Categories: Anupama

Anupama 22nd June 2021 Written Episode Update: Vanraj Warns Kavya

Anupama 22nd June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Baa asks Kavya what if she similarly her not to interfere between her and her son, a mother cannot stop worry for her son, and just like Kavya cannot see Vanraj having spicy food, she cannot see her son hungry. Kavya says she should clearly say that she and her ex-bahu cannot see her and V happy and conspire daily against them; above that, she is earning and hired a maid, that didn’t go well with them. Anu asks why is she diverting the issue. Kavya yells at her not to interfere as she knows what she is up to. Anu says she speaks bitter truth and Kavya doesn’t let her speak sweet. Kavya yells to shut up and asks Baa to have some sweet to sweeten her bitter tongue. Baa fumes. Anu asks her to calm down as the more she speaks, the more Kavya will trouble Vanraj, so its their life and let them

handle it themselves. Baa says he snatched her husband many times, but Anu never tried to snatch her son from her, feeds her sweet and thanks her for that. Anu says its sweet like Baa.

Kavya returns to her room. Vanraj happily informs him that his friend offered him sales and marketing head’s job in his cafeteria and wants him to handle his new venue. Kavya shouts after working in a corporate office for many years, he wants to work in a mere cafeteria, how will she tell her friends that her husband works in a mere cafeteria. Baa offers medicines to Bapuji. Bapuji says Kavya will fight with Vanraj as she will not like him working in a small company. Anu says its their personal issue. Bapuji says she is right, but he saw a spark in Vanraj’s eyes after many days and it will be off if Kavya stops him. Anu says god must have thought well and sent this job for his son, Kavya will also agree if god wishes. Kavya yells at Vanraj that there is an age limit to take risk, he wants to change his profession at this age, he himself suggests Samar to find a proper job and himself wants to work in his friend’s local cafe which nobody knows of, these kind of cafes go in losses and he may have to work more than requred, so he should deny this offer. Vanraj says Baa and Bapuji were happy with his new job and even Anu approved it, but Kavya is not happy and yelling instead. Kavya yells if an online class and cooking teacher will give him suggest him and if he is more dumb than an illiterate woman. He says she was illiterate but used to understand her husband. She asks then why he used to come and cry in front of her that he is alone and she hates reminding him that she is his wife now and not Anupama, he should discuss his issues with him and not his ex-wife. He says he discussed it with Bapuji and not Anu. She asks if he discussed issue while having Anu’s prepared food. He says she hired a maid to spy on him. She says whatever it is, he will not do a small-time job. He says he informed her and not sought her opinion, he will do whatever he wants. Geeta brings tea. Vanraj asks her to take his cup down as he wants to have tea with his family and warns Kavya to mind her tongue from next time. Kavya vents out her anger on Geeta and thinks issues will continue till Anu is in the same house and interferes between them, but she didn’t except that V will change so soon.

Anu sees Vanraj passing by angrily and thinks what she feared must have happened, why don’t Kavya understand where is Mr Shah’s happiness, anyways she shouldn’t interfere between them. While having tea, Pakhi tells Bapuji that it has been a long time since they played cricket. Anu reminds her what Baa told last time. Bapuji mimics Baa and they all laugh. Pakhi tells Vanraj that she became a thief in her school’s play. Baa jokes they wanted her to become collector instead. Vanraj says very good, extracurricular activities are also needed. Kavya walks to them and offers sandwich and green tea to Vanraj. Toshu brings jalebi, kachori, and samosa for whole family. Bapuji gets happy hearing jalebi. Anu says he will not have jalebi and will have either 1 kachori o r samosa. Bapuji sadly says anything. Anu serves snacks to family while Vanraj temptly looks at them. Baa offers him snacks. He takes plate and happily munches snacks. Anu offers snacks to even Kavya. Geeta takes sandwich back to kitchen and thinks even monkey cannot have such sandwich. Anu offers her snacks and asks her to have them before they get cold. Geeta gets impressed.

Vanraj speaks to his friend over phone and informs that he has a lot of ideas for his cafeteria and will join the job tomorrow. He sees Anu and asks if she wants to say something. She says since its affecting family, she wants to tell him to discuss his and Kavya’s personal issues in his room whether its a bitter or sweet issue as it will affect adversely to children and parents. Kavya seeing that yells at him that when he takes his ex-wife’s suggestion and eats her prepared food, should she die. Vanraj says nobody asked her to die, she should live and let others live peacefully. Kavya then hears Geeta praising Anu that she really works hard and does multitasking easily and yells at her not to talk about Anu. Geeta changes her tone and says she feels sorry for her that she hired a maid for saheb, but saheb always wants to be with family; even he cannot do anything as family is always around him forgetting they are newly married, he should find a time for her, but he its not his fault as his family and ex-wife don’t live him alone. She further suggests her that there are many ways to control her husband and intimacy is the most successful formula, so she should control saheb with that formula.

Samar offers water bottle with pill box attached to Baa, Bapuji, and Anu and says they will not miss medicines from hereon. Baa praises him and says he has gone on her. Bapuji says if he had gone on her, he would have sat and watched via binocular, he has gone on Anu instead. Anu says Samar has Baa’s sanskars and tries to discuss about Samar and Nandini’s engagement. Baa walks away giving excuse. Samar asks Anu to relax and give some time for all this. Anu tells Bapuji that he is saying something but means something else. Bapuji says children suffer silently. Anu says Samar and Nandini would have married themselves, but are still waiting for Baa’s permission. Bapuji asks her not to worry, everything will be alright.

Vanraj speaks to his friend over phone that he will join is new job on time. Kavya apologizes Vanraj. He says he would have done whatever he wants to even with her opposition. She says cafe job is not good for him, but she doesn’t mind if he is happy. He asks how did she change suddenly, if its love or insecurity. She asks with whom. He says Anupama and goes to sleep ignoring her. She thinks whatever she did with Anu, she will not let Anu do the same with her.

Next morning, Baa performs pooja and gets disturbed hearing Geeta snoring. She rings bell near her and asks her to wake up before she slaps her and go and sleep on cot in lawn. Geeta yells at her to shut up. Baa gets angry. Anu asks her to go and sleep in lawn on cot as Baa is performing pooja. Geeta yells that Baa should stop playing bell, but she always troubles her and has ruined her life. Anu warns her to dare not speak ill about Baa.

Precap: Anu tells Vanraj that if it is his and his wife’s house, it is also her house; she tried to explain Kavya a lot and her adamancy will adversely affect the family, so she has decided that Geeta will not stay in this house.
Kavya shouts how dare she is to say this and asks Vanraj to speak. Vanraj says even he wants her maid to go from this house.

Update Credit to: MA

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