Categories: Anupama

Anupama 27th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Anuj breaks his engagement with Shruti

Anupama 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama tries to stop Anuj and asks him not to do anything. Anuj comes to the hall and calls Shruti. Everyone stands up. Shruti comes there and sees Anupama behind her. Vanraj asks what happened suddenly. Aadhya asks why you are angry? Anupama tries to stop Anuj. Anuj signs her to stop. He asks Shruti, how dare you to do this with Anupama. Everyone looks shocked. Shruti says we shall sort this in the hotel, lets not talk here. Anupama says yes, you shall go to hotel and talk. Anuj says we will talk right here, when Anu was insulted and humiliated in public then this shall happen here. He says everyone shall know whatever happened with Anu, why it happened, on whose sayings etc. Vanraj says we all know. Baa asks him why is he creating a scene in marriage drama. Anuj says even I don’t want to, but the

matter is about Anu, and as she is here, the talk will happen here. He asks Shruti, why Spice and Chutney were closed, why trophy was snatched from her, why Anupama bear the insult, humiliation, hatred, loss etc why? He says this all happened due to that food critic, and says she created a scene and she all did this on Shruti ji’s sayings. Everyone is shocked.

Dimpy asks Anupama if she knew about this. Anuj says she didn’t tell because of Titu and your marriage, didn’t want Shruti and my marriage break. Vanraj asks then who told you then? Anuj says I heard when Anupama was telling Mr. Dhillion, else I wouldn’t have known. Yashdeep says I want to say something. Vanraj says Anupama got two lawyers after a long time. Yashdeep says I am not defending anyone, but saying the truth.

He says Anupama ji along with her work and competition, she had taken care of Aadhya and you without any greed or advantage, and says you fell down, the more she had risen. Shruti says whatever I did was in full conscience, I had asked Ms. Smith to make the news viral and complain to the health and food dept, so that spice and chutney get closed and Anupama leave from our lives, says she don’t want Maan story to start again. Anuj says did you thought that you jealousy took many people’s jobs, did you think about this. Shruti says I didn’t think as I was burning and the burning person doesn’t think. She says I always knew that Anupama will be in your heart always, but then she came in our house, I bear her for Aadhya’s sake, but couldn’t bear her between us. She says she got insecure and jealous because of her, and says you always say Anu Anu…and saw love increasing in your heart for her. She says I was jealous and thought what she has which I don’t have, when I am young, good locking, more educated than her, loves Aadhya and you so much, can give my life for you both. She says I was getting mad hearing Anu Anu. She says I was afraid to lose you and Aadhya, and I don’t want to lose you, and that’s why I did this to keep you away from Anupama. She says if any other girl was on my place then she would have felt insecure.

Devika confronts her and asks how you will feel if I do the same thing with you. Shruti says I just wanted spice and chutney to be closed, but didn’t want that so much will happen, I had not imagined. Devika asks if you are a small girl that you didn’t know. Anuj takes off his ring from his finger and says if you would have done this with someone else, then I wouldn’t have forgiven you, but you have done this with Anu, and that’s why I can never forgive you. He says Anu didn’t want this to happen, but from today our relation is over. Everyone is shocked. Anupama asks Anuj not to take this decision in anger, and says I am upset with Shruti for whatever she did, and says don’t see what she did, but see why she has done this. She asks him to remember that when they were in need, Shruti had taken care of them. Anuj says I was marrying her for whatever she did with Choti, and says relation is over, as trust is no more. Anupama says no. Devika asks Anupama, why you are interfering between them and says if Shruti gets angry on Anuj later then she will not talk to him, but will take revenge from him. She says Anuj is doing the right thing. Aadhya asks Anuj not to do this, and cries. Anuj says sorry. Toshu smiles.

Vanraj tells Anuj and Anupama that they played a bad game, they would have told Shruti, and she would have moved from their way. Anuj asks him to be quiet. Vanraj says this drama is happening in my house. He says Anuj didn’t want to marry Shruti, as Anupama returned in his life and he understood that Anupama was his first choice and Shruti was his second choice always, and now he got a chance to break the marriage. He tells Shruti that he is feeling sorry for her.

