Anupama 13th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Anupama apologizes Vanraj for bearing insult by Barkha and takes Shah family in. Vanraj angrily looks at Barkha. Anuj welcomes them in his poetry style. Leela expresses her anger towards Barkha’s misbehavior. Anuj signals Anupama what happened. Anupama signals nothing. GK joins him, and they both welcome Shah family and thanks them for coming. Barkha gets irritated seeing that. Hasmukh hands over gifts to Barkha. Anuj introduces Shah family to Ankush. Barkha signals waiter to keep Shah’s gifts under the table away from other guest’s gifts. She then gets more irked seeing god’s photo at the entrance and questions Anupama. Anupama says she fixed it.
Barkha then walks to her room and takes headache pill. Ankush questions her what happened now. Barkha says Anupama’s children and family are having a good bonding to Anuj, which would be problematic for Sara and Adhik and they would be left behind. Ankush asks her not to mix business and family. Barkha says Sara and Adhik are Kapadia empire’s future, but Anupama’s children will be the hindrance between them. He asks her to chill. She says she will not let anyone hinder her children’s progress and walks away from there.
Anuj asks Anupama what happened outside as he heard events team discussing that they held Vanraj outside. Anupama says Shah family’s name was not included in guest list. Anuj says Barkha must have made the guest list, but he would have checked. She says the problem is solved now. She calms him down saying he is looking handsome in anger and asks him to be same forever. He acts normal but looks tensed once she leaves.
Sara and Samar are surprised to see each other at the Anupama-Anuj’s house. Sara realizes Samar is Anupama’s son, and Samar realizes Sara is Anuj’s niece. Paritosh and Kinjal join them and introduce themselves. Paritosh questions Sara about Adhik. She says he is her mama/uncle Adhik. Adhik and Pakhi also are surprised to see each other there. They also introduce themselves as Anupama’s daughter and Barkha’s brother. Paritosh, Samar, Kinjal, and Sara join them and mingle along well forgetting their past tussle.
Anupama serves juice to Shahs. Leela critizes Barkha wearing revealing clothes for pooja and then praises Anupama’s diamond necklace. She then asks about pooja. Anupama says she will ask Anuj to start pooja. Barkha gathers guests and announces Anuj’s return in Kapadia empire. Kavya taunts Vanraj that he was just blabbering I am back, but Anuj had a real bounce back. Anuj thanks Barkha for decorating the house and then praises Anupama and announces that Anupama is the legal owner of his house, his business, and even him. Everyone claps while Barkha gets irritated. Anuj gives mic to Anupama and asks her to speak when jealous Barkha switches off mic and plays music asking guests to enjoy the party with dance and champagne. Leela feels irritated seeing party before pooja.
Anupama switches off music and plays bhajan, leaving Barkha burning in anger more. Leela comments that Barkha doesn’t know that 5-page moral gyaan Anupama is her devrani now. Anupama tells Barkha that they they will perform pooja first and then party. She starts explaining the value of house and culture. Barkha asks what about her guests who have come here for party, how will they sit for pooja. Anupama says they will also sit for pooja. Barkha stands stunned seeing her befitting move.
Precap: Leela notices her family getting along with Anuj’s family and comments that they need to be alert in daughter’s house and shouldn’t visit often. Anuj and Anupama perform pooja. Barkha determines to snatch Kapadia house and empire from Anupama.
Update Credit to: MA
What is the point of this. Anupama just left one txoxic house hold to be in another one, come on. Just let Anupama be in peace for once.
Good episode, don’t worry Anupama, the moment you will announce Puja, people will keep shoes out and help in cleaning. We are that good.
Not only Pakhi almost everyone in family apart from Baa is showing mirror to Vanraj now a days.
Thanks to makers to show how powerful the women can be when family especially husband is supportive. This is the actual empowerment.
In the above video Indrai spoke very clearly how men are supported even in jail and how women are abandoned being inside jail even though they might be innocent.
Choose life partners very wisely.
Finally if you are making Anupama an employee/employer, then atleast please show the work ethics that you follow and show the actual struggle women face while working outside.
Women can no way be alrounder both at home and office, we can never follow the rituals as our parents did. But yes we will carry the essence ahead, and cook a wholesome food instead of chappan bhog.
