We are glad to announce that now you can create an account on our website.
Here we highlight features of User Profile.
As a registered member:
-You can have your profile where you can post updates, add information about yourself.
-You can send private messages to other ‘registered’ users.
-You will get notified when someone posts a comment on your article, on your profile, sends you private message, or replies to one of your comments.
(You can find notification button on bottom right corner, as in picture below)
-No need to fill “Name” and “Email” fields when commenting. Just log in and comment.
-No need to fill “Name”, “Email”, “Captcha” when submitting an article.
-Set your custom profile picture easily.
In future:
-Ability to format your articles with different font size, colors, etc.
-Instant approval of submitted articles for qualified members.
As a guest:
-You can now easily find articles of a particular author on their profile by visiting their profile and going to “Posts” tab.
To create an account, please visit – https://www.tellyupdates.com/register/
You can find login page link in top Menu Bar. If you are browsing site from a mobile device, then you will need to expand top Menu Bar by clicking on horizontal bars (as shown in picture below).