Anupama 27th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Samar over informs Kinjal and Kavya that Anupama has also left home and they all are searching for Anupama and Anuj. They ask if they should come there and search for Anupama and Anuj. Samar says they already searched whole city and will brief them if they are found. Kinjal fears for Hasmukh’s condition if he hears about Anupama going missing. Hasmukh falls down hearing that and starts crying for Anupama. Family comforts him. Samar also panics on worried for Anupama. Dimple, Devika, and Dheeraj comfort him and encourage him to act brave like Anupama and search for her. Hasmukh cries why his daughter has to bear all this. Toshu blames himself for Anupama’s situation. Vanraj says its not his mistake. Toshu says Anupama had to visit him often due to his illness, his fights with Kinjal, and for Pari; a world’s best mother has to suffer because of him. Hasmukh says they all are responsible for Anupama’s problems, they dragged her in their problems and forced her to ride in 2 boats.
Vanraj asks if Anupama should have broken her relationship with her 3 children, Anuj and Anupama couldn’t handle their relationships and we are blamed instead. Kinjal says their relationship was perfect, but we interfered between them. Kavya says Anuj and Anupama never had any issues between them, we created issues; Anupama’s family became a big hurdle between them. Kinjal says its also her mistake that she dragged Anupama in all her problems. Vanraj asks which woman doesn’t visit her parental home, Anuj and Anupama’s relationship was weak instead. Hasmukh says they didn’t let Anupama’s relationship grow at all and didn’t let her stabilize her relationship with Anuj. He blames Leela and himself for interfering in Anupama’s life repeatedly and says whole Shah family is responsible for Anupama’s situation and if Anupama’s house breaks, they all will be cursed to the core. He insists to go in search of Anupama again. Kavya and Kinjal comfort him and says Anuj and Anupama will be found soon. Vanraj says they will be found, but will not be united again. Hasmukh prays for Anuj and Anupama.
Pakhi cries looking at Anupama’s photo. Adhik tries to comfort her. Pakhi says it won’t affect him as he got a chance to stay in this house and help his sister in her heinous act. Adhik gets angry and warns her to stop blaming Barkha for being practical, its Anuj and Anupama’s mistake that they left home, his sister and BIL are doing favors by handling Kapadia empire as they can’t shut the company, he will support them if needed, they saw a difficult life when they left this house and he doesn’t want to see the same situation by losing this job, etc. Anuj and Anupama are seen walking on roads senselessly. An old song plays in the background. Vanraj recalls Anupama saying Anuj is her life and everything and leaves home to search for Anupama with an evil intention.
Samar, Devika, and Dheeraj get more worried when they couldn’t find Anupama and Anuj till night. Devika shouts Anupamaa’s name. Anuj and Anupama reach a temple separately. Hey Ram Hamare Ram Chandra.. song plays in the background. Anuj cries sitting at a corner in Manoj Kumar’s style. Anupama prays god to protect her Anuj and send him back to her wherever he is. Anuj stands up and walks neabry Anupama without noticing her. Vanraj reaches Anupama before him. Shahs continue to worry for Anupama. Vanraj tells Anupama says this was bound to happen if not today, then tomorrow, a year later or 10 year later; he warned her repeatedly not to trust Anuj, but she didn’t listen to him once; Anuj turned out to be an evil like him; Anuj’s love for her, poetic and filmy nature are all an excitement for men which vanish after they get what they want; Anuj also lost his mask of goodness over time.
Precap: Vanraj tries to manipulate Anupama and says he came to take her home. Anupama refuses. Anuj’s inner voice says he loves himself and not Anupama and is showing frustration of losing his daughter on Anupama.
Update Credit to: MA
Fed up of this Shah family drama,they keep interfering in anupama’s life even if a lizard comes to their house,if anything wrong happens to anupama’s life Bcoz of their interference they blame themselves to the core and just the next moment when everything goes fine in her life they again start interfering and this cycle keeps repeating.toshu,pakhi,vanraj and baa do all this intentionally so that her life shatter but this kinjal babuji are stupid to drag her again and again and then regret and then again dragging.
Anupama is now dragging It has become like Ekta Kapoors cheap serials.This serial stared with good relatable subject. But now it is stressful to watch. Vanraj trying ,eyeing Anupama is cheap as i said is like Ekta Kapoor’s cheap and typical money making non relatable serial.Is she going to leave Anuj for Vanraj? How cheap She is not a commodity.Pls show us reality n dignity. Just end thevserial with Good Message
Like I said
It was not so big issue that but it was potrayed so over dramatically, so wrongly.
