Categories: Anupama

Anupama 13th May 2021 Written Episode Update: Anupama’s Ultimatum For Vanraj

Anupama 13th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama tells that Vanraj he is remembering his family when relationship is breaking, but didn’t when he broke the relationship. She says he shouldn’t worry about his children as they are grown up; he need not bother about what her maika people’s opinion as daughter is belongs to other’s house but not her sorrows; he cannot decide everything; everyone thinks she is doing mistake; when husband has returned and is apologizing, she should apologize, Baa and Dolly think same; breaking a relationship is life’s biggest disaster, but living in a relationship without love is a much bigger disaster than that; when they are feeling so bad, they should imagine how bad she is feeling; nothing belongs to a women in her life, house belongs to MIL, happiness belongs to children, and dreams

belong to husband; even if a woman wants to, she cannot lead her own life and if she wants to, people try to make her realize that she is making a big sin; they want her to forgive her husband and become a devi, but she cannot; she tried to forgive his ignorance, insult, betrayal; she tried a lot even yesterday, but she cannot; the moment she saw him and Kavya on her bed, she died 1000 deaths that moment and is unable to forget it. She continues that if she will stay with Vanraj, her whole life will be locked in that moment and she will die each moment; if Baa wants her to die each moment, she should tell her to stop the divorce. Baa doesn’t reply anything. Anu says its 6 a.m. and they will leave for court.

Kavya tells Vanraj that he is lucky that she loves him immensely, any other girl wouldn’t have seen even his face after so much happened; she killed her self-respect for him 1000 times and is doing same even now; if he does a mistake again, he will repent; she is a second woman and Anu’s enemy, even then Anu fulfilled her promise made to her enemy; he shouldn’t try to evade divorce today as she loves him immense and can hate him similarly. She returns to her cottage and informs Anirudh that Anu and Vanraj are leaving for their divorce finalization today and she is informing him about it so that even he gets ready to divorce her. She happily thinks her hope used to break always since years, but finally today whatever she wished is happening.

Baa cries vigorously and tells children that she built a hope seeing Vanraj and Anu performing aarti together. Dolly asks her to stop crying as nothing will change. Samar says it shouldn’t as if mummy is thinking its right, then its right. Baa cries that his mummy is the only right person in the world. Toshu says till today someone else took mummy’s life’s decisions, this is the first decision she took by herself and he thinks they all should support her. Dolly says they cannot forget that what bhai did was utter wrong and he broke Bhabhi’s heart repeatedly, she will respect bhabhi’s decision. Toshu says if they cannot lessen mummy’s pain, they should at least support her. Baa says her heart doesn’t listens and prays god to give strength to Vanraj and Anu as post-divorce life is very difficult.

Anu sees her old Sari in her bag and thinks Baa kept it by mistke, its Vanraj’s first gift for her. Vanraj picks his shirt reminiscing ordering Anu that only she should wash his clothes, her telling they will leave for court at 7 a.m. Anu wears sari and reminiscing Vanraj gifting that sari and she saying its his first gift and she wil wear it on a special occasion. They both walk out of their rooms. Her sari pallu gets stuck in his watch and she pulls it out. Manake Hum Yaar plays in the background. He keeps her broken sari piece. Anu prepares breakfast tea and feels dizzy, she serves it to Vanraj and then serves breakfast to Pakhi and asks Vanraj if they can leave now. Samar asks if they can accompany her. She says no, only she and Vanraj will go. Baa says they are going together but to separate. Anu touches her feet, and she cries vigorously hugging Anu. Anu cheers her up and gives her binocular. She then prays god and consoles Pakhi and signals Vanraj to leave now. He stands up. She collapses. Family rushes to her concerned, Vanraj asks Samar to call Dr. Adi. Samar calls Adi. Vanraj scolds Anu that she always does whatever she likes. Baa says he can scold her later. He says he won’t be having right on her later. They rush her to her bed. Anu opens eyes. Samar brings Dr. Adi’s assistance who checks and informs that her BP shot up due to stress and she will be fine in 5 minutes. Anu consumes juice. He asks how is she feeling now. She says better. He says sometimes it happens due to stress and weakness, she need not worry and once Dr. Adi returns, she can consult him.

Vanraj asks her to rest, but she stands up and walks away forcefully. He stops her and scolds her that she is so adamant to go away from his life that she is risking her life. Samar says he cannot scold mummy. Vanraj shouts if he cannot see Anu’s condition and tells Anu though she hates him so much and wants divorce immediately, she should wait for sometime till she recovers. Anu says why should she stop when she is fine. Baa scolds her that doctor came just like that. Anu asks why didn’t she stop Toshu when he had exam and was having fever. Baa says how could Toshu miss his exam. Anu says even its her exam and she doesn’t want to miss it. Dolly asks what if something happens to her on the way. Anu says Vanraj is her husband one way and will take care of her; when she hasn’t stopped doing other chores, why should she stop walking; she is ready for court now. Vanraj asks what if she stumbles again. She says he wanted to support her.

Precap: Anu and Vanraj sign divorce papers. Anu then returns her mangalsutra to Vanraj saying until there was a relationship, it had a value and now its a normal thread.

Update Credit to: MA

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