Anupama 20th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Dussehra celebration at Shah family’s colony starts. Host announces dandiya competition. Samar waits for Rohan at the venue. Anu prepares to leave home thinking since there is whole family around Samar and Nandini, she needed not worry and Rohan will not come here. Rohan hiding behind her holding an iron rod thinks of harming her to hurt Samar emotionally. At dandiya venue, Vanraj asks Samar to be with family till the event ends. Samar nods yes and walks away with Toshu. Vanraj in Gujrati tells I love you to Kavya. Kavya gets happy and asks him to express his feelings often. He says she looks amazing. She says they should win competition showing prize money. He gets more romantic. Mamaji passes by and jokes. Kinjal and Pakhi comfort nervous Nandini and asks her to be with them. Samar calls Anuj and asks when will he come. Anuj says he is on the way. Samar thinks of checking on Anu. Vanraj stops him and says she must be busy with some work.
Anu leaves for dandiya venue. Rohan is about to hit Anu from behind when Anuj walks in and he hides. Anu asks what is he doing on road. He says Samar had invited him, GK is already in and if she doesn’t want him to attend function, he will go out from herself before anyone notices him. She says his respect increases with his concern for his friend and says if he has come, he should attend the event. He asks if she is sure and tries to inform about security arrangements for Samar’s safety when host announces ladies’ dance and Anu walks in. Baa dances with other ladies on Chudi Jo Khanke Haathon Me.. song. Rohan waits for Anu to harm her. Anu greets GK at a chat stall. Anuj says he knew GK would be at a chat stall. Anu dances with ladies. Vanraj gets jealous seeing Anuj and GK. Samar happily hugs Anuj. GK joins Bapuji and Mamaji and jokes with them. Anuj walks to Vanraj. Vanraj says he didn’t inform that they both are coming. Anuj says Samar invited them and says he need not worry about Rohan. Vanraj says they will visit police station soon. Anuj realizes that Samar didn’t inform family about his fight with Rohan, takes Samar aside, and insists him to inform his family. Samar says he will after the dandiya event. Anuj asks him to inform his mummy at least. Samar says not today and walks away.
Anu sees Baa tired and goes to pick water bottles when Rohan tries to hit her form behind. Anuj holds him on time, drags him aside, and says its his good fate that he came in between; he would have killed him he had hurt Samar’s mummy; he should be a man and fight with Samar instead of dragging a woman in between. Rohan says he doesn’t know who he is. Anuj holds his hand and asks to dare try to free it. Rohan tries hard and warns to spare him or else his friends will viral Nandini and his cozy pictures. Anuj warns to try defaming Nandini and if he succeeds he will be destroyed. He informs about his father getting caught in fake drug case in 2000 and escaping to US, he will give his father’s info to police and get them both arrested; warns him if he dares tries to trouble Samar, Nandini or Shah family, he will destroy them both. Rohan pleads not to drag his father in between. Anuj asks why he is behind his ex. Rohan says he loves her. Anuj says he doesn’t as love is sacrifice, prayer of life, etc., and warns if he doesn’t want him to get him and his father arrested, he should destroy all the evidence against Nandini and go away from her life forever; he will call Samar and Nandini aside and Rohan should apologize him to avoid getting humiliated in front of all guests.
Anu offers water to Baa. Baa yells that she called her friend here to humiliate them. Anu says Samar invited Anuj. Baa says she went to greet Anuj like a heroine and orders her to send Anuj away right now. Anu says she can’t insult guest. Samar says Anuj is his guest and will not go. Baa warns him to send Anuj or else she will humiliate him. Anu thinks how can she insult a man who respects her.
Precap: Baa humiliates Anuj and sends him and GK away. Devika confronts Anu that Anuj saved her dignity, but she let him being humiliated. Anu stops Anuj and says he always respected her, now its her turn, and invites him to play dandiya with her.