Shruti says it is AK’s mistake too, and says when I used to talk to you about something, you used to change the topic. She says everyone gets forgiveness, but not I….she says Anupama and you both love each other so much, that you can’t become of someone else. She says I didn’t want to accept it, but destiny forced me to accept it, that Anuj and Anupama are made for each other, even you know this, and then also you were marrying Shruti, thinking about my favors. She says if you will be happy in the marriage, which is loveless. She tells Anupama that even she loves Anuj. She says I was living in the fairyland and thought that if I love him so much then he will forget you. She says we were together for 5 years, but could never get closer and even after staying separately for 5 years, you both couldn’t separate. Aadhya asks Anuj not to break their family and says she wants Shruti.

Baa asks them to go to their hotel and sort out their problems. Devika says Baa. Vanraj says yes, they shall go to their hotel. They ask each other to shut up. Anupama asks them to stop. She tells Shruti that she is angry and upset, and can never forgive her. She says I never tried to snatch your AK from you, it was difficult to stay in limits, but I made my heart understand and stopped myself and did what was right. She says whenever I asked for something from Kanha ji, I asked Anuj and Choti’s happiness and when I saw that their happiness is with you, then I prayed for your happiness along with them. Shruti says I know this is half truth, and says AK loves you and even you loves him immensely. She says the question is not that you want to get him or not, but I want to hear from you, do you love AK or not? Everyone looks on.

Shruti holds Aadhya’s hand and brings her infront of Anupama. She keeps Anupama’s hand on Aadhya’s head and says I know you will not take Aadhya’s fake swear and asks her to say if she loves AK or not. Everyone waits for Anupama’s confession. Shruti asks Anupama to say, if she loves him or not. Anupama says yes, I do. She says I love Anuj very very much. Everyone gives mixed reactions. Vanraj asks Toshu to check if Mr. Dhillion had fainted. Toshu laughs and says sorry. Anupama says I will love hium always, but the truth is also that I have moved on in life, and I don’t want to come between your AK and you, and don’t want to return in Anuj’s life, and this thing I am saying swearing on my daughter’s head. Aadhya cries and gets upset. Anupama says sorry, I can’t stop loving him even if I want to. She says before being lover, wife, woman, I am a mother and my happiness lies in my daughter’s happiness and my daughter’s happiness is with you both.

Precap: Shruti apologizes to Anuj. Anuj apologizes for overreacting. Shruti says whatever happened is good, atleast you know what is in Anupama’s heart, she still loves you. Anupama runs somewhere and says how could I come between Anuj and Shruti. Anuj brings the umbrella and takes her to the shelter, and says he is always standing at the same place since births, as his journey starts and ends with her.

Update Credit to: MA

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  • I think Anuj and chhoti should regret there mistakes because they didn't trust anupama. I think that Anuj will cut off his ties with shruti. And Anuj will take out his engagement ring from his hand and give it to shrut. I think mrs Smith have to say sorry infront of anupama. And mrs Smith should write truth for spice and chutney.

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  • Still waiting for vanraj to expose titu.

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  • They so much highlighted Shruti’s involvement in food critics actions so that Anuj could get a valid reason to break his engagement. Is this a joke or what? Any food critic will complain to the health department finding cockroaches in their dish, it didn’t matter whether Shruti was involved or not. What Shruti did was nothing compared to what Adhya did to Pari and Anu don’t even talk about that incident. Waah…. Why is Anupama not sacred to letting choti get involved with kids knowing what she can do but she is sacred of Shruti bringing harm to Choti and Anuj…. great hypocrisy.
    Now obviously Anuj would want to get rid of Shruti as he can she that Adhya is positively getting involved with Shahs and the kids, so he doesn’t need Shruti Anujmore as Anupama can now handle Aadhya. What a selfish man!
    Shruti is not his paid nanny, if he had no intention of marrying her than why give her false hopes and waste her time for 5 years.
    Anupama is another piece.
    How is Anuj any better than Vanraj at least when his cheating was found out he clearly stated that he never loved Anupama. But here Anuj says he loves Anupama but will still marry Shruti or stay with maya. Disgusting! Still Anupama is worshipping this man is beyond me.

