Fan Fiction

AMOR – shades of Love n Life Chapter 1

First of al I wud lyk to say SORRY for the late update but wt to do I’m new as a writer, so I want some tym to thnk n frame sentences n write. So please cope up with me n hav sme patience. Thanks u al fr reading my ff. Please feel free to show my mistakes n errors. I vl glad to read n vl try to rectify it. So, Here s d story:

Bangalore :
It’s 7 in d Morning, When everyone r busy in their own world.
A Park s shown, Where n number of ppl r seen walking, jogging, relaxing, enjoying d weather n childern playing in d ground. Wt a pleasantful Morning it s. Their u see a gal who jus finished her jog came n sat on a bench, closing her eyes n enjoying d morning. She ws wt might b happening @ her home ryt nw.
As usual Swayam wud b watching TV n either working in lappy o checking social networking sites.Maa wud b in kitchen preparing breakfast n lunch fr al. N Rihaan wud b enjoying his morning slp.
As she thot about her family a small smile appeared in her face.? Her family ws worlds best family, she luvd her family a lot. Especially her Maa, Sumi has alwayz been thr for hr childern. Aftr Rajshekar’s Death, she ws Completely Broken inside out. But she put a brave n strong face fr her children. Wn dad passed away I ws jus 8, Swayam ws 14 n Rihaan ws 11. @ tht tym papa’s business ws taken care of his partner’s. So after Swayam completed his studies he took ovr d business. He made sure tht both his siblings study well n raised thm as his own kids. N Rihaan ws ready to giv up his studies so tht I can read well bt as alwayz Swayam nevr allowed him to do ths. He n Mom took care evrythng whch ws needed n nvr showed us hw difficulty it ws. Bt evn tough v wr kids v alwayz knw wt ws happening around. When paa died, Mom ws in shock she cudnt tke tht her husband betrayd her n left wid 3 small kids. For smetym she mentally weak. @ tht tym nobody ws thr fr us. Tough our relatives helped us a lot bt v had to see our mom suffering bt Swayam alwayz stood wid me n Rihaan.( U might b wondering y I’m nt my elder brothers as Bhai coz wn I ws kid I ws stirictly warned frm my brothers nt to call thm Bhai, so frm tht tym I strtd calling thm wid thr Names ☺ )After a while mom got well n she becme backbone fr our family n my bro. She made sure tht v nvr hd to ask fr anythng. She alwayz kept evrythng ready fr us. Being a typical women aftr marriage as in alwayz listen to ur husband n b dependent on him bt aftr he passed away she becme srtng n strtd working in an Orphanage as Art teacher (as I mentioned in Intro).

I love her a lot, She s my Bestest frnd. I share evrythng wid her n ask any silly o serious questions to her n I get answers instantly. She s my ROLE MODEL n INSPIRATION. She Loves me d most thts wt my bro’s thnk. Its nt lyk tht as im d youngest of all. So thy jus love me a lot.Thy can do anythng fr me. My family alwayz stood wid me in evry part of my lyf. Mom stood by my side through out my heart break evn aftr me being pathetic n psycho. She handled me n brought out of my miserable Heartbreak. Aftr tht I becme more close to her. Evn nw wn I remember those days I jus Hate myslf to d core fr doing such thngs. Bt thn I ws in serious Depression. A tear escaped frm her eyes thinking about it.?

Coming out of her dreadful n painful world, she glanced d tym in her phone. It showed 7:30. “Shit, I lost track of tym in my thinking. I should rush back o else I vl b late for my office” she tought.
She entered her two story building house with a smile n ringed d door bell. Swayam opened d door wid a wide smile n greet her. “ Good morning, Swetie” said Swayam. “ Very good morning, Swayam. Where s mom” I asked. He pointed towards kitchen. Mom yelled frm kitchen asking Swayam to wake up Rihaan – d Night Owl ?? I shook my head n wnt inside kitchen back hugged mom n wished hr. “ Good Morning Sumo”. Mom smiled @ me n gav me d milk glass. I kissed her cheek n tuk d glass n wnt straight ahead to my room. My room ws meesed up wid yst cloths n lappy n sheets etc., The walls of the room were painted in two colors 3 walls ws paintd in peach pink with 1 wall havng photos n anothr ws covered wid wardrobe n third ws occupying a small shelf n table where I work. N I lov ths wall especially, the wall behind my bed ws paintd with light sea green n ash colour patterns ws drawn on it. A family ws hung on one side of the wall as othr side ws an empty frame, coz my my mom wnts to see a family pic of me wid my future in laws.

