Anupama 24th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Ankush takes Anuj to his cabin. Anuj tries to sit on a visitor’s seat saying he transferred everything in Ankush and Anupama’s names. Ankush makes him sit on boss’s seat. Anuj notices Anupama’s magnet and recalls the event. Anupama reaches office and feels happy seeing Anuj’s car. She gets Vanraj’s call who nervously asks if she reached office. She asks if he had some important work and disconnects call saying she will talk to him later. Vanraj gets tensed and thinks if Anuj reached office. Maaya anxiously munches food recalling Anuj’s words that she shouldn’t bother wherever he goes. She calls Barkha. Barkha scolds receptionist for informing he in front of Anuj that Anupama is coming in 10 minutes and orders her to hold Anupama at the reception until she comes and gets her signatures on documents. She gets Maaya’s call who asks her not to let Anupama and Anuj meet at any cost. Barkha agrees.
Anupama feels nervous before entering office. Ankush shows project reports to Anuj. Anuj anxiously waiting for Anupama tells Ankush that he is handling everything well in his absence, so he doesn’t want to see anything. Ankush says he needs him here, so he should stay back; says he must be missing Anupama and he is looking at the door for Anupama, even Anupama is yearning for him, he should leave his anger aside and reunite with Anupama, his few days’ anger can’t be bigger than 25-year-old love, they are made for each other and can’t live without each other, fate united them before and is giving them a second chance and its foolishness not to accept it. Barkha enters saying they are better off separated and its for their good. Anuj says they are not separated but gone away. Barkha says Anuj is in sorrow while Anupama easily moved on and accepted that her children are more important to her and she chose her children over Anuj. Ankush asks if according to her, one who doesn’t cry and shows his/her pain is happy; each person’s way of expressing pain is different. Barkha says Anuj left his empire after breakup, but Anupama opened a new dance academy.
Ankush says Anupama left whole empire after Anuj left her, technically everything still belongs to her. Barkha says great Anupama hasn’t left Shahs even now. Ankush says she hasn’t left to stoop low. Barkha continues to instigate Anuj that Anupama values her children and Shah family than him, she will not forgive him the way he left her, she is planning to clear scores with him and will not spare him easily. Ankush says Anupama’s anger has calmed down. Barkha says if that is the case, Anupama would have stayed at Kapadia mansion and waited for Anuj instead of shifting to her mother’s house. She says even she would have done same if someone hurts her feelings, but Anupama has come out of pain so easily and its better they don’t reunite at all. Anupama enters Anuj’s office and thinks this office looks strange to her, she can’t complain when a dear one goes far away. She then feels ecstatic to meet Anuj. Anuj notices her via glass door and smiles. Mera Dil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai.. song plays in th background. He emotionally walks towards her crying. Anupama also walks towards cabin when receptionist Sandhya stops her and asks her to wait as there is a meeting going on inside.
Leela thinks what happened to Vanraj that he left meeting in between. Dimple walks into kitchen ignoring Leela. Leela fumes that she didn’t even greet or touch her feet. Dimple starts preparing tea ignoring Leela. Leela asks what is happening, why did she enter her kitchen without her permission and ignoring her. Dimple says she is preparing tea for Samar and them. Leela continues to criticize her. Dimple starts arguing with her. Samar tries to interfere and like a true puppet boyfriend warns Leela to change herself as she already troubled Anupama, Kavya, and Kinjal and if she needs respect, she should learn to give respect. Dimple says she has equal right as a DIL on this house and will not tolerate Leela’s taunt. Samar takes her away. Leela thinks nagin Rakhi at least taught morales to Kinjal, Dimpy is so mannerless.
Anupama anxiously waits in reception area hoping to meet Anuj. Anuj continues to cry seeing her. Ankush fails to stop Barkha. Barkha draws curtain and insists Anuj to sign documents first. She asks him to sign papers and return to Little Anu soon. Adhik silently watches. Barkha thinks before Anuj goes out to meet Anupama, she has to do something. She walks out asking Anuj not to get out of cabin. Ankush insists Anuj to go out and meet Anupama and not let her get out of his life again. Anuj recalls Barkha and Vanraj’s words.