Laws of nature are not different from laws of God. All laws are covered under the concept of Dharma. Bhagvadgeeta states law of Karma which covers all actions and its result. Bhagvadgeeta describes the law of rebirth. Bhagvadgeeta describes immortality of soul. Bhagvadgeeta states the Varna system which makes every person endowed with unique qualities which determines his profession. Bhagvadgeeta mentions three modes of energy, namely, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas which determine human nature.
But Bhagvadgeeta is not a text book of science to teach laws of nature. It is also not a constitution or a book of state laws or social laws. Bhagvadgeeta is a book on Yoga which tells us how to unite with God. It teaches us how to attain self-realization and God-realization. It teaches us how to be free from suffering and bondage. It teaches us how to remove ignorance and attain knowledge of Self, God and Brahman and its relationship with the universe.
Copy pasting real subha’s comments will not make you Subha, idiot.
Still A fake subha
If you were not fake, you wouldn’t have copied Real Subha’s earlier comments
“यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।”
इस श्लोक में श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं “जब-जब इस पृथ्वी पर धर्म की हानि होती है, विनाश का कार्य होता है और अधर्म आगे बढ़ता है, तब-तब मैं इस पृथ्वी पर आता हूँ और इस पृथ्वी पर अवतार लेता हूँ।”
“परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे।।”
इस श्लोक में श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं “सज्जनों और साधुओं की रक्षा करने लिए और पृथ्वी पर से पाप को नष्ट करने के लिए तथा दुर्जनों और पापियों के विनाश करने के लिए और धर्म की स्थापना के लिए मैं हर युग में बार-बार अवतार लेता हूँ और समस्त पृथ्वी वासियों का कल्याण करता हूँ।”
Kitno ko fake bolega haramkhor?
Both Ankush and Adhik looks like they are already fed up with Barkha’s Tantrums and had a tough past.
But she gonna fail to Anupama and again and again have to hear 5 pages Lecture.
Step by step she will grew more remorseful and vengeful and then to Psycho Stage and probably again gonna fool Anupama by signing her Contract Papers, but like Kavya and Rakhi couldn’t succeed, who is Barkha?
Yesterday I watched Ravivaar with Star Parivaar. It was awesome. My cheek was hurting at one point.
I love the way the character of Anupama is shaping up. She is a strong woman. She will fight against any evils. Correct, Kavya and Rakhi bhi hara nahi paye fir Barkha kis khet ki muli hai? Love you Anupama!
Duplicates are clones. Clones are always better than clowns.
What is it called when you duplicate a human?
Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of human cells and tissues.
Cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a living being by reproduction of cells and tissue. The possibility of human cloning has raised controversies. Many ethical concerns have prompted several nations to pass laws regarding human cloning and its legality. But if I say cloning was known to man even in the Pauranic era, does it sound absurd? Perhaps not! There are lots of indications in various Hindu Puranas and Shastras.
Rubhus were three brothers (Rubhu, Vajra and Vibhu) created from the cell of their father. Their father was old but they were cloned young to bring back the youth of aging parents. Additionally, they also created a cloned horse and cow. Cloning of Rubhus is mentioned by seven different sages in seven different verses of Rigveda. All of these sages were from different generations thus depicting that such a technology existed over a long period of human life.
These seven sages along with the hymns they composed on Rubhas are as follows: Kanva Medhatithi- Rigveda, Book 1, Hymns 20; Angirasa Kutsa – Rigveda, Book 1, Hymns 110 & 111; Deerghatamas – Rigveda, Book 1, Hymns 161; Vishvamitra – Rigveda, Book 3, Hymns 60; Vamadeva – Rigveda, Book 4, Hymns 33; Vasistha Maitravaruni – Rigveda, Book 7, Hymns 48 and Shrunu Arbhava – Rigveda, Book 10, Hymns 176.
The next task of Rubhas was to create a high-yielding cow that yields copious milk. Puranas describes this method in details where there is a description on cells taken from back skin of cow to create a cloned cow. Rigveda, Book 1, Hymn 110, verse 8 निश्चर्मण रभवो गामपिंशत सं वत्सेनास्र्जता मातरं पुनः | सौधन्वनासः सवपस्यया नरो जिव्री युवाना पितराक्र्णोतन || Translation: Out of a skin, O Rubhus, once ye formed a cow, and brought the mother close unto her calf again.
Rigveda, Book 1, Hymn 111, verse 1 तक्षन रथं सुव्र्तं विदम्नापसस्तक्षन हरी इन्द्रवाहा वर्षण्वसू | तक्षन पित्र्भ्यां रभवो युवद वयस्तक्षन्वत्साय मातरं सचाभुवम|| Translation: Ingenious Rubhus prepared a chariot for Indra, prepared two powerful horses (2nd being cloned from 1st), made their old parents youthful again and gave new mother.
