Categories: Anupama

Anupama 18th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Rakhi Forgives Kinjal?

Anupama 18th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Baa continues insulting Kinjal. Anu signals Baa to please calm down. Baa asks her not to signal her and says she let Kinjal inside home for Anu’s happiness on Pakhi’s birthday, they gave her love, Kinjal lured Toshu and married him without their permission, her mother instead of slapping her brought police to our house. Kinjal asks if she will insult her repeatedly for her mom’s mistake; marriage was her and Toshu’s mutual decision, then how is it only her mistake. Baa yells she its not even 24 hours since she came entered home and is arguing with her. Bapuji interferes, but Baa warns him not to interfere between women, she is speaking to her bahu. Kinjal asks why is she scolding mummy. Baa says its her right as a saas/MIL and as a grand MIL she will scold even Kinjal. Anu

requests to scold her and spare Kinjal as its her first day in the house. Baa yells that MIL and DIL duo are planning against her. Kinjal asks her not to stretch the issue. Baa says its her mother Rakhi’s nature, not her. Kinjal warns her not to drag her mother between. Baa shouts why shouldn’t she as Rakhi is reason behind all the problems. She warns Anu to make her bahu understand that she is senior here and can scold both her DIL and grand DIL. Kinjal walks away crying and saying she didn’t do anything, even then Baa scolded her. Anu asks Bapuji what should she do when she cannot explain her MIL and her DIL is not that mature to understand. Baa says when its difficult to explain anyone, she should explain herself; he knows its difficult to be a DIL and MIL at once, but she has to somehow. Anu says she will.

Kinjal cries in her room while Toshu tries to console her. Anu walks in and says her new DIL was scolded for the first time, she also felt bad when Baa scolded her first and she didn’t have anyone to console her then, Baa is not bad by heart, new relationships prick and so new clothes, soon she will get habituated to it, later she will realize the beauty of relationship. She asks her to cheer up and apologize Baa and let her and Bapuji handle Baa then, but before that she has to apologize her mother Rakhi for hurting her feelings. Toshu says Rakhi will… Anu says a mother should never be hurt and asks Kinjal to get ready soon, if her mother sees her crying face, she will comment on her, mimics Rakhi. Kinjal smiles.

Vanraj feels headache in office. Kavya walks in and shouts why didn’t he pick her call since last night. He asks not to shout as he is having headache. She asks if he spent night at Anu’s place as she sees her clothes changed. He gives her hotel and clothes’ bills and says he had gone home in the morning for Toshu as he eloped with Kinjal and married her, Rakhi Dave brought police home and created a lot of drama, now she will not keep quiet. Kavya asks him to calm down as he is already having headache. Vanraj says this headache will not go away easily as Rakhi will try her to make their life a hell, he told his family to send Kinjal back, but Anu wants to become mother India and Toshu is chanting Kinju baby, Rakhi will either break their marriage or take Kinjal away under their nose, Toshu will go behind her and become ghar jamai, then Anu will realize what he meant.

Anu takes Kinjal to Rakhi’s house. Kinjal says let us go home as she is very afraid. Anu asks not to worry, old relationships will not end with new relationships, its her parents’ house and they can’t be angry on her for long, Rakhi is a mother and will calm down soon, she is with her anyways. At home, Baa yells that Anu is trying to put her hand in snake burrow, Rakhi came here and insulted them, but Anu went to rub her nose there. Bapuji says bahu knows if one doesn’t bend, relationship will end; Dave family is their relatives and Toshu’s in-laws, its important to clear the differences. Baa asks what is the need for that, there would be only arguments. Bapuji says when she became MIL, she did what she felt right and now let bahu do what she feels right. Baa says there is a difference between right and thinking it as right. Mamaji asks her not to worry, he will explain them. Baa hopes bahu doesn’t get into trouble. Mamaji asks not to worry, he will speak to neighbor dog Tommy’s owner. Baa says they are talking about Kinjal’s parents. Mamaji says sorry. Baa says she knows there would be problem for sure.

Anu nervously tries to ring bell, but Kinjal stops her and pleads to take h er from there. Rakhi opens door and angrily looks at them. Pramod tells Rakhi that daughter came home after marriage for the first time with samdhan ji, let us greet them in. Rakhi shouts no. On the other side, Kavya informs Vanraj that Anirudh is staying in Rakhi’s business head’s flat. Vanraj says business head is not a friend but a CCTV/spy, why did she send Anirudh there. Kavya says she didn’t have any other option to send Anirudh out of her flat, she has decided to return Anirudh’s money which he invested in flat as that is the only way to get rid off him until divorce; she wants to peacefully live with Vanraj even its a rented house. He says let us handle Anirudh first. He gets Baa’s call. Kavya asks him to visit his home first and then come to her later. Vanraj meets Baa who informs that Anu with Kinjal went to meet Rakhi. He says issue will exaggerate instead and Rakhi will create a bigger drama now.

Rakhi tells Kinjal cannot enter in until she performs her aarti and tells Anu that she didn’t want Kinjal to be Shah family’s bahu and tried her best to stop them, but since fate is written and cannot be changed, so its better she change h herself. Kinjal gets happy hearing that. Anu says she told there is love hidden even in parent’s love. Rakhi smilingly performs Kinjal’s aarti and hugs her. Kinjal thanks her, Rakhi cries and apologizes for not understanding that Kinjal’s happiness is with Paritosh, she should have handled issue calmly instead of creating a drama as she won’t get anything with drama. She then apologizes Anu. Anu hugs her and says let us forget what happened, thanks her for forgiving Toshu and Kinjal. Kinjal happily hugs Pramod. Rakhi’s facial expressions changes.

Precap: Anu thanks for accepting relationship and forgetting hatred. Rakhi pushes her down and says she never forgets her hatred and Anu’s place is at her feet.

Update Credit to: MA

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