Anupama 26th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Vanraj tells Anupama he is not happy even after 2 marriages, even she won’t be able to be happy; her marriage will never work. She continues its Anuj’s first marriage, but her second marriage; Anuj doesn’t have any family, but she has a family with Baa, Bapuji, and children and she can’t get out of their responsibilities forever and her relationship will suffocate under it and die one day; their relationship is very old with children and soon grandchildren, he will be with her forever and his shadow will be on her happiness forever; Anuj has to be under his shadow forever and attend each family function as an outsider always; Anuj will shatter and will become another Vanraj; Anuj will apply vermillion in her hairline which will turn into an ash of their of their relationship; she can’t get out of Shah family even if she wants to as she is bonded by Hasmukh and has to see Vanraj’s face daily. He continues trying to mentally harass and manipulate her.
Anupama pleads him not to eye on her happiness, then asks if he thinks she will say that, those days are gone, if he thinks he can sow a seed of doubt in her mind, seeds are sown in soil and not stone and her mind is the biggest stone for him, he can never break her and Anuj’s trust on each other and even lakhs like him deter their love. She says he can be jealous on her and it doesn’t matter to her as she and Anuj are and will always be happy; their marriage and love wasn’t to make him jealous, but if he himself wants, then she can’t help; she was learning English stories to tell her grandchildren and it helped her today, she even learned one more English sentence from English, he can be jealous, shout, feel frustrated or do whatever he wants to, she doesn’t give a damn; he always cries that Anuj and Anupama ruined his life, they haven’t done anything yet and if he eyes on her happiness again, she will ruin his life such a way that he will be born in next life with his head bent in shame.
She says her family is her strength and now she has Anuj’s support with her. He asks till when. She says he can stand her grinding his teeth and blabbering that he will ruin her life, etc., she doesn’t have time for all this and doesn’t want to waste her time on a no one like him. He taunts back its a second engagement and second-hand happiness. She replies its her second but Anuj’s first, its a world’s perfect couple’s engagement, its MaAn’s engagement. She asks if he will attend her engagement of shall she keep sweet for him. He shouts Anu. She shouts back Anupama and warns if he tries to ruin her engagement, she will forget that he is her children’s father. She walks away from there. He grins and thinks if he continues hitting at Anupama’s weak point repeatedly she will break down.
Anupama walks on the street feeling frustrated on Vanraj and recalls Vanraj’s each word. She comforts herself and assures that nothing will happen as Kanhaji is always with her and Anuj. She then notices Anuj standing aside. Anuj says he wasn’t following her, had come to surprise her, but seeing her and Vanraj together stood aside and couldn’t go home. She says he couldn’t go as he wants to buy tea for her and says she didn’t have breakfast or tea with Vanraj and feels hungry now.
Shahs get worried for Anupama when they hear she is with Vanraj. Leela asks them why they are mourning when Anupama is with Vanraj as if a sheep is with a beast. Jignesh says they feel the same. Leela scolds him and asks Kinjal to have breakfast for her baby’s sake. Kinjal gets a message from Anupama that she is with Anuj now and they all should finish their breakfast. Pakhi says they need not worry now. On the other side, Anupama tells Anuj that the tea tastes better in his company. She recalls Vanraj’s words and thinks she shouldn’t inform Anuja about it. Anuj senses her tension and asks what did Vanraj say. She reveals how Vanraj tried to manipulate her and tried to make her understand that her responsibilities will overshadow her second marriage. Anuj says Vanraj’s life would be better if he concentrates on his and Kavya’s marriage instead of bothering others. It’s waste to make him understand that.
Leela worries thinking why Anupama is with Anuj. Kavya says they should worry if Anupama is with Vanraj instead, she hates Vanraj running behind Anupama and asks her to explain her son to mend his ways or else it won’t be good for her. Leela says Vanraj told he is just going to talk with Anupama. Kavya says he could have spoken in front of them, she is sure Vanraj must be conspiring something against Anupama and Anuj and they will be stuck in it. Leela says she will speak to him once he returns. Kinjal asks Hasmukh what Vanrfaj would have discussed with Anupama. He says he is not bothered about it and says let us have breakfast. Dolly senses Hasmukh’s tension and assures hi not to worry as she will speak to Vanraj in her own style. Anupama and Anuj discuss that no matter what, they will always support each other and MaAn each other. Anuj says he should thank Vanraj as he brought her here and gave him a chance to spend time with her. He then gets romantic and says he wants to kiss her hand before their engagement tonight. She feels shy and asks him to leave her hand. He kneels down and kisses her hand. She feels shy. Dil Hai Ke Maanta Nahi.. song plays in the background.
