpa and amit’s dad ask their opinion anout each other… they both don’t say anything..infact thy dint kno wat to say…
Amita’s dad saves the situation telling let us give them some time….amita’s grandpa is little bit annoyed wid her dad’s decision..but still evryone agrees…
They leave the place.Amita’s house
Grandpa reperemainds his son for interferring in between whe he was present at place…he s annoyed and leave…
Amita’s mom n dad decide to talk to amitaAmit’s houseHe says sorry to nani and tells tat he doesn’t lik tat girl…n tells she doent know to keep her purse locked….and talks more unwanted things…nani s little bit sad hearing this…
Amits mom supports him and tells nani to calll them and cancel the alliance…
But amit’s dad doent like da idea and tells amit to take some more time and think..
Nani walks away..amit comes behind and asks sorry…but she tell him..yu oly saw her negative shades…but yu dint c her loyalty…even befroe asking she told true abt the pic taken….amit says I kno but I don’t wanna marry tat girl..and he tells her nani to politely reject the alliance….

Precap: amitas mom n dad asking whether she likes amit

Update Credit to: siri


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