Update Credit to: MA
Baa should be slapped by bapuji for crossing the line. She is extremely ill mannered and evil like her son. Anupama should give her a lashing and walkout of shah house and not contribute anything to the family. Let the unemployed vanraj kavya and toshu take care of the family. Anupama should draw the line for her children no badtameezi from them should be tolerated. Show them their limits
Baa is not going to change easily.
Its the sanskar of Sati and Sita and Society that is running in blood and vein since ages.
To think and act on your own, one has to be powerful, wealthy, wise cunning and educated.
Baa is none of these so its better for her to follow society and live peacefully.
Society has a set of rules which normally pleases the powerful ones and exploits the weak.
Its easy to live by flattering, pleasing the powerful and by exploiting, utilizing the weak, so rules are set accordingly.
I am saying once again its very difficult for all Baas in our society to change, they have always seen and worshiped Krishna having more than 1000 affairs and many wives without facing any issue.
but they have never seen Rukmini having anyone else. So why and how she will change?
She is not going to change rather Anupama has to stand for herself to gain that respect for herself.
Anupama was pushed against the wall by Devika as seen in the precap, hence she went to stop Anuj. That ill- mannered old lady won’t change until her husband gives a good hearing once and for all.
Today episode Anuj should have called the family to thrash Rohan, but he took matter in his hand. God knows is it good or bad, but Anupama would be blamed.
Josephine I dun understand Anupama why she has to wait for Devika to remind her tat Anuj had been helping her n her family b4 she finally steps forward to fight for Anuj?? Another one is Samar he was the one who invited Anuj so he has the right to stand up for Anuj n tell Baa tat Anuj n GK are invited by him???
He did tell Baa today that he invited Anuj and not Anupama
Is Samar so stupid. He is only increasing problems for anupama. When his family is supporting him why is he hiding such things from them. Anuj is absolutely right. Samar is a fool.
And anupama is such a door mat. All these years she was getting insulted and she is letting those who love her also get insulted
Not this time Anupama.
She gonna do in front of everyone what Baa warned her not to do.
Ya…after that there will be a tamasha at home. Let’s see if Anu has the courage to say that if anyone insults her friends she will not tolerate it be it Baa or anyone instead of apologizing and crying.I think Kavya will also support since she needs to work with Anu.Sick and tired of Anu bending to Baa’s insults because of parivar , mariyada and such crap.Baa insults Anu but shuts up in front of Kavya.She insisted that Anu reject Anuj’s offer but didn’t utter a word when Kavya reached out to Anuj for a job. Baa must be told and Anu should draw the line. She doesn’t have to be aggressive or rude but must do it quietly and firmly.Why should Anuj gets insulted every time.
Loved Anuj & Anupama scenes
loving forward for their Dandiya scene tomorrow 
Samar is putting his family in a dangerous zone….this will complicate things between Anupama and her family….Anuj also needs to understand where to draw the line with his love-sick puppy antics….sry to be harsh but he is only digging a grave for himself while putting Anupama in a very tight spot
Without Anuj’s interference Samar would have been in jail
And Anuj gave his best to make Samar tell everything to his family
But Samar didn’t
I can’t even blame Samar
What child would be able to share his problems to a father like Vanraj?
Or grandmother like Baa
Samar did make a mistake by attacking Rohan
But his decision to share his problem with an outsider instead of family sounds immoral but proved to be best
No one except Anuj could have handled the situation so well
And give a break to Samar
If Vanraj can get away for being cheater, characterless, ill-mannered and selfish monster I think Samar can get away for being a little ruthless which is natural for his age
Don’t cover up Samar’s fault.
Wrong is wrong.
He is doing mistakes over mistakes.
He is repeating the mistake of hiding a big matter from his mother which last time he promised he will never hide.
He also broke his promise.
Now Anupama believes Samar the most. When she will came to know that Samar hide such a big thing and did Mistakes over Mistakes…she will terribly get hurt.
Then don’t blame that Anupama doesn’t reacted like this when Pakhi or Toshu did.