Precap: Ankush tells Anuj that if he can’t go out, he will bring Anupama in. He walks to Anupama and holding her hand takes her to Anuj’s cabin. Anupama enters cabin.
Update Credit to: MA
Anuj and Anupama kapadia have to be the dumbest tv pair ever
Anuj kapadia is a big coward who 26 years ago couldn’t have the courage to ask kanta for her daughter depriving Anu of a loving family in-law (Anuj’s parents , mukku and GK) and an education left the country and secretly came to spy on Anu over the years as seen on flash backs even after her divorce he still had no courage to fight for her love the moment his emotions were hurt he walks out on her and now his miserable ass comes back and can’t face her after having so much to say to her before living
Anupama kapadia is another fool there is no saving grace for that woman she only has energy to fight and confront people when it involves the shahs cause how the hell does your daughter report manipulation to you instead of protecting her and reassuring her you just keep quiet not even once has she confronted Maya about I bet if it happened to a shah she would have put on her fighting shoes I sometimes think she was secretly relieved that CA left but didn’t expect Anuj to be that hurt and leave the house and her biggest regret/hurt is not that CA left but that Anuj did , she has done the same again ignoring what pakhi said about Maya and Barkha’s plans
Her fans where upset Anuj never told her about Maya’s incident but not once has she told Anuj what CA and pakhi told her
These two are both emotional fools and cowards and I honestly hope they never meet again Anuj should go on and focus on been a father to his little girl while rebuilding his life and Anupama can also focus on building her life and taking care of the shahs , Barkha can run kapadia empire/mansion, Baa will have her slave back both Maya and vanraj will have am opportunity to be with Mr and Mrs kapadia respectively , Anupama fans will have their goddess with no man , Anuj fans will have their god without Anupama, sorry to maAn fans and Anu’s biological family they will be the only losers after which this whole show and production team can be thrown away
@Ab someone once said in the commentary that anuj will not have the courage to face Anupama and based on the precap he/she was correct. And with the way anuj was being handled by Barkha, he is still not 100% because in the past anuj could see right through Barkha’s lies and manipulation but now he can’t. The writers will drag this track of MaAn meet up for a week or few weeks because they know that MaAn fans will be glued to the screen to see their meet up.
Hence their Trp will not drop @CwM you are correct this office scene and Anuj’s return to Mumbai will take weeks besides pakhi already told Anupama Barkha and Maya’s game plan so what she does with that information is upto her
yesss so happy that anuj-anupama didn’t meet!! I’ll be so glad if Vanraj and Baa can join hands with Barkha and Maaya forming a team. Only then they’ll be able to stop Anuj-Anupamaa from uniting.
Anupama and Vanraj are made for each other and Vanraj has realised that now. I hope Anupama can also see this eventually.
Fools must not meet to give create more disaster and give worse headache.
This series was supposed to give solution for the social issues. To spread positivity.
But here it shows how dumb so called good people are and why one should not do good to anyone.
Anupama was telling todays generation doesn’t know anything and need to be taught everything.
But the fact is she is the one who doesn’t know anything and she need not preach anything.
Dimpy was right, why the female who couldn’t maintain any of her husband should preach on how to manage things?
By God’s grace Anupama’s children are big enough and Vanraj is good. else, instead of fighting for rights Anupama would have made all the children beggars.
Looks like Baa has forgotten Kinjal’s microwaved rice/thick roti riots/Rakhi’s taunts/fights/constant perusal to take Kinjal/Thoshu with her.
If someone is not a doll like Anupama who obeys the receptionist also, then they are bound to conflict, mother/daughter also conflict, have generations gap but making a team to suppress is no at all valid.
Parents must not suppress child.
mother&son duo must not suppress dil.
husband&wife must not suppress elders.
Its family, there is no reason to suppress. Family is to share/care/enjoy together not to dominate. If we dominate within family itself, then what to tell about outside.
