Categories: Anupama

Anupama 24th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Anupama confronts Shruti

Anupama 24th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anuj asks Shruti if she will come with him to Shah house now, or will come later. Shruti asks why you are going there so early. Anuj says it is a marriage house and many things are needed. He says Dimpy is like my daughter to me and if I go there, I can help Baa and Babu ji. He says I have dropped Aadhya there and I want to meet her, though I know that everyone is there to take care of her. He asks if I shall wait for you. Shruti gets food critic’s message. Anuj sees it. Shruti says she will take time to get ready and asks him to go. Anuj goes. Shruti calls Ms. Smith and asks her where to meet? Anuj thinks why Shruti is behaving strangely, and thinks she is feeling insecure after seeing Anu and him together.

Aadhya makes the kids have food. Anupama says when there is older child in the house,

the young ones think that child as their boss and obeys her/him. Baa asks Aadhya to have food. Kavya says I will feed Aadhya. She feeds Aadhya and signs Anupama to come and feed her. Anupama puts the food bite in her mouth, and she doesn’t see her and eats it. Anupama gets emotional. Everyone looks on. Aadhya is about to see her, but Anupama hides behind Kavya. Anupama thanks Kavya. She feeds Aadhya again. Baa asks Babu ji, how we will go away from here, our family loves us a lot. Babu ji says they have to go.

Vanraj says don’t know where did Titu’s friend has gone?Anupama comes infront of him. He says you have crossed my way, now my work will not be done. Anupama says I hope that your wrong work don’t succeed. Vanraj leaves. Devika says she will follow her. She follows her. Anupama tells Kavya that there is something wrong, it seems Vanraj’s plan is ruined and if it is not then we will ruin it. Dimpy comes there and says if her make up and lehenga fitting is not right then? Anupama says you will be the world most beautiful bride. Dimpy says she has a feeling that something wrong is happening. Anupama says nothing wrong will happen.

Anupama comes out of the house to bring sweets and sits in Anuj’s car. Anuj tells that he wants to talk to her, and tells that he couldn’t sleep all night and was in dilemma. Anupama hears Baa coming and asks Anuj to let her go. Anuj lets her go. Devika follows Vanraj and hears Inspector and Vanraj’s last conversatuon and thinks whom they are searching. Inspector tells Vanraj that they will go to that address. Devika turns and sees Vanraj standing behind her. Devika says she has recorded everything and will show to Baa and Babu ji. Vanraj laughs and says you don’t know what I was talking to Baa and Babu ji, and asks her to ask Anupama to focus on breaking Shruti-anuj’s marriage rather than saving Dimpy-Titu’s marriage. He sings the song and goes.

Ms. Smith and Shruti meet in the restaurant. Ms. Smith says after spice and chutney incident, you were totally vanished. Shruti recalls Anuj telling that it is not Anupama’s mistake. Ms. Smith says you was so desperate to meet me. She says she just wanted to give a warning to the Management of spice and chutney, but due to your insistence, I have reported that incident to the health and hygiene dept and leaked the news to all media house. Shruti thinks I did this so that spice and chutney get closed, and Anupama return to India, but didn’t know that the matter will become so big. Ms. Smith thanks Shruti and says because of you, I did the right thing, shall people shall be punished and taught a hard lesson. Waiter gives the parcel to Anupama, who is sitting at the other table. Ms. Smith congratulate Shruti for her upcoming marriage. Shruti says you shall attend it. She tells that her fiance doesn’t know about spice and chutney fiasco and I would like to keep it that way. Ms. Smith says don’t worry, it is our secret now. They say cheers.

Anupama turns to them. Ms. Smith tries to leave. Anupama stops her. She says you..American food critic, you are famous, you don’t like spice and flavor, but for people, you give fully spicy and fake news. She says you just said that you did the right thing and says it is not my mistake. She says I was begging infront of you, that it was foul play , but you didn’t listen. She says it was foul play by Gulati and Shruti knows about this. She says I will come back to America and will prove my innocence. She asks her to have some shame and write the truth. Ms. Smith leaves. Anuj talks to someone and ends the call. Aadhya comes and hugs him. He says I couldn’t sleep all night as you are here. Aadhya says kids ate food with my hand and slept with me in the night. He asks if she is happy. Aadhya says very much. Dimpy says Ansh is calling you. Aadhya goes. Anuj teases Dimpy. Dimpy says we shall not give up on our love and shall fight till the last breath.

