Anupama 26th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Anupama notices Nirmit with his bag and asks if he is going somewhere. Nirmit says he is getting calls from his family. Anupama says he should inform them whatever happened and asks why he is behaving weirdly. Ankush asks him to call a cab. Anupama asks if he will return back or not. Nirmit says he will try. Kinjal gets ready for office and informs Leela and Hasmukh. Kavya says even she will go to work after sometime and informs Vanraj reached Mumbai for a job interview. Leela and Hasmukh hope he gets a job. They ask Kinjal not to worry about Pari and return home soon.
Toshu walks to them ready and informs that he is also going to work as Kinjal offered him a job. Leela yells if he will work under his wife and become her assistant. Kinjal says she can’t give her boss’ position to Toshu, she offered job to him and didn’t force him. Toshu says he himself accepted the job. Leela yells that granddaughter eloped and married and grandson became a wife’s servant. Hasmukh and Kavya asks what is a problem in it. Leela reminds that Kavya had a problem when Kinjal had become her boss and says husbands can’t tolerate their wives dominating them and would start fighting. Kavya says Kinjal gave Toshu a job out of humanity. Hasmukh says its not necessary that whatever happened earlier will repeat and asks Toshu to work hard and achieve success in his job.
Anupama tongue lashes Nirmit for trying to abandon Dimpy during the toughest time of her life. Anuj encourages him to support and fight for his love. Nirmit says he doesn’t want to be great like Anupama or a hero like Anuj. Pakhi provokes neighbor against Shah family and lies that her family doesn’t support her, they don’t even give her some sugar forget grocery. Leela notices them talking, questions neighbor, and tongue lashes neighbor for believing Pakhi. Pakhi thinks she will create a daily drama and trouble Shahs until they accept her. Kavya tries to calm down Leela and says Pakhi wants them to react, so they should stay calm. Leela leaves. Kavya gets busy over a call. A man hands over an envelope to her.
Nirmit says he doesn’t to fall in a legal trap and if they had not filed police complaint, he would taken Dimpy home and led a normal life. Anupama asks if he will abandon Dimpy then, can’t he fight for her. Nirmit says he is not great to put his family into trouble. Anupama says she can understand his situation, but he should understand a person’s true nature is judge when his partner needs him the most. Barkha says a wife can fight the whole world with husband’s support. Anupama says he would be falling in his own eyes for his coward behavior and won’t be able to see himself in a mirror, etc. Nirmit shouts he is not great to accept Dimpy, he didn’t feel like touching her when he lied beside her last night. Barkha in shock says he doesn’t have right to touch Dimpy, its him who lost the dignity and not Dimpy. He gets adamant and tries to leave. Anuj warns he will repent if he goes. Dimpy walks out and says let him go.
Kavya opens envelope and finds a note “do not support, else you will regret.” She thinks locality kids must have played prank. She notices the window open and gets suspicious. Hasmukh calls her just then. Dimpy asks Nirmit to look at her. Nirmit stands with bent head. Dimpy reminds him the oaths they took during pheras and says she just expect him to hold her hand and encourage her and not to shoot the culprits; even she is not a heroine like he said, but situation is forcing her to fight; its good that Anupama and Anuj were there to support her or else Nirmit wouldn’t even have taken her to a police; she was never his responsibility and not a partner from today. She throws her bangles on him and says she doesn’t need a coward husband like him. She throws her mangalsutra and says it was the most precious jewelry for her, but he made it worthless now.
Precap: Anupama and Anuj get a threat message not to support Dimpy. Leela asks Anupama to back off before the fire burns everything. Bikers attack Anupama.
Update Credit to: MA
Anuj is also a rich man. He can hire bouncers for his family and dimpy. With his money he can buy opposition lawyer too( when case starts).
When he will use his name for his benifits
Bodyguard not Bouncer
Samar aur dimpy ki love story dikhayenge ab
Anupama aur Dimple ki Maa Beti rona chalega ab.
Achaa hai, woh Pakhi jalegi doosri taraf.
Wow ! You are genius.
Moderator ban Truth of life
@Moderator ban this fake sukti roy alongwith the ip address..
Troller using my name actually forgot that he can copy name but not icon shape and colour.
I am the real truth of life pls don’t steal my name
Anupama is such a b*t*h to not care about her husband but the whole world first. Anupama is such a selfish that everytime she steals the limelight. Anupama is such a whore that she liked to get spanked by Baa everytime. Anupama is such a dumb that she can’t even understand that security matters and they also need some security too. Anupama is such a ignorant deaf bug who forgot that she joined some classes too. Anupama is such a Bastard who doesn’t even visit her dance academy once in a while. Now Anupama the Unholy f**k will forget to bring back her Anu from Camp.