Every member of family should feel valued/cared and should contribute for family welfare.
I still don’t find any fault with rest of the characters, they are true to their nature.
Baa/Vanraj like to dominate.
Dimpy/Pakhi is out spoken.
Thoshu doesn’t have any goal.
Kinjal/Bapuji/Samar are good but not doormat like Anupama.
Kavya/Maaya/Barkha are ambitious and wont leave any chance to succeed.
Devika/Dheeraj/Adhik/Ankush are willing to help Anuj/Anupama but they are so unstable that no one can help them.
Kanta Mom/Bhabesh are Anupama’s backbone, hoping to see property dispute btn Bhavesh/Anupama where are Bhavesh’s wife and child?
Incase of dispute again will Anupama leave everything and run away?
Everyone is playing their role, they are exploring life as per their understanding of happiness. They are trying their best to achieve whatever they want as they this thats the way of life. They are consistent in their endeavour and make team to cheat/manipulate/dominate as needed.
Only Anuj/Anupama are retired hurt and leaving the floor to everyone else.
General mass normally try to follow them whoever flourish, And Anuj/Anupama are really really really bad example and people will be scared away from being empaths.
These doormat empaths are the real reason why the general mass thinks being good is being stupid.
These fools don’t have courage of finishing/playing the game of life sportively, every now and then they are retired hurt and out of pavilion!
Writers must see avatar2, way of water, escaping the situation without resolving it isn’t the solution and life will always feel buggy.
And if they are absolutely sure that they have to let it go, then do it without looking back.
@Ab,Goddesses don’t need men. They’re divine and enough by themselves

@vaijyanthi I was been sarcastic mate , goddesses and gods are wise , brave , compassionate, strong and fierce when need arises however both Anupama and Anuj are the total opposite they are dumb , stupid and emotional fools with no single thinking cell let alone fierce and are both weaklings
People like Vanraj/Barkha/Maaya can at least think of turning good if their own life is miserable and Anuj/Anupama are happy.
But here its ulta, all bad traits are winning and good ones are fool.
So funda is to enjoy life by being bad!
Who else in this series cries as much as Anupama does!!
And most importantly what message general public gets out of it?
Both r fools
This serial gets crazier and more dumb day by day.
Like i fall for you
How can an employee stop Anu from going further if she is part owner of the business. Poor script on the writers part. Please Mr Rajan we need to see Anu and Anuj together.This Barka needs to marry Vanraj and Kavys to wed Ankush
Anupama will surely have a leap of 6 years and then both yrkkh and anu will have a mahasangam on abhi aaru wedding Maan will have a face off after 6 years

Serial is backwash it’s really become irritating to watch this serial.Maya and Barkha should be kick out Anuj is a man without backbone
So receptionist can tell her boss not to enter as there is a meeting going on and the boss even listens. When you have a dull boss like that you deserve to lose everything.
Yup, I agree…. How can you follow a receptionist’s order and not go in. Anuj is another idiot can’t he just open the door go out and meet her. This serial is getting cringy day by day
Barkha is literally the boss now not Anuj, Anuj despite Ankush telling him how Anupama must have felt still listen to Barkha!! Who is she to judge whether they should be together or not??
This is one of the most ridiculous and dumbest serials I have ever seen!!! There is too much negativity .. too much wickedness. And Anuj has proved to be the biggest ‘nincompoof’ of all time!!! How this serial continues to be at Number 1 spot is beyond my comprehension!!! Makers of Anupama… Can you please stop showing so much negativity in all the characters – Vanraj, Barkha, Maya, Baa, Samar, Dimple and so on….and Anuj’s characterisation is the worst of all. It’s better that he leaves the serial and focus on Anupama’s journey on a positive note…JUST FORGET ABOUT ” MAAN” RE-UNION.
Right, give up on MaAn reunion! They don’t deserve each other at all! No trust no common sense and no judgement of characters especially Anuj!!!
Why can’t Ankush just shut Barkha up! Question Barkha why is she trying to break up MaAn? What motive she has? In front of Anuj see how Barkha defends herself??