HUH????? “Crazy, isnt it” I feel d sme bt she nvr allows me to tke tht either, hmmp. I quickly tuk my cloths n wnt inside bathroom, tuk a quick shower n got ready by 8. Hd d milk, tuk my stuff n headed dwn. While descending stairs I sw Rihaan coming out of room rubbing his eyes lyk kid asking fr mom. I smiled at him n greeted him. “ Good Morning Rih” I said. He opened his eyes fully n chckd me out n showed thumbs down saying I ws luking bad. I ws wearing one of my fav dress, Black n white full length sleeveless kurtha wid blck leggings n matching earings.I plaited my long hair whch comes till my waist.

Hw I hate him fr ths.? He does ths al d tym wid me. Al d tym teases me n gets beating frm me.He loves to irritate me n I love to get irritated by him bt nvr shw tht else he kill me one day by his irritating tanturms. Its our daily routine to hv Dog cat fight. Bt today I dint hv tym fr ths as I ws already late. I thnkd him fr d complement n wnt to hv my brkfst. I took my lunch frm mom. I Bid bye to all n left fr my office. It ws already 8:45. I had to reach my Before 10 o max to max 10:30. As I hv a meeting to attend. D meeting s gng to strt by 11, bt I need to get prepared fr it. I took out my buffalo i.e., My enfield n strtd to head to my office. It tuk me 1.15 hrs to reach my office. I stopped my bike in front of a building, showing companies name in block n bold letters it said “ CASA & BODA”- U tell us ur drmz n v will make it come true(ws d caption). It ws an interior desinging as well as wedding planner firm. The branches of d firm is in major cities of India. I ws an Interior designer n Ragini my bst frnd ws Wedding planner. We both worked fr same company. As soon as I entered my floor. Evryone greeted me, n I greeted thm back. My collegue came running n gv me a hug n wishd me wid a warm smile. I wishd hr bck n wnt to my cabin i.e., inside our forest coz v hv a vanar sena here. My team ws big monkey clan of d floor n I lead thm. Huff…… I cant b angry on thm fr long tym coz thy do al thr tancturms n make me smile, bt thy listen to me al d tym as v r nt a team bt v r frnds of eachothr. Its been 3 yrs I strtd working here, evry year my team got d best team award n I got d best leadership award. Al d credit goes to my vanar sena. I completed d day of my work wnt bck home. V Usually hv dinner togethr n chat fr awhile, Watch TV n go bck to our respective rooms. I wnt to my room, gt changd into nite cloths. Layd on my bed thinking hw my lyf wud if d person nvr cme in my lyf. Ths ws d question I ask my self everyday to slp n nvr gt an proper answer, n Slpt into sound slp.

PRECAP : May b an insight in Sanskaar’s Lyf.

( only if u wnt me to continue aftr ths deardful chap )

So ths ws insight of Swara’s Life. I hope I dint bored u guyz wid ths much stuff. I dint wnt to giv an incomplete end. Thts y I wrote so much abt hr I thot if stop smewr it might b incomplete.

Thnks once agn guyz……… Fr bearing my terrible Writing Skills. Plz do comment n forgive me if it ws nt good.

P.S: I want a special gift frm Anjali, Anu, Brusha n Mandy. I knw u might thnking if I hv gone mad to ask a gift. Yp, I hv gone mad for ur FF’s. Its my B’day guyz………. On 14th of ths month n iwnt u guyz to post ur ff tht day widout miss, as it will my day more happiest. I’m a die heart fan of ur FF’s, as soon as I see ur ff s posted a wide smile speard in my face n d atmosphere around changes to happiness. As I love to read ur ff’s I wnt to read it on tht day. So PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ………. I knw am asking ths shamelessly tht I wnt a gift bt wt to do im lyk tht oly. U hav to bare me ????

I fell u guyz vry close to my heart especially I feel ths connection wid Anjali “TE” n Anu “ My Baby Sis”. In my lyf I nvr felt ths connectd wid smeone I don’t evn knw much abt……… Love ya guyz a lot…… Hy no offence othr authours ah!!!!! Its jus my feeling im expressing………… LOVE YA ALL ☺?????


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