Anuj needed a peace of mind which is only possible when he will be alone for sometime. But Anupama doesn’t understand him and dragging him to celebrate Holi, dance with her, do Shayri, etc . Obviously he will blast. If Ankush was in place of Anupama, who trying to normalise him then Anuj would have blasted on Ankush also.
It’s not about Anupama. Anupama just taken those on herself so that Anuj doesn’t hurt anyone else.
Why She and Barkha are in so hurry i don’t understand. Their insecurity i guess.
Still i want to see Anupama never goes back to KM nor Shah House. But start afresh. Alone.
Even if after this Anuj realises that he was wrong in leaving Anupama but as a reviewer, I won’t be able to relate to Maan again. Writers have ruined his character or better say ruined the love they showed in him.
By doing poetry, dancing on old songs, giving her luxuries doesn’t show love. What is most important is at the time of crisis how they are supporting n caring for each other. He is jealous of his wife having children,having someone to call family. Like vanraj n baa blaming everything on Anupama. Is this really love. Doesn’t it pains when your beloved are in pain n crying in front of you. There is no misunderstandings between them its just Anuj is finding Anupama as a easy blamable target.
From the start if their marriage there was no bounding shown between Maan. Anuj was busy chanting CA and Anupama was busy running to shahs. Fault is in both but Anupama was very clear from start that she have many responsibilities but anuj didn’t come clean of his intention of adoption before marriage. On top of that when the kid is leaving you no longer being in love with Wife gives wrong meaning. If he truly even loves CA n not obsession than he would have been happy in CA’s happiness. As an orphaned kid he should be very much be able to relate to the longing of a kid for their biological parents. The sense of belonging that a biological parents bring to child.
Instead of stopping her he should have made sure with his power that she is happy n secure if she choosing to go with maya and if maya proves to be wrong in parenting CA than bring her back.
To be honest I kinda got fade up with their unrealistic version of love no matter how much you love someone you will need them to give you time and some priority and not be understanding all the time , Anuj used to remind me of how Anupama was mopping after vanraj in the name of love and receiving the bare minimum
Anu hasn’t even given Anuj half the time and attention she gave vanraj or gives the shah family
I wish they just kept them as friends who are inlove with each other .
So people who said Anuj needed some time alone to process were right, with his realization of how selfish his been we are about to get depressed Anuj 2.0 for hurting Anupama and leaving her , he will start searching everywhere for her and this depressed truck will go on another 3 weeks
Adhik , Bharka and Ankush never changed they were just on a leash once Anu and Anuj get back their senses I hope they are kicked out of Kapadia empire and mansion.
After been married to Anupama for 26 years Vanraj actually never knew her at all if he thinks that she will go with him
I bet Anu would take The 1 year marriage to Anuj over her 26 years to Vanraj
I agree with you
I don’t understand how he got sooo attached to a grown child that he only knew for few months. If they brought the her up from the time she was a baby, then I would understand the situation.
But this knowing and falling out of love for a person that he had longed for, for the past 26yrs verses a child you only knew for a few months don’t make sense.
This is crap story. Maybe Anuj should go and live with Maya to be with choti Anu, and Anupama should stand on her own two feet away from all this nonsence
So people who said Anuj needed some time alone to process were right, with his realization of how selfish his been we are about to get depressed Anuj 2.0 for hurting Anupama and leaving her , he will start searching everywhere for her and this depressed truck will go on another 3 weeks
Adhik , Bharka and Ankush never changed they were just on a leash once Anu and Anuj get back their senses I hope they are kicked out of Kapadia empire and mansion.
After been married to Anupama for 26 years Vanraj actually never knew her at all if he thinks that she will go with him
I bet Anu would take The 1 year marriage to Anuj over her 26 years to Vanraj
I like the blame game between the Shah’s, actually even Anuj used to send Anupama to the Shah’s even if she didn’t want to,Anupama is the only reasonable person in this series everyone else is foolish and selfish besides Devika and Deeraj,Anuj was failing to express his deeper feeling and acting good husband while he was hurting inside but Anupama used to tell Anuj her ups and downs regarding the 2 families,it’s good to hear Anuj is slowly coming back to his senses,whether we like it or not such situations happen to people in real life
I must agree with you Anuj was the husband and he was supposed to help his wife find a solution to keep her near him and Choti and also keep her responsibilities towards her children,like for example why didn’t Torch was staying with them when no one wanted to take care of him at the Shas house but there was do many times when Anupama complaint to her husband that she tired of all the responsibilities and wanted to spend more time with him and Choti Anu but he was the one who also send her to the Shas even when she don’t wanted and only wanted to spend time with him and Choti Anu
Know he only blames her but he forgot how many times Anu refuses but he just reminded her of her duties also to the Shas and forgot she’s only human also got tied.