PO you right Ankush must asked Barkha for a seperation and we all will see what her reaction will be because she wants to seperate MaAn it’s easy to do wrong things to others but she must realise if how will she feel when someone treat her the same way like she treat MaAn
Is Anuj dumb or wat? He saw how Anupama was excited to sense him around her mother’s house that he had to hide still he believe Barkha??? How can he believes Barkha’s words over his own eyes n his own common senses? Even ignoring Ankush? I believe he trusted Ankush more than Barkha that is why he let Ankush to take care of Kapadia Empire with Anupama, yet he is ignoring Ankush??
I must agree I never saw a dumbmest person as Anuj because he knows Anu better than himself they are connected by heart body mind and soul how can he believe Barkha who are always ready to betray them.
Hi witness self when he was at her house in what terrible state she was start looking for him.
Hope this writers stop there nonsense decide to divorce or unite please don’t drag this issue any longer please please
Anu deserve to know where she stand with Anuj stop running away and solve out your problems
It’s already been established that Anupama’s character is the biggest fool to grace our tvs but how the hell did they manage to do a 360 character change with Anuj who could see through people’s characters a mile away to the biggest foolish male lead of all time , it’s like every episode these two always fight for the biggest and dumbest emotional fool of all time trophy.
@MGB I’m also wondering the same about anuj. When vanraj started working with Mukku, anuj could see that vanraj was upto no good even if Anupama told him that maybe vanraj had changed, anuj still did not trust vanraj. When ankush and Barkha came to live with them, even before knowing that they had lost everything, anuj could see that something was not right and when he found out about their reason for coming to India, he asked Anupama not to give her signing authority over to anyone as he knew they were upto no good, particularly Barkha despite her trying to act all nice. He was a man who was not influenced that easily by people’s words. But right now it’s like his character has undergone a 360 turn such that the only thing he remembers is vanraj and Barkha’s words/lies and not what he sees and knows about his wife
Anupama still has signing authority even barka dont have that but she asking reception to tell her wait. Anupama is the boss. Writers are dragging the story, it’s getting boring and dead to watch now. Plse get new writers with new ideas. Something fresh and new.
Agreed! From what I see Anupama did not sign anything yet, hope she remembers what Pakhi told her that Barkha is trying to take over the Kapadia empire and be cautious to check everything before signing! Even if Anuj has signed the divorce paper, Anupama still has the signing authority of Kapadia Empire as Anuj has given her the signing authority without any condition, he kept reminding Anupama never to give away her siging authority to anyone including him!!
All Bark-@ha wants is to control business empire/ money but she will help run it to the ground again, this woman barks more than a dog!
I cant imagine a receptionist telling her boss she cannot HER husband office, even tho she is a part of the meeting, and the boss himself is waiting on his WIFE, she did tell without hesitating that Anupama msgd and say she will be late, she should be fired immediately. Hoping Pakhi will show up and destroy those papers or if Bark-@ha slipped divorce papers in she will take it before final signatures.
Ankush and Adhik seems to be just puppets, stand quietly and watch drama
Why the heck would Anupama go to office like a messenger or something, Pakhi did tell her about Maya and Bark-@ha plans yet she is being foolish AGAIN like when CA told her about Maya instigating.
Rajan and team making people’s characters more than foolish. Last few weeks this show has also become worthless
I hope Anu don’t sign any documents and demand to see Anuj first before she will sign anything because how can you sign anything without reading it through and explain why didn’t they just send the paperwork to her if it was only the signatures they need so this meeting must be a very important meeting.
And Anu must forgot what Phakhi told her about Maya and Barkha scene if she doesn’t want to live in her room just locked up the house and asked kick Barkha and his family out of the house.
Handle the Kapadia empire from the house let her brother help with the finance hire her own advisors and don’t beg Anuj for your love because every woman have self respected
And stop proving you are equally hurt as him because if he really love you so much why is he questions Anu love for him and believe other people than listen to his own heart because Anu reside only in his heart.