Anupama 21st December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Anupama gives water to Anuj and asks him to have medicine. He takes medicine and coughs. She comforts him and offers chocolate. Tumhi Hamari Ho Manzil My Love. She tries to remove her bangle. He helps her remove it. Malvika says she saw a sari and women’s items and asks who wears it. GK says Anuj will answer it. She says its Anupama’s sari, she judged it right. At Shah house, Pakhi with her siblings and SILs watches party pics. Vanraj walks in with Kavya. Pakhi says his party was awsome and he rocked. Vanraj feels happy that his children are proud of him and says he will not forget his responsibilities. Kavya thinks they all forget only her like mamaji does, but she will not let it happen. Vanraj suggests them to let Anu have her life and move on, he doesn’t have right on Anu now, but they have and should remember that Anupama has first right on her own. He says Kinjal is handling Anupama’s duties and has become a junior Anupama, but now they have to manage themselves from hereon. Kavya fumes thinking they fighting and unite so easily. Vanraj says he couldn’t become their friend, so they grew close to their mother; he couldn’t bond with them and really wants to now and offers friendship hand. They all 3 happily agree. Pakhi jokes if he is her friend, he should give her 500 rs. He scolds her. Kinjal suggests him forgive Kavya and give her a second chance.
Anupama tells Anuj that she doesn’t know why he didn’t inform her about Malvika, but knows there must be some reason as he is not a wrong person; she will support him like he always supported her; she felt a bit bad, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t trust her. He thanks her for understanding him and says he will inform everything to her now. She says its okay. He insists. Malvika panics hearing about Anuj’s accident from GK. GK asks her to calm down as Anupama took good care of Anuj. Malvika thanks god that Anu was there for Anuj and asks if she still considers Anuj as a friend or love. GK says he doesn’t know.
Vanraj returns to his room and seeing Kavya thinks he cannot forget Kavya’s betrayal. He watches a news about his new business venture launch and anchor praising handsome Vanraj and young and beautiful Malvika. Kavya thinks if she is not young and beautiful now. Anuj starts his story that he has fond childhood memories with Malvika, but also has bitter memories with her; when she left home last time, he didn’t know if she will return or not; she never stays at one place and is very unstable in her decisions; just like she is the core of her family, Mukku was the core of their family; during his 25th birthday, they danced on Mukkabla song; he never like partying on his birthday and hence they used to celebrate at home, but he wanted to celebrate outside and they all went out except GK; his adamancy changed his life and he lost his parents in a car accident. He continues crying describing how he couldn’t hear his parents and Mukku’s plea and couldn’t save them.
Precap: Malvika asks Anu if she loves Anuj.
Anuj requests Anu not to bother about Malvika’s words as he knows there is nothing in her heart. Anu thinks there is. Malvika stops Anu from cooking food for Anuj and says she will cook for bhai.
Update Credit to: MA
That means i guessed it right abt anuj and malvika’s past after watching yesterday’s episode
I guess Anuj’s father was involved in extramarital affair and Malvika is her illegitimate sister.
I dnt think so
His* illegitimate sister
So I guess Malvika character is negative.. another way to stretch this show. As if Kavya was not enough… Anupama is going to cry and cry now because of Malvika.. makers love to show Anu crying because they get more TRP by portraying her ‘tyag ki devi’. They just want to show more drama..Anuj is a smart business man but he will become ‘bheegi billi’ in front of mukku. He loves Anupama for past 26 years. Can’t he tell mukku to mind her own business? He tells Anu not to mind mukku words but why cant he stop mukku ?
Writer director are nonsense.
I know some paid trollers with fake names like ‘RIP logic’, ‘RIP common sense’, ‘Snuppy’, ‘Yahoo’, ‘Whatever’ and many more will start abusing me and give leacuture after my comment just like Anupama but thats their problem.
Let’s see. But anuj said don’t mind mukku’s words because she asked her whether she loves anuj or not and he thinks she gets uncomfortable with that question as they’re friends. She didn’t say anything inappropriate yet
As of now Kavya is negative because of Vanraj.
If she diches family even after Vanraj’s unadulterated love and family’s support, then she is a real vamp.
But till now Vanraj/family has not accepted her, just like they did with Anupama.
Folks like Baa and Vanraj have this tendency and glad that Baa is a changed person now. Yet to see Vanraj accepting and respecting the life partner.