@Erica Burger Literally! She said no and he didn’t listen. Basically forced her to go then he turned around and said she never spends time with them like huh??? sir did you forget who sent her there???
Anuj and Anupana are both emotional fools. They deserve each other.
Agree because they understands each other’s pain, love, sorrows and happiness.
And special they live for other’s all forgot about their own happiness
it’s so funny how none of you mention Vanraj. who is such a boring no life middle age man with nothing going on? but is filled with bitterness. Everything in his life has gone to crap and he has no prospects of anything good. But can’t he leave Anupama alone? The reason is he wants her in his life again in some capacity even if it’s to point a figure to say I told you so. By the way, her name is Anupama but you fail to understand this she will always do the right thing. I look for little Anu coming back and Anuj with a tail between his legs. And a tight slap in Vanraj and his mother’s face.
@Bailey I agree with you. All vanraj wants to achieve by “helping” Anupama is to tell her I told you so, that men change after marriage. And also he thinks that by having Anupama in his life, all things will be okay in terms of his job and family because Bapuji has always told him that Anupama was his Lakshmi, a lucky charm, and since she went away from his life, nothing good has been happening in his life.
He thinks him being a shitty husband, no, shitty person is equal to someone who has just lost their child.
I agree that what Anuj is doing is not nice, however, given the circumstances, very understandable. Vanraj is just a rat regardless.
Anon vanraj is the definition of a rat. The only language he loved was abuse. He abused two of his wives. Anupama and kavya had seen how abusive he is although he was more abusive to anupama compared to kavya. Atleast like how we all saw anuj was atleast always patient to anupama until this had happened. I think his outburst is 90% the anger pent up because of anupama giving more time to shahs and the 10% is this choti anu matter which have blown up together.
Gosh Vanraj is crossing all limits who is he to comment on anyone marriage when he can’t keep any of his two wives happy. Anupama was never happy nor is Kavya who he claimed to love. This man is just crossing all his limit how can he ask another mans wife to accompany him to his home.
Shah house’s biggest culprit is everyone is Shah house. Each and everyone is to blame. I don’t understand whats up with Anuj now so is he going back to Anupama or what going to happen. I mean with promo that came out Anupama is leaving Kapadia house so what’s going to happen??? I think I understand remember when Dheeraj spoke he said Anuj don’t leave a good woman and all that he said I think Anupama might leave Anuj and he will understand what Dheeraj meant maybe but will we wait and see.
This vanraj. He will keep harping on his ex like a leech. When he was her husband and had all 26 years to give her attention he didn’t and gave her abuse instead. Now that she is once again abandoned he is lusting up on her again. Some men are seriously like diseases. And anuj, his alter ego has appeared to give him advice, he too did very wrong just as much as anupama. Anyways if this show really is about women empowerment anupama would have no business in a second marriage and she will be seen focusing only on herself. And K empire should be managed by someone who’s educated and smart and also someone who has no bad intentions. Not someone who’s uneducated or having any bad intentions. And today shah family is now playing blame game. What is the exact purpose of blaming theirselves now? That family full of crazies mistreated anupama when she was a full time maid in their house but now that she is living away they need her to do all their chores. How funny. The only best characters of this serial are malvika, GK uncle and devika even though malvika and GK are not shown now.
Vanraj needs to be kicked On his behind for such vicious attacks and motives. He is the most selfish and self centered person. I hope Anupama puts him in his place once and for all to end this heinous motives.
Time for he to look after herself and show the world that although she is a good person who thinks about everyone but she is capable of handling everything, show the guts to run the business and come out on the top.
Barkha and Ankush will never change, living off free money and always trying to hurt people who supported them. Can’t believe the show keeps dragging this idiotic agenda
Its 2023 who still watches this and why is it No1? There are so many decent shows like Meet and Main Hain Aparajita and Saavi Ki Savaari and others. Even Teri Meri Doriyan is moving quick now
Agreed. Only stupid idiotic typical people will watch this show. Any person who’s right in their minds will never waste their time on this circus show
Another paid viewer
That you are no wonder why you got triggered by my comment
Those shows are so poor.
They are not even visible in trp charts.
Paid viewers only watches those serials.
What needs to happen to move this show from the dark ages into 2023 the writers need to get fired. Young writers need to write the script.
As per Sources the new entry in the promo is Anupama’s Mother only. No new Entry for now.
*mysterious entry
Devika and Dheeraj should join hands and help Anupama rise up and out of this misery. They are the two friends without any agenda and know how to handle evil people who are always taking advantage of Anupama.
Seriously cannot believe a woman writer is behind this stupid track. Instead of helping woman rise, they constantly show how. Woman is abused!