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    • agree with you mia

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    • I agree @ Teju

      But certain things could have been dealt with in a better way by makers

      1. Shruti shouldn't have been shown in a grey way, rather Shruti should have cancelled the marriage as soon as she realised the bonding between Anuj- Anupama when she landed in their house to take care of Adhya.
      So sad her statement was that Anuj only wanted to marry her bcoz of Adhya
      It is such a sad moment of realisation for any person for that matter

      2. Anupama keeps on saying "I have moved on, I have moved on" - unfortunately the makers don't know the meaning of this statement
      Moving on - is not going back on the same path,
      when this Anupama goes inside the house to take care Adhya means she has not moved on...
      When she still wishes to be called mummy by Adhya & lovingly embraced by her she hasn't moved on...
      And its definitely not called moving on... - When Anupama shakes, shivers, silently cries, and turn around seeing Anuj- Shruti together

      Shruti is made a vamp just to make it easier for makers to bring MaAn together AND That's the reason also Adhya's wrong action was not highlighted.

      And @Muge you are right although not physically..Anupama was always there present btwn Anuj - Shruti
      It's a huge mistake to even wish to get married to a man who is emotionally not committed
      Anuj had agreed to marry bowing to Adhya's whimsical demand and shruti's one sided love.

      And not only Anupama has a habit of blaming herself for everything that's gone wrong but also doesn't take a stand for herself and is ever ready to become 'Statue of Sacrifice' whether Sacrifice is required in a particular situation or not

      And the makers are "Bad In Maths"
      Immediately after marriage Anuj-Anupama adopted Choti Anu/ Adhya a 7 Yr old child.
      And it was 3yrs + when Anuj-Anupama separated So CA was 10yrs
      5 yrs of separation so Adhya is supposed to be 15yr old but as per makers she is 12

      Sometimes I really enjoy Vanraj's witty sarcastic remark especially towards Anupama
      Same way I used to enjoy Rakhi Dave(Kinjal's mom) dialogue delivery 😀😃😄

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      • If after this confrontation n cancelling the wedding, Shruti still thinks they can patched up then she is gone case! Anuj will never patch up with her for Aadhya sake, if Aadhya blindly want Anuj to marry Shruti then Anuj should question her so called happy family when only 1 person who will be happy Aadhya, even I am sure Aadhya will not be genuinely happy coz she too knows Anuj don't love Shruti, but only loves Anupama, which is why no matter how much they tried n keep them apart they somehow ended up together, so Anuj should let Aadhya know that he is not happy with the marriage, and marriage are supposed to be sacred not to be mocked, after all these few days Aadhya had seen the wedding rituals n pujas being done through all Blessings from God families, friends and relatives involved. She should understand that Wedding is not an excuse or reason to force 2 persons to be together without Love! Love n Happiness are included, it's for Life not to escape problems
        in Life! Anuj should question Aadhya's love for him if she insists on the wedding, whether she thinks of his happiness or not! Shruti too why force Anuj, when she knows marriage will not keep Anuj away from Anu as she is in his heart whether or not they are together! I believe too Anuj is relieved that finally he has a valid reason to stop the wedding! Phew! 🤣🤣🤣

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    • Mia, I Agee with 100% but my wife is still Maan bhakt and 26 saal ka rag. Anuj’s character turned into salivating twat. Both Anuj and Anupama were having fun and frolics in Anuj’s house. Shameless behaviour. Anuj wanted to have the cake with icing and eat it. A case of 2 boats..,,

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  • Everyone in this TV show is taking a stand and sticking with it. Only Anupama is the one who has no backbone.
    She is in the wrong, always. And she is the uninvited member to anything.

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    • Anupama doesn't care about Anuj's happiness as she knows Anuj loves her n is going to marry Shruti bcoz of Aadhya, she never give a thought how Anuj going to live his whole life with a loveless marriage? And when Aadhya is mature enough to get married only Anuj n Shruti will be left alone managing their loveless marriage which is for life! Anupama don't really care about Anuj's n Shruti happiness, she just don't want herself to be the reason for Anuj n Shruti break up🙄🙄🙄 WTF!

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    • @holy: What are you smokin, bro?