King Vena was a great but cruel king. He banned all Vedic practices and challenged the sacred rituals of Vedic priests. This created immense fury and anger among the sages. One of the sages killed him using his spiritual powers thus ending the tyranny of Vena. When monarchy of vena ended, anarchy took its place and the kingdom became miserable without a king. Sages decided to create a new king from the dead body of vena.
The sages churned the thigh of the dead king wherefrom came a dwarf clone of vena who inherited the evil mind and qualities of vena. “What shall I do?” asked the cloned king. Seeing the newly formed clone deficient of kingly qualities, Sages asked him to Nishada (sit down) thereby giving him the name ‘Nishada’. King Nala and Eklavya of Mahabharata were descendants of Nishada.
This is reply for @shubha rply of last episode in my comment,so first of all I just said I didn’t liked her dress which meant I didn’t liked her saree’s color nd makeup doesn’t mean m asking her to dress western nd judging her for this,so I think u must get a checkup for ur eyes as well as mind.
Well, I didn’t ask you for your advice. If you need any counsellor help please let me know. I will be happy to help.
You are purely a troller.
So happy to see a dharmik at the platform wholeheartedly u r welcome
Even I didn’t asked for any advice but still u gave me so it’s my duty too to advice u what I feel good for u na,anyways u saying tht u can help me with counselor hints tht u are already taking help of one so it’s good,don’t worry u’ll be fine soon.
Nimki, Every dharma teaches to have mercy upon everyone. People do not follow it, however, they are dharmik.
Dharma means right path and every path is right only to the extent of how ancient and time tested it is.
Also Dharma word is attributed to Hinduism alone and to qualify further it is called Sanatana Dharma. I will leave it to you to research what Sanatana means.
Followers will only be as good as the path. It is true that all paths prescribe mercy. However paths cannot be compared based on a single quality alone.
Why is it that every Indian Serial has a bad person in it ? Each and every single serial I don’t remember seeing one Indian serial without having a bad person. or rather bad people.
Why would Ankush be the inheritor when his not the real brother his only a cousin right plus Mukku is still there how is it that it would be Barkha’s brother ????????? how would it be Ankush or his daughter.
Anuj is adopting so that kid will get inheritance right ????
Why does it have to be from one toxic house to another toxic house ??
Enough of bad energy and bad people in the serial .
Because like in reality also Troller has to exist. Like here now this Fake Subha.
In our life too we encounter good and bad people. don’t we? Even Mahabharata has good and bad characters and positive people have to suffer a lot! That is a rule of the life.
I know because I have experience of all kind of people. Some were chasing for money while Some were chasing for independence.
Why world has war?
@ Subha you can really write man.
Are you a journalist. I admire the way you can write so much
Well done !!
Thanks !!
I have spent my life in toxic environment. I have seen every kind of relatives in my life. I never believed in love, always made fun of it, was rude whenever I saw someone in love.
But have my own story where I fell in love despite the direct warning from my ex that his family will never accept me due to religious differences.
Sounds dumb and blind, but yes love can make some one blind and people get hurt for whole life when they fell in it. I needed my experience to understand the power of love.
This is energy source for my writing.
Sad to know a failed relation is your energy source. Move on. Don’t get trapped there.
Luckily my energy source is my family, friends who guided and supported me through the failed relation, And of course my dear hubby and his vary traditional parents/family who is consistently changing and enjoying disco & dj along with kids now a days obviously after doing Puja as Anupama will be doing in cmg episode.
Never believed that me calling ‘Maa’ is less powerful than Durga sahasranama. But yes as disco makes the environment enjoyable, Mantras make the space divine.
Anupama might have forgotten, but I remember, Kanta MOM, Bhavesh and Rakhi behen are yet to arrive, include their name to avoid another tamasha.
Anupama’s Grihapravesh in the absence of MOM is incomplete from my point of view, I personally would have deferred our grihapravesh in absence of MOM/MIL.
An interesting article:
So if you yawned the whole way through reading this article, you might be able to conclude that your empathy is pretty high…… else you might be lacking emotional intelligence.,it%20could%20be%20a%20symptom.
Until Anupama doesn’t ascertain her authority over her house she will always play second fiddle to barkha. She needs to put her foot down and tell barkha in no uncertain terms : my house, my rules!