Such a whorefull life which nobody wish to have. I will not wish such life for my nemesis also.
Her ‘Auratjaat ke mahanta’ is forcefully fed to viewers such that feeling to bad that it’s cringe.
Why ‘Mardjaat ke kasht’ is delivered by the mofo Vanraj ?
His Every word feels full of hypocrisy and irony. Who he influencing? The Asshole Men who cheats on wife or Unprofessional in office or sl*t-shame women or Self-Centric,etc. Who?
This serial is like Salman Khan who commits big blunders and then they try to cover it, to gain some fame,etc.
Sorry i didn’t mean to reply to you but a comment. I don’t know how it get here.
Now coming to this Rondupama Forum,
The moderator kept to be reminded that you are writing a Summary and not a review that you will add your adjectives about the episode. Keep it real man. Take a Review page and there talk every shit that you are bearing since the show is very cringe and so your job of writting here is too..Also Moderator is so ignorant regarding how badly people began to attack each other on personal levels anytime anyday.
Many people in the comments section always ready with their 2rs book of 1000 ways to Argue and a blocked sandclock or a battery less watch.
Now, On Normal days, when episode is a f**kall and you will get to see comments bashing on the makers. Other days when episode is boring you get to see PPL bamboozing each other’s *.
On off days when episode is good, all peace becoz no comments only.
And myself Shyra, ya i only see the negatives. If it makes you call me b*t*h, then actually, ya, i am.
Moderator can you pls take actions against Shyra comments? Why should we tolerate this kind of language on a public forum? If this nuisance is going to continue, (not only from this user but anybody else as well) we will seriously need to think about legal action involving cyber crime department, because this is too much now.
Lo aagayi Fake Sukti Roy.
Again crying for Ban Ban.
@Moderator, please Ban the Sukti Roy with green icon too. people would be grateful. thanks
You check old pages from last June and find who original Sukti Roy is.
Yes there can be multiple Sukti Roy but here you are using my name just to satisfy your ego and create confusion as I just mentioned.
And mind well that this time I have requested moderator but if this is going to continue, I will surely go to nearby police station and file a complaint and then cybercrime department will find out who you are. So better you stop this nonsense right now. I challenge you, if you are original then prove it otherwise law will prove. Else be ready for the consequences.
@Sukti. Hellos dear.
I Understand you but it’s not the case of couple of months but since a year now.
I have been here since last December and i seen many times vulgar comments, giving very toxic Galis about reel character and if someone like you opposed then they were also abused badly. A similar case reminds of HIJ where there was a copy of name.
The Real HIJ asked the newcomer to have a unique name. But it gone into a very toxic chat and It led to very big beef between two, because the new HIJ was also adamant to prove that he is also HIJ and the initial one is fake troller but it’s not. Later seeing the condition of forum the Initial HIJ was so sad that she left this forum forever. The second HIJ also not seen but
By coincidence, the yellow icon Anonymous came very later but is very well versed about the beef and initially used to address the HIJ when tandob trollers named Bot comes. But i obliged him not to do and thankfully he listened. He is actually the second HIJ only.
Anyways point is today you are shutting mouth of one troller, but in future what shall we do because there is no discipline here.?
Thank you
@Any I know about HIJ story. I feel both of them are still present in this forum but writing comments with different (multiple) names. Yes we need to think about other trollers as well. Let’s see.
Random ID also enough creating confusion . I had a case 1 & 1/2 yrs back when i opposed a person’s idea in decent way and next to my comment there was random person gave mother father slang to the person and the person then abused my upbringing instead of telling to the random.
I tried to explain that it was not me but the person didn’t apologised.
I can understand @Amar.
You are unbelievable I mean how could you say such things to fellow woman like it’s not real you’re so disgusting
@shyra plzzz control your tongue.. You can give your POV without using slangs.. Nd why you wrote all these only about anupama? What about anuj? Why not he is doing anything for security? Why is he supporting dimpy? Why he forgot to pick up ani from camp? Saari zimmedaari maa ki hi hoti hai kya? Nd why did he forgot to go to office? Why did he took pakhi’s zimmedari?
@Surabhi, absolutely right.
Show name is Anupama
Anupama is Mother-Father of the show.(also of Anuj)
If good then Anupama, bad is also Anupama. My PoV. Clear? And i can abuse reel character. Atleast better than those commntators who targets real PPL
For last couple of months some people are using multiple fake ids and creating confusion among the readers just to troll and abuse other readers for personal ego. You people are losers and will never achieve anything in your life.