Anupama and Malvika, sil and dil. Yes this issue exist since ages, people have hiccup in settling with outsiders.
Previously society forced dils to maintain those relations against own human rights.
With progressive women empowerment time to enforce acceptance from both the parties.
You seem to find this serial nonsense. What exactly is non sense here?
Today’s episode changed Vanraj from a rude hitler father to a friend. Is it bad?
You might say people don’t change in reality, but something that doesn’t change is dead/stone, but they also change. Change is the only constant.
The Fact is Anupama serial is a Fictional Drama Series, Last day you objected that Marvel movies are fictional and this show is daily soap but daily soap is just a category like marvel comes in superhero franchise but both the stories are Fictional only! It’s never a real story. So mind you language.
You seems more like a paid Hater from some flop show which can’t see this show’s success.
@Geo or “RIP common sense”, as expected you started barking but with different name because all other fake names were already mentioned by me…. I dont care whatever you tell about me but it hurts you that you shows who you are..
And I had written today’s comment just to see whether you are coming to dump your frustrations or not and you poor guy proved me correct..
Now carry on you coward paid troller..
Typical attention seeker.
, But i dont seen any wrong in your today’s opinion.
Just I wanted to clarify to u that this is also a fictional story.
It’s on your dreams that i am frustrated, still hope you satisfied your lust
In this show the men are spineless…just like a few of the women eg Anu constantly crying for anything & everything – and Anuj being manipulated by this Malvika (whether she is sister or girlfriend). The persistent drama in this Drama is becoming painful to read about and must be agonising to watch for those who still watch each episode. After some time I have brought myself to read some comments which confirms my decision to abandon watching this garbage or even reading about it.
No we are not hurt, we just want to know what is nonsense and how do you want to improve it?
Instead of that if you start calling it dumb, idiot, nonsense, obviously anyone will be offended.
I consider Anupama as my voice, it demands the changes I want.
My dad is still the Hitler in my family, but it was soothing to see Vanraj becoming cordial.
We know people don’t change in real, they continue to suffer and drag near ones in that process, But at least in fictions it can show the changes for better.
@Ritika. [Can’t he tell mukku to mind her own business? ]
No he cant, He cant be rude to neither Anupama nor Mukku.
Both Anupama and Mukku will feel insecure and they themselves have to rectify it to accept each other as family. Anuj taking any side will worsen the situation.
Its a communication between 2 mature individuals why Anuj will interfere till they can manage? I have seen this issue with men where the poor fellow gets sandwiched.
@Sad-Impression, absolutely true and correctly described it as “garbage”.
The writers lack common sense or creativity.
It seems the makers have hired some inexperienced teenagers to write the “so called” story and screenplay because there is no direction.
Totally agree zero common sense in writers . They take extreme positions and totally take a opposite view after a few episodes. Every story needs consistency to appeal. Yesterday’s episode was disappointing gaurav Khanna acting was atrocious to say the keast
@Ritika, you used garbage and you expect yourself to stay clean?
Please list down the changes you want to see, I am sure if they are positive ,will be implemented.
But Malvika is not shown as a negative character yet.She lost her parents in an accident nd she was present in the same car there.Anuj finds himself guilty for asking them to go out on his birthday.He finds himself responsible nd lives vin guilt.
Malvika is his younger sister who has nobody in his life but only Anuj nd GK.
I feel for a girl like her being a little possesive is not bad.Reading it on telly updates I also felt what is her character about, but once u watch it u understand her pain.I mean ofc my sister will be more important for me than the person I love.Even Anu has her own priorities,her children,her baa babuji,mamaji,vanraj nd even Kavya.If they ask her something then she will definitely be as confused as Anuj is right now.
Siblings bond is really pure I guess.Nd from the painful past they have it is not wrong if Mukku wants Anuj to be always there for her.
I find Anuj nd Malvika’s story much more painful than that of Anupamaa.She atleast had her whole family by her side except her husband.But these two only have GK nd had lost their parents so I feel just bcoz of those false rumours spreading around, calling Mukku as negative we have a preformed opinion about her character.
[I mean ofc my sister will be more important for me than the person I love],
this is the biggest mistake everyone does including Lord Rama.
It the stranger is not welcomed into family as family and kept as a stranger whole life, it creates havoc.