Anupama asks Shruti if she has so much problem with her, then she should have attacked her, but why did she target her work, workplace, co-workers, restaurant, dreams, self respect, strength, talent etc? She says if you have so much hatred for me and have problem with me then would have told me on my face, but you backstabbed me like a coward. She says my heart was already broken, but you broke my temple too. Shruti asks what is the proof that I did and says it is your work to ruin people and their personal lives. Anupama says then you should have ruined my personal life, why you ruined my professional life. Shruti says I don’t care. Anupama says I do care. Anuj calls Shruti. Shruti ends the call. Anuj calls Anupama then? Shruti says why AK is calling you. Anupama says we are talking our ourselves now, and asks why did you do this with me. Shruti asks her to look at herself and thinks what she did, and asks her to think what did she do with her. She says you have tried to snatch Anuj from me, came to New york intentionally to get Anuj, and came to our house and used your tear weapon to get closer to him. She says you didn’t come for Aadhya, but to make place in Anuj’s heart. She says we were about to marry, but you came and our marriage couldn’t happen till now. She says you have done wrong with me and is teaching me the lesson of right and wrong. Anupama is shocked.

Precap: Anuj asks Anupama why she is worried. During truth and dare game, Anupama says she will question Shruti. Shruti chooses truth.

Update Credit to: MA

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  • Anuj is a clueless jackass. Should not Shruti feel insecure? She had been insecure bc she knows Anuj does not love her. But she is determined to marry him. I don’t call that insecurity. What is it that Anuj wants to talk to Anu about? He’s been giving her all kinds of hints, looks but then acts as though marriage with Shruti is on as usual. And why is Anu so happy feeding Aadhya covertly? She is thirteen now. It’s sad to see Anu happy with breadcrumbs. Abused for too long.

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    • @Jin...can't find the right way to say it but Aadhya is Anupama's everything she still sees her as her little choti considering the missing 5 years..just by feeding her meant so much to Anu it may seem strange though but the elders understood and supported Anu...I am more interested in Anu Aadhya reunion than anything else...I just wish one day Aadhya understands how much Anupama loves her...can't hide I enjoy her scene more in the shah house these days..remove vanraj the shah's are cool especially the kids..

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    • Shruti feels insecure due to she knows very well Anuj loves Anu yet she still insists on marrying him, her insecure will be for life as marriage won't change Anuj's love for Anu.

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    • You just completely put my thoughts into words.

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  • @jin exactly.. Anupamaa loved him still he was getting insecure so its obvious shruti is getting insecure he knows it.. Not justifying shruti but anuj pretends to be a very innocent simple person but actually is a jerk.. He wont let anu move on.. Even in MD track he was making anu emotionally weak by running behind her although he was with mayaa that time.. Doing the same now

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    • You are right @Surabhi...Anuj will never let Anu move on..infront of Anuj Anupama falls weak because of too much love for him...I wonder what would be the end game of all this...

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    • Why can’t Anuj make up his mind? Either tell Shruti or stop chasing Anupama who has hinted so many times that your life is with Shruti
      As for Shruti, why is she adamant on marrying someone who doesn’t love her? Before her parents died, Anuj had made it clear that he does not want to get married? Why is Shruti so stubborn?
      Anupama will remain quite and give everyone the benefit of doubt, it’s time for her to speak up and fight for herself, think for herself and disconnect from all evil people who only want to drag her down.
      Vanraj is the worst, he wants to continue to manipulate Dimpy and Ansh and cannot let her be happy? What type of human being does such horrible thing?
      Devika needs to expose Vanraj and Dimpy should take Ansh and move out

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    • @sial - I do understand what you are saying. I think Anu should learn from Toshu and Pakhi experience. Her children hate her. How many times has aadjya said I hate you? If she does not learn to emotionally detach from people who dislike and hate her, she will continue her trend of self sacrifice and victimization. Aadhya is not the 6 year old she remembers. It sounds harsh, but even the most loving of parents have to step away from such destructive children to save themselves.

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    • @surabhi, I honestly feel both sorry and annoyed with Anuj. What a role he's been made to play. His role is caught up between the and the devil and the deep blue sea.