Ok next day Anuj
Why is Leela always interfering in the Kapadia’s household? Anupama is no longer a Shah so whatever she does should be no concern of the Shah household. Then there is Ankush & evil wife who were asked to find alternative accommodation but they are still in Anuj’s home and the story continues as if nothing has happened….where are the writer’s brains? As for Pakhi & her Antics er husband should abandon her & she can return to Vanraj as his “princess”. vanraj does not even have a job but he wants his daughter to be pampered – who by?
I have resumed reading updates – not watching episodes which piss me off, in the hope that the writers will come up with something interesting & entertaining. That is a lost hope!! I thought Indians were clever – another wasted thought.
Because Leela is yet another Troller.Lol
It’s evident that people are getting inspired from this show. See nowadays you can find more trollers here. Among Others, Some abuse, some do shaming, some go to extent of parents, upbringing also and some Love to interfere and ignite.
All who Argue are very Irritating in my opinion.
Sammy, I agree to you. I have noticed anonymous user with “light grey” coloured icon is the shameless disgusting troll who’s an andhbhakt of this show. Starting from the 4th november this person has been non stop bullying other commentators. Since the past 6 months until 4th november, no one in this forum had harassed the commentators as much as light grey coloured anonymous alone did who now keeps popping up with different ids in the comment section to create confusions. No one can give their honest opinion until the @moderator takes action about that lifeless troller. If anything, he/she is the one who keeps shaming people for their opinions and attack other users for no reason with different ids. That is his/her level as they won’t know how to go on with their life without abusing others. If that person had even one bit of goodness or shame within them, they would have the decency to openly apologize to all the users they have abused and would also promise to leave them alone. But just like the characters of this serial, that person will never progress.
How you so sure about that person is same person.
Don’t allege like this please.
And before November also chaos was there. There were numerous I’ds named Bot.
Only one person is not to be blamed.
The trend was started by someone else long ago.
Geo I’m assuming that was the same person because when I had checked the dates and all that grey coloured user named anonymous was targetting only two users whos names are pragati and someone called anonymous who has yellowish green coloured icon. And then later the same person used the id boss or names related to boss and then harassed another commentator who commented. Based on that I have a strong feeling that its the same person. I may or may not be wrong. If only there is a way to check ip address we would all be 100% sure.
Those Boss are here from a long time. They are definitely not one but many. I am very sure.
Regarding Anonymous with Yellow Icon, he is no less, me, Any, many others seen how bad his language is and how below the belt he gone several times.
I am surprised why nobody else has condemned those cheap comments from ‘Shyra’ except for myself and Surabhi.
Because we don’t interfere unless it’s going personal.
Geo, you are right. But actually that other guy used to trigger me with different ids, whenever I criticised the show. I never initiated fight initially but some guys couldn’t tolerate negative comments nd started attacking me personally that’s why I had started replying them in their language. But if you have observed recently I have stopped that too and I write only about the show or the writers. I understood there is no meaning of continuing. So now onwards please dont blame me everytime.

you are Rukmini as well.
Biker gang and their threat will hopefully bring shah family and kapadia family together to fight as one.
I think biker gang will kidnap little anu then anupama and anuj will realise what have they got into, helping is one thing but bringing dimpy home with them is another thing…. dimpy can go to her own home. is anuj and anupama going to bring everyone who is wronged to their house? they both did help dimpy by taking to hospital now that is enough. they did not abandoned them in jungle. think about your own family as it is anuj’s priority. biker gang knows where shahs live so anupama is putting there life in danger too …
Rondupama dadi boiler oh suuri suuri
Anuj dadi boiler aiyashi wala
Kinjal wow what a babe
Dimple wow what a babe
Kavya wow what a babe
Barkha wow what a babe
@Ram, dear Lord. though you totally understand pain, still you believed that parting ways is better to avoid society taunts.
Lord Krishna made it a mission to accept ill fated women.
Men in our society also behave the same. Either they abandon partner or great reformers marry to set example.
We still want to see what is the judgement on the husband who leaves wife and forces her to hide the truth.
Should we really leave the escapists just like that?
To avoid society taunts aren’t we encouraging crime and culprits?
Dimpy should not leave the escapist Nirmit easily.
Police must keep him under radar till the case is open.
Lets see how he and his family escape taunts and who will give their daughter to such a fugitive.
Does lord Ram read comments here?
Yes he is everywhere.
Then he would be very upset from this forum comments
everyone has that inbuilt sense, everyone know which delights Lord Ram and which upsets him.