See you can love everyone but trust and believe can be less or more. This is the factor. More it is more will be pain. Natural
Amar,Samar has been treated soo terribly since childhood by Vanraj,Baa and his siblings that his fears of losing someone who loves him selflessly(Nandini)is coming out in the form of taking help from outsiders or hiding things so that his mother does not have to suffer.He told in one of the episodes that Anu and Nandini are the 2 most important women of his life and he doesn’t want to lose or hurt any of them.In this case,he would have to bear both losing Nandini and hurting Anupama.
In today’s episode he even admitted that he was the one who called Anuj and not Anupama.
Yaa I got you.
My point is when Anupama will come to know the secret..she will surely get hurt very much cause she trusts Samar the most. She also believes that Samar will keep his promise that he will not hide things from her.
Anupama loves all 3 children equally but trusts Samar the most. It’s different and so naturally it hurts more when the dearer one / trusted one do some unsual.
Anupama always teaches that no matter what if the person in the front stoops low or changes colors or play nasty…don’t degrade your level. Be yourself no matter what
Kids take revenge everytime
Mature ones ignore/ forgive most of the times
Tho I didn’t understand most of ur words but I find it IRONIC how now ur saying “wrong is wrong” when u WERE totally disagreeing with the same statement nd covering up for “BA” saying she’s stereotypiCal nd what not lolz but later she got soo messed up u had to change ur tone nd here its about samar lmfaoo who’s in his 20s just wanted to point this out nothing else hope u didn’t mind
I haven’t said that its not wrong to be Stereotypical. Ofcourse it is
But don’t compare A baa with a Adult. Baa lost her sanity and can never learn things that fast but Samar can. Samar is not a 19 year old
He is gonna marry
And whatever the age is
Breaking Promises, hiding is not justified by age. It’s also a mistake
I dont really blame Samar. He isn’t thinking about anything except his mother who comes first above anything. Him bringing Anuj into the matter was the best course of action as Vanraj would have yelled at him, then baa would blame Anupamaa and could even go as far as questioning her upbringing.
Even I feel Samar is not at fault. He has complete trust in Anuj. He avoided going to police station because he would have been jailed as rohan had the rod and finger prints as proof. This made Samar more scared. He knew very well that Anuj would handle the situation in the best possible manner. He did not want to trouble Anupama more hence he did not inform her as he was sure that the matter would be resolved without much drama.
This is my opinion.
Soo tmrw we will finally see our #maan’s dance.Super excited.Finally they are showing less of Shah family nd Vanraj scenes and more of Anuj scenes.Seeing Anuj itself makes us happy.Guarav is doing a fantastic job.I have started watching this show after Anuj’s entry.Earlier only my mumma used to watch this,now I give her a company

Zamar is blameless. Vanraj is a tyrant when it comes to samar .
He’s suddenly showing love for him because samar has started hating him the same way . And ofcourse anuj presence. The contrast with vanraj is evident. Baa is a evil character
Soon There will be a new game in PlayStore called Evil Baa HomeEscpape
Eager for next episode!!!!!!!
@Subha – your story about Krishna having 1000 wives/lovers and Rukmini have none and that is Baa is conditioned to be is all irrational, untrue and just ignorant. Whatever we are left with in India is the result of 100 of years of invasions, occupations, forced conversions, foreign cultural norms that are imposed on the Indian society. One glaring example is the HIndu women covering face and hair (head) in Northern parts of India and thinking this is somehow Hindu culture. IT IS NOT! this head covering only became prominent in parts of Northern India where the invasions were prominent. So Hindu/Buddhist women from those areas started covering their heads to blend in with the women of the invaders and/or to protect themselves from being r%ped and forcefully converted to the invading religion. Another example is homos*xuality made illegal by Brits (forcing Judeo Christian rules onto India). In both these examples, Hindus wrongly made to believe that these things are part of their culture/religion when they were never part of Hinduism. So stop with your ignorance and propagating misinformation. The invaders are already doing that anyway.
Anuj is the nucleus of the drama, if he is not there the show loses all its TRPsHe is a Petrarchan, who worship their Lady love by putting her on a pedastal to the stellar heights!
Do you think Anupama deserves it! or she is in Anuj’ s eyes Stella!