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  • I think shruti is a wrong life partner for Anuj. Anupama is shocked while hearing their conversation about spice and chutney and she leaked the news in social media. She is not a nice person. I think anupama should call the police to arrest mrs smith and shruti also. Shruti should be cursed very badly. And Anuj is so stupid that he never trusted anupama because of chhoti. Chhoti Anu hurt kinjal in that accident before five years back. Chhoti had locked pari in storeroom. Anupama is not understanding that shruti is hurting you so much. And Devika, Kavya, Anupama, Anuj, Kinjal punished to Vanraj,Toshu and Pakhi.

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    • Correctly said@Sonal Haldar..shruti is not the right wife and mother to Aadhya..proven by her words today...instead of fighting Anuj ..she fought the wrong people of spice n chutney

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  • Why should anupama call police to arrest
    Mrs smith and Shruti. ?
    For what reason ?

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  • Mr Rajan Sahi 💯% confirmed that your creative team members are certified idiots.

    It is has been publicized that this serial is dream project of Mr Rajan Sahi 's mother. If that is so how does your mother approve all this garbage

    Now that Chipkoo lady MAYA version 2.0 Shruti bumping into marriage ritual and forcefully applying haldi to your idiot dumb male lead character and stooping to every possible low level to obtain that spineless swine Anuj. another rubbish garbage melodrama, cheap saga of obsession same old emotional blackmail and forceful marriage and hopeless sacrifice of lead lady Anupama

    Mr Rajan Sahi grow up




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  • The f**k is wrong with ppl who are supporting Anupama against Shruthi?
    Shurthi did more for Anuj and Aadhya and after 5 years, Anupama should just take them away? WTF is wrong with you ppl.
    Only if Anupama was so protective of Aadhya, Anuj and herself.
    She let herself go and now is shamelessly back in the Shah house, in the kitchen where she belongs.
    They are not going to America now. All will move back and Shurthi's track will end.

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    • I am not supporting Anupama I am observing why Shruti is so adamant to marry a man who loves someone else other than her, did Anuj shown her any love during these 5 years with her, he make it clear to her he is with her for Aadhya's sake, only recently after her parents death then Shruti mentioned about marriage as she was afraid to be left alone that make Anuj reluctantly agree to the marriage n partly bcoz Aadhya forced him to, he is obligated to marry her. Remember Shruti b4 her parents's death, decided to leave Anuj after finding out Anupama is the woman whom Anuj has loved since 26 years! So from the bottom of her heart she knew that Anuj will never forget Anupama, and Anupama will always be Anuj one n only love! So Shruti not only don't really love Anuj she just can't stand the fact that Anupama has win Anuj's heart over her. She robbed not only her happiness but Anuj's whom she claimed she loves🙄🙄🙄

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    • Maids, Nurses, Governesses, Security guards, House help, Cook, everyone does in absence/presence of spouse.
      But how justified it is to marry the owner in favour of their service?
      Anuj never shown any interest in Shruthi.
      Its like both CA and Shruthi are forcing their will on Anuj for their own advantage.
      Its a known fact that women normally try cling to successful persons despite their marital status.
      These Pati chors must learn their lessons from past. Multiple marriages should be looked down upon.
      A person once married must not to get to marry again so easily, people must control their emotions as it destroys many lives including children.

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    • @nonane: the adamant is for her to get them out of that rut. Love for 26 years? And in the end they both walked away and are still away. You can be perfect for each other but circumstances prevent them from being together. And also when they were together, what big things they did, nothing. Anupama still chose the Shahs over Anuj and CA.

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    • @subha: I will have to lose IQ points to understand your logic.

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  • It's all anuj's fault

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    • Very correct Miko

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  • what ever anupama did for anuj is for her family and choti (child) but sruti give her five years selflessly for anuj and adhya she already know anuj wont love her, butas a friend and adhyas mother she is happy
    after five years anupamma came and take her everthing so easily it is not rightna
    sruti is correct in my pov

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    • Five years living with a man under the same roof still Shruti failed to get married to Anuj but just got bribed with a meaningless and valueless engagement..Anupama never fought Shruti instead she supported and wished her happy family but Anuj who can't see Anu with someone else failed to remain loyal to his engagement emotionally triggering insecurity.. now Shruti will loose everything because of her foolishness

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    • Anupama never hurt Shruti in anyway. Infact she was supportive towards her. She actually tried her best to avoid Shruti and Anuj, but Shruti always dragged Anu into their lives, trying to make her jealousy without realizing that the more she brought her in front of Anuj, the more distance she created between herself & Anuj. Shruti is to blame for her own heartbreak and if Anuj gets to know that she had a role in Anu destruction, then its over between then. This time even Adhya won't save her. She should have used her brain when plotting against Anu.