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      • @NRI holy smoke 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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  • Okay but can we please can we stop defending Shruti as if she didn't know that Anuj loves Anupama. She has always known that AK loves his ex wife and he never hid his love her; if you are in insecure to be with a man then clearly you should not be with that man or in that relationship; is that not your queue to get out of that relationship?? She allowed herself to be used; now she is mad girl come on now where is your self respect how did you agree to that marriage?. Girl just pack your bag and move on; no idea what a pretty girl like you is doing following a man whose 50 whose also in love with his ex wife; girl if you really want a man; go find yourself a good man who is also of your age(I refuse to believe Shruti is older than about 32) who does not have attachment with other woman (smdh). Anupama at least did not lie this time and told the truth she is madly in love with her ex as well what she does not understand is that she has always been between Shruti and Anuj because Anuj never let her go from his heart and that was the reason he never ever made on Shruti in a romantic manner; if she was not apart of Anuj's heart Anuj would have married Shruti along time ago to please Aadya; you cannot come in between people when you were always there(of course not physically if you get it you get it) Anupama and this thing of always blaming herself for everything is annoying. Anuj should never have agreed to marry for his daughters sake; Anuj should have put his foot down when it came to pleasing dear Aadya and never let her rule his life; he is highly responsible for giving Shruti hope. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions Anupama Shruti and Anuj be it right of wrong.

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    • Why blame Anuj when Shruti knows very well Anuj is marrying her only for Aadhya's sake?? He is not giving her hope he even told her upfront, it is Shruti that should have leave them knowing that it's gonna end up this way, like I said what happen when Aadhya gets married n goes away, leaving Anuj n Shruti surviving a loveless marriage? Anuj becomes a zombie? If she can live her whole life with a loveless marriage then who to blame? Anuj never ever force her to be in his n Aadhya life? She willing want to take care of Aadhya?🙄🙄 n knowing Aadhya will not live with them for long after she got married!

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      • Willingly*

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    • @Holy lol; Anuj should never have proposed marriage at all for Shruti that is the main point here; also you have misunderstood me his actions have lead to her believing she has future/hope with him; do you think a woman who does not see a future with a man behaves the way Shruti does with Anuj. That young lady saw a future even if it was just because of Aadya; she saw a future; her mentally was probably i can change him. Sure it was Shruti decision but still Anuj is not right either way. In the love angle with Shruti Anuj and Anupama they are all the problem i hope you at least see that. Anupama pushing him with Shruti for Aadya's sake; Anuj for even wanting to marry a woman while in love with another woman and also Shruti for agreeing to this nonsense. They are all the problem people need to stop choosing sides.

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      • True 👌 completely agree with you
        All the three mature adults behaved worse than the immature teenager

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  • Agree with Mia!
    Please Shruti take Aadhya and go, you both deserve each other.
    I want Vanraj to get exposed also, and i hope Shruti must be the one to do it - In a way to redeem herself or it can be Yashdeep and Devika, who should actually get together after this, did her husband not pass away.

    and what is the Toshu clown laughing like a hyena one way for, what's tickling his ugly toes?

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    • Anupama is pushing Anuj into a loveless marriage?? Even though she kniws that Anuj is marrying Shruti for Aadhya?? Never thinks of how hard Anuj gonna live in the future with a woman he don't love. What she thinks she is? Anuj's life is in question! Like you said it's ok MaAn don't have to
      reunite, but better than Anuj to face
      Shruti everyday unwillingly! Didn't Anu knows that after marriage Anuj has responsibility to hold for Shruti by
      being her husband? Will Anu forced Anuj to become a zombie while doing
      his duty as a husband? Nonsense Anupama I am waiting for what she is going to lecture when Vanraj stops the wedding, will she emphasize on Love is everything in a marriage🙄🙄🙄

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  • Don't know for whom to support because every character supporters has their own valid point😞 this serial making disappointed for every viewers day by day

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  • Vanraj just wanna humiliate Titu, he don't have to wait till the wedding is almost complete to stop the wedding as he has the evidence to expose Titu! One thing I wonder why Titu wanna hide the truth that his mother murdered his father? It is his mother that did wrong, he can't choose his parents? Moreover his father used to abused his mother n him that leaded to the murder!

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  • What a joke, is Shruti mentality such that she thinks Anuj will love a person for her appearances instead of character wise? So what if a person is beautiful n her character is such as Shruti, Maaya, Pakhi or any other woman whose only has good look??? Then we have to question Anuj or any other man who looks for quality instead of looks! Moreover youth n beauty won't stay with a person forever!

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  • Why is she comparing herself to Anupama? Just like those here who always judge Anupama here, so isn't it obvious Anuj loves Anupama for being Anupama ( 26 years) not for her beauty, Shruti should now know Anuj don't go for look! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 🤣🤣🤣

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    • 👌💯

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