Take time to fall in love, take time to get married, but once entering into relationship make sure both set of families accept, else it creates tragedies like Sati/Sita.
Family is more important than the person you love!
That means your love it not your family and vice versa! Please verify your words.
Please make this point very clear before alliance and lets see who agrees to marry.
Everyone marries to get an extended family for love and support.
No one prefers to stay abused in the name of family and that is why divorce is given as an option.
As I always say, people fight, forgive and forget inside family, but marriage is the social institution which show how one behaves with someone outside the family. How one handled marriage speaks volumes about its/it’s family’s personality.
Don’t fall in love/get married, if you and your family cant love and accept and cant protect that person’s human rights.
She’s just his crush. Also anupuma hasn’t yet confessed so they aren’t even in relationship let alone marriage
I want happy ending for anuj, not like sreemoye. He deserves the world. I mean I feel bad for anupuma but not more than anuj. Anupuma had many chances to leave that family but she kept guilt tripping herself and chose to stay, it was her choice. But for anuj, God hasn’t given much chances. I can’t imagine how much that poor boy has gone through, when everyone left except for gk
@Suseme, yes family is more important than crush.
I apologize for my mistake, But once married/in relation, no one should say family is more important than partner.
In fact partner need more effort from both the sides to stay as family.
I am a student @Subha,19 yrs old.Nd I said that line bcoz I see people around me who expect their bf/gf to be the most imp person in their life but I find it very weird.I am single nd have never been in a relationship but until someone doesn’t get married I don’t think that person can become more imp than family.That’s why I said it.Vaise I am single so I may be wrong pardon me for that.
Proud of you @NSP.
But keep my words in mind neither to take your partner nor family for granted.
It needs a lot of understanding to settle with outsiders, lack of which make everyone look negative.
@Subha, what is your problem? Are you related to the production house ? If not then why do you become so senti and giving lectures if someone criticise the serial ? Everyone is free to give their opinion and It is not mandatory that I should also follow your views.
And my opinion will not change if you try to convince with long long comments and justify the plot.
Malvika acts like she is a kid ..
Malvika seems to be open-minded n carefree kind of person I hope she is using reverse psychology to make Anu realises Anuj’s important to her?! Or to test whether Anu loves Anuj or only friendship’s care n concern?
Hello lovely people. I have been watching Anupama from the beginning and often read the comments here. Thought I’d add few of my own today.
Firstly, I don’t understand why they had to bring in a young character or another new character as Anuj’s sister. She has no relevance to the story.
Secondly, she is suppose to be 25-26. So if Anuj was 25 ten years ago then it makes him 35? At least 10 years younger than Anupama? How could he be in love with her for 26 years?
Thirdly, they could have introduced a complete outsider and a more mature woman as vanraj’s business partner. Malvika is too immature and young to be in business with Vanraj.
Fourthly, Anu is back in the kitchen and Anuj is hoovering around her. Whatever happened to their business venture? Is Anuj’s office in a lockdown? Anupama is a business partner and she does not have a company car that she has to walk or take rickshaws to meetings? She looks nothing like a business or working woman. She dressed better as a school teacher.
Fifthly, if Anuj and Anupama are the same age then. Please give her a make over. She does look a lot older than him. I understand that Vanraj is older than her. But please, Anupama needs a makeover. And the actress playing Anupama seem to have gained weight in recent episodes, making her look older and tired.
I hope the makers bring this serial back on track and start showing Anupama’s journey before the audience lose interest.
The serial Anupama doesn’t need a new character to create new dramas. Kavya and Baa are enough for that. Instead, bring back Devika in a more prominent role and show more of Anu’s family.
Just my opinion.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Actually I also thought same! 25+10=35!, but on re-evaluating it, I conclude they never said that parents died 10yrs ago from now! .
Sooo when Anuj was 25,Malvika probably a student and after the demise, GK Anuj got her graduation done there on USA and after that when she bacame independent, she moved Abroad for her work and like an irresponsible child, she forgot to contact her Brother in last 10yrs.
Malvika’s entry surely open up the past of Anuj and we get to know more about him.
Regards to u Mam.
@Shikha, even any irresponsible child also will get in touch with his/her elder brother/sister, especially when their parents are no more. 10 years time is such a long period.
