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Aniruddh Dave Posts on social media after 22 days in the Hospital

COVID-19 is wrecking a havok in our country and the second wave has claimed many lives. Thousands have lost everything they have got and it has been an absolute menace. The infection rate is still sky high and there seems to be no solace. Our TV industry too is severely affected.  Many celebrities have tested positive and some have even lost their lives.

We all know how actor Aniruddh Dave tested positive for COVID-19 almost a month ago and we knew his condition was very serious. His fans were praying day and night and there were just a few updates on his health. But now it seems like the black clouds have dispersed.

We know how the actor was admitted to the hospital immediately after he tested positive. There is a huge piece of good news coming in where Dave seems to be much better than he was and he posted about it himself first time on social media in all these days. He captioned his entire thing in Hindi as he said-

We wish him a speedy recovery and all the health.

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