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      • Exactly!! @Mam

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    • Anupama did not come to take Anuj from Shruti, did she??? Anupama came to USA for whatever reasons we viewers know for sure, how did she knows that it will ended up meeting Anuj?? Anuj was the one that keeps going to Anu, for whatever reasons he put up! When did she accepts Anuj? 🙄🙄🙄 It is Shruti herself after her observation of the two became insecured and has the victim mindset that Anupama is her rival in love, which is not true as Anuj never ever mentioned or shown her he loves her! Even she herself questioned Anuj why he never responded to her love! 🙄🙄🙄 the answer isn't it obvious n clear??? 🙄🙄🙄

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    • Anu mourne for 5 years.. still have feelings for Anuj sure but why must that feeling take over her world.. just like trying for small Anu to forgive her... what child hate her mother so much.. thought Anupama will have at least build an empire by now on her own but she struggle on...what the hell... mother Shar is still wicked as hell with Dimpy so nothing help in past after Anupama left.. Vanraj is horrible not even allowing Kavja's child to be with her=Wish test say its his child... this Shurti is like Pahki who is still ugly to me and have horrible manners what woman don't change after child birth.. NOT INTERESTED IN TIS STORY FOR ITS GOING IN CIRCLES... LIKE WITH KAVJ MARRIAGE TO VANRAJ.. ANUJ MARRIAGE TO SHURTI AND THEY BECOMD BESTIES... HE CLAIM 26 YEARS OF LOVE BUT KNOWING SMALL ANU FOR 6MONTHS SHE IS HIS EVERYTHING.. LIKE ANUPAMA MOTHER SAY IT COULD NOT BE TRUE LOVE.. LOST ALL INTERESTS IN THIS STORY.. GOOD LUCK O YOU ALL HOPING...

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  • Correct said #Mam I agree with all you said and #Sail you too Aadhya and Anuj and Schruti were happy for five years together my question to all who support Schruti and Anuj relationship is why didn't they got married till know and about Schruti and Aadhya relationship why are there relationship more then best friends then daughter and mother,

    I heard all the time how much Schruti has sacrifice for Aadhya and Anuj but what about Anupama sacrifices in the three years' we all know though there was difficulties and troubles in there life's Anuj and Aadhya was really happy with Anu and she gave them more love that's why the Shas always created some problems and circumstances for Anu because of their jealousy to see her happy with Anuj and CA.

    And why till know Anuj still feel uncomfortable in Schruti presence and why is Anu love is so visible in his eyes even Schruti can see it, and why does Aadhya is still so angry and hates her mother so much if she already replaced her with Schruti, if she don't consider Anu as part of her life why does she just ignore her but I think she secretly still longing for her love that's why when she fall sick or in pain she always calling out mommy, I think though she loves Schruti she can have her a place of a mother,

    Aadhya always say Schruti is the best mother in the world but why can't I see it in her eyes because they say actions speak louder than words.

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  • Shruti turned out to be a bigger fool than expected
    She was so called The Modern, Educated, Professional yet she stooped so low....
    Shruti is insecure about her & Anuj's relationship bcoz she is aware of the simple fact that Anuj has never loved her and the more bigger fact that he hasn't stopped loving Anupama even after all the issues between them.
    So she just wants to marry Anuj by hook or crook.
    A simple logic, marriage doesn't guarantee love, so she just want the name Shruti Anuj Kapadia
    The engagement between Anuj-Shruti is fake, just for Adhya's sake. Shruti is aware of this fact.
    That's why she felt threatened by Anupama's mere presence.
    Like an idiot she kept dragging Anupama into her life just to show-off Anuj belongs to her and now she says Anupama tried to steal her Anuj

    Infact Anuj is the culprit here. Just to please his spoilt brat he got engaged to Shruti.
    And now also his heart is like a pendulum swinging between Anupama and Shruti
    Anuj is behaving worse than Vanraj.

    Hope this time that emotional fool Anupama doesn't forgive Shruti
    And stops this Anuj-Shruti marriage
    And for once Anuj behaves like a man not a puppy following Adhya's orders.

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