I agree with you . Anupama definitely needs a makeover , she looks way too
older than Anuj. I am also fed up with her soory
accent . Surely she can improve some of her accents .
@Anamika, you are 100% correct. They are not revealing Malvika’s age because they know people will start thinking about Anuj’s age and then further questions. The writers are so obsessed with negativity. They want to show Anumapa a “tyag ki murat” and this is the reason for high TRP of this stupid show. They are scared that Once they stop showing melodrama the TRP will go down.
Some of the points are really unbelievable like an illiterate and inexperienced housewife directly gets job as Anuj’s business partner just because she gave long lecture on maa ke haath ka khana.
What happened to Leela cafe and Anupama’s dance academy?
And why is anupama staying with her ex-husband in-laws? Just to suffer and shed tears and give lectures? And she was trying to convince ex-hubby Vanraj not to give divorce to his 2nd wife Kavya.. height of stupidity.. Malvika looks bubbly teenager instead of a business woman and her overacting is.. huh..
Weiters have forgotten age gap, time gap.. lekin sab kuch chalta hai..
Yes, Anupama really looks old (much elder than Anuj), tired and disinterested in some scenes but who cares?
But let me tell you, If you ask logical questions in this forum, some paid trollers will start abusing you, some of them will go to personal level as well. Whenever we write anything negative about this show or the writers those trollers start attacking us. I started watching this serial since 2020 December after Vanraj’s accident. It was good that time but slowly with gaining popularity they started dragging and showing useless twists.
Whole this Malvika’s track is unnecessary, just to show Anupama’s pain further instead of her journey as a successful woman. They are stuck with family drama and ronadhona thats it.
Anupama stayed back with her in laws as family supported her instead of Vanraj. Isn’t it a beautiful thing?
Anupama looks older still Anuj and even Vanraj adores her. Kavya is doubtful now. Dress or beauty doesn’t define relation.
Anupama is inefficient, and cant sell Maa ke hath ka khana emotion, how will she survive post divorce, forget about being business woman.
Anupama is not tyag ki murat, yes she stayed helpless due to lack of support/education/power/job, but now a days she behaves like a problem solver and is well respected.
In real life divorcees rarely get Anuj type lover, and supporting family. You should have an objection here but looks like you are happy with this fancy.
We have some powerful series like ‘maddam sir’ which show case women empowerment, but Anupama I believe focuses on the day to day troubles which women face inside family daily.
Something that is strictly missing is daughter’s responsibility towards own family.
Kinjal is happily disconnected from her mother, she is suggesting Vanraj to be considerate towards Kavya, but doesn’t remember her own mother.
Anupama’s mother needed a knee surgery, though Anupama took 20L loan for in laws, she didn’t help own MOM.
Nandini should support Kavya in her tough time, but not sure she doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
@Shikha, she forgot to contact her brother for 10 years? Really? Their parents have died and only Anuj is in family so how come it is possible? Or may be they are having one more younger brother or sister and makers will bring them after 6 months

Malvika Avoided her family last 10yrs.
Regarding the last line Maybe it’s your family trend.
Good day
Weldone Shikha, so now you are attacking my family. This shows your upbringing. I wrote that sentence because these stupid writers can bring any twist but you took it on personal level . May be it is your family tradition. Pls chek with your mom.
Merry Christmas.. enjoy with your cast and crew of Anupama

@Shikha, your IQ level is also as low as the childish writers of this show.
Ohh so sorry to hurt you again ma’am if I insulted your team.
But pls sleep peacefully.
Good night and sweet dreams dear Shikha
And yes Ms Shikha, in first comment you wrote ‘Malvika forgot to contact her brother for 10 years’ and in another comment you wrote ‘she avoided her family for 10 years’

So you are confused my dear.
Do one thing, if your own brain is not working , next time pls check with your masters and decide what to write here so that you can avoid confusion..
Now really good night. Sorry I disturbed you dear..
Still not clear whether malvika has come to unite anuj and anu or to separate them. We will see what the future holds.
Practically she should be jealous of Anupama as any other sil.
If she is accepting, understanding and a real empowered business woman, then she should be able to team up/guide/support Anupama as well.