Precap: Anu returns home and notices Hasmukh unwell. Vanraj and Leela blame and curse her for Bapuji’s condition. Vanraj announces that Anupam’s marriage with not happen at Shah house.
Update Credit to: MA
I am sure marriage is not going to happen before Diwali
makers are just want to pass time and increase faltu episodes.
i curse rajan shahi for making anupama tolerate vanraj that he will get a son in law like vanraj
Don’t target any person. Be a good boy
Yeh kaisi baddua hai?

Mast a mast

As their devotions are like Shri Radha and Meera, their relation is selfless/egoless and is bound to work.
But when? In 2030??
Moti Baa rocks, knowingly MIL doesn’t enslave dil, but what to do, if she wont do that, MIL herself will be overloaded as no one else is supposed to contribute towards chores/care.
If everyone can do their best to support each other to excel, life will be so easy/enjoyable, but no we cant stand own family members!
History is filled with these stories only! brother killed each other, imprisoned father, attacked neighbor to expand territory, planned terrorist attacks, molested ! Really?
Through out history people have not learned to love/support and we read them as great!
Time to change, don’t show invaders/attacker in positive light, not even Ashwamedha.
We have lot of dedicated divine souls around due to them we are surviving, choose them as leaders.
We have got human birth to practice humanity to get promoted to divinity, not to become animal again.
It can not happen in shah house but can happen in the temple either way she will get married she’s trying to make everyone happy but they don’t care about her anupamaa it’s time to be selfish for your own happiness
Curse definitely works.
A curse is sometimes defined as “the invocation of supernatural power to inflict harm upon someone or something.”
I believe that our words spoken with intensity carry the energy of love or hatred, of life or death. We can be effected the attitude of hatred, bitterness or revenge in somone’s heart. That is why Jesus is so insistent on our forgiving from our heart.
My definition of a curse is the harmful energy released against another by the use of witchcraft, hateful words, slander, by one’s hateful attitude and by negative and, even, controlling or ‘witchcraft’ prayer by a Christian. Hearing and not refusing a message from a psychic, gypsy, or fortune teller acts the same way. A negative diagnoses by a medical doctor, a negative prediction by a school guidance teacher, taunts by your peers, things said during discipline by your parents, any and all of these can and do act as curses.
By the way, Spiritual Warfare can backfire like a curse. Many Chrisitan practice demonically inspired ‘spiritual warfare’ which also acts like a curse and backfires on the participants. All of these actions can cause the victim and the perpetrator to come under demonic harassment and oppression.
Included in my definition of a curse:
Negative words spoken about one’s identity or future.
An ‘evil’ prophecy over your life, meaning any message or prediction given to you by a psychic, palm reader, reader of horoscopes, fortune teller, ouiji board, seance, gypsy or even an ‘angel of light’ source of an ‘evil’ prophecy over your life. If you listen to and do not reject a negative word of evil origin, it is as if you agreed to it. The Evil One is given authority to fulfill that in your life.
Intense negative feelings toward one of hatred, jealousy, envy – feelings with ‘murderous’ intent.
Negative prayers that carry negative intent, that focus in the wrong outcome, and that are meant to control.
The Biggest Curses in Hindu Mythology – A curse is a warning and a wish to inflict adversity upon an enemy, using supernatural powers like a mantra, a prayer or a magic spell as in Harry Potter.
Curse works, Blessings are even more powerful and Karma is the ultimate decision maker.
Earn blessing to stay safe.
How do you have the time to do this
respect tho as you did the whole 3 generations of Yrkkh and anupama including spim offs
It’s just the fact that they are either kids or jobless
Copy paste takes only couple of minutes
The author is frustrated…you can see their frustration on the title and the sub notes…lol
Hope MaAn wedding be done n MaAn live happily ever after!!! If not, end the series n move on to a new one!!
ZERO Vanraj has nothing left but jealousy n hatred, he has himself to blame no one else! Why creates a bitter life when u can have a blissful life!! Your destiny is in ur hand Vanraj!!
He is loser no. 1
Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. First Leela cursed Anu and now Vanraj. Is Hasmukh his real father? Is there not even a hint of hasmukh in him and only 100% leela? Now things will be even worse once the old queen called by Leela arrives.
Hatts of to the writer who has written this title
Title of the episode .. very nice… and the precap.. vanraj stating.. ki shaadi Shah House se nahi hogi.. GREAT….. Pichha CHUTEGA ….
I want a destination wedding for MaAn.. with ONLY & ONLY WELL-WISHERS bas…