Okay, okay. Let’s begin with today’s episode firstly this was a great step in their relationship. Misunderstandings will on make them stronger, seeing each other weak will make them stronger. This was a big development from going to be uncomfortable by touch to beinging able to comfort each other with hand holding, and the famous pally hold. Is something we seem to miss in the chaos. Someone mentioned the helping of the bangle was a metaphor for Anu’s insecurities and thoughts and by Anuj setting it free of her hand. He to sets her thoughts free. Just something to seep in. Now Today Malvika seemed fine knowing about Anu staying there and also beinging happy that Anuj loves such a caring person. But obviously is worried Anu does not love him back will hurt him, so of course she feels she needs to do something. Second thing I can relate so much to Anuj, I too lost my mother in a car accident (when I was very young) and my dad left me alone. So I understand the guilt that you keep to yourself all the years knowing you could do something. And this also builds character of Anuj that he to got pain behind his handsome smile. @Anamika I to was wondering on the age. I feel they should get a new make up stylist especially if you have not seen the reel of Anu in a Punjabi, her make up there seems a little to loud (could be the filter).
Malvika as Anuj described is the wind, she goes wherever and behaves however. And seems to be quiet straightforward. Malvika is immature and I think a little pushy / bossy. So the why she reacted and asked Anu about her love for Anuj, suits her character they are building. She could handle it better like ask her in private and see her reaction but even if it is in the open by Anu’s facial expression she will be able to maybe see what Anu is feeling for her brother.
Malvika is like the wind so makes her unpredictable, so she will decide what she wants to do in the last 3 seconds. So her wanting to cook. Could be her plan for Anu and Anuj to spend time as Anu is working in the kitchen. But to be fair Anuj should also to Malvika nicely, like hey we are just friends and she might feel uncomfortable etc… Nothing rude just plain talking. Anu will not express now cause she needs to finalize her feelings. Like she wants to but it seems time isn’t on her side. But Anuj can’t also be so blind or dumb he does not know what shying and blushing is. The fact is we need Devika #BringDevikabackNow she is the key element in this equation. She is the one who can help Anu and help Anuj see Anu’s feelings. She is such a good character. And like Malvika is a child then Devika out rules that with her maturity and mature thoughts on most things.
Yes definitely his sister is his biggest responsibility and she is the only family he has left but love both equally and don’t shy from both to tell how you feel on certain things. Because Anuj should also think on his own happiness. I wonder if Malvika is sending them on a date or something like that, due to the way Anu was dressed up beautifully. Malvika seems to be a positive characters with a some negative qualities but not through out she is like child and so it makes her impulsive. If you see what they post on instagram, you can see pics and it seems her And Anu get along but again for how long as well due to the TRP they might she turn her negative. But I don’t think now maybe way later. This here creates suspension which also I guess gives us a bad impression on Malvika meanwhile she is fine. So yeah I think enjoy a journey of this. I believe family and love is our biggest responsibility and Anuj will be able to balance it out. But remember self love is more important.
Another thing if they could have another route in this story imagine like Anu moving away starting her own business or life, making her own identity. Then meets Anuj would have been wonderful. Cause I seriously love #MaAn but men are not everything to be honest.
But this episode shows you growth in the relationship. But the Pallu and Anuj’s had love story will never end or change it was always there.
I think Malvika is going to push Anu into accepting and voicing out her feelings to Anuj.
The way they ended Sreemoyee, by making her go to an old age home, leaving her family behind and wwishing all the best to June ( Kavya in Anupama), its disgusting, she says “I have fled the battle field.” I hope they don’t end Anupama in this way. It’s disgusting. All because the lead actor who played Rohit Sen (Anuj in Anupama) wnated to act in more Bollywood movies.
why people have to write such long long essays please stop its so boring and daft
anu is a bunny boiler and possesive
malvika is a hot babe and needs some fun
vanraj should marry malvika revenge on kavya payback time
toshu playing a game with vanraj
kinjal all day long with her awesome babe
pakhi spoilt brat
samar nandini good actors thats is
bapu excellent maa not so good

Sorry how old is Mukku? Parents died when Anuj was 25 and now he is almost 45 -46. What an absurd storyline .
You..f**k Lisa
. How dare you comment cheap on immj fanfiction..guys please don’t mind this stupid Lisa. She have abused so much in my FF..nonsense
. Even in yrkkh you have abused so much. Just be good orelse shut up please..
Sorry I am not sure what you mean , I have never abused anyone in my life . what’s yrkkh .
Are you ok?