Categories: Anupama

Anupama 29th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Anuj confesses his love to Anupama

Anupama 29th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kavya and Kinjal worry for Anupama. Kavya says even Devika doesn’t know where is Anupama? Kinjal says I hope Mummy and Anuj unite. Babu ji prays to God to make everything fine.

Anuj comes to Anupama and holds the umbrella over them, as it is raining. Aaya tere dar pe deewana plays….They go to the beautiful glass house/shelter in the garden. Anuj says let me say today. He says People tells that past doesn’t return back, whoever says this doesn’t know the strength of true love. He says past becomes dreams for everyone, and says what to do, love doesn’t agree. He says we had given up and but the boat of our lives go to the same destination. He says my Kanha ji knows that I tried to do everything to fulfill my promise, and says when I saw you, my broken heart hurts a lot.

He says I respected your decision that you don’t want to live with me, and decided to spent my life with someone else. He says but Kanha ji didn’t want this to happen. He says I told you that many girls had come in my life, and couldn’t withstand in my life, but Shruti came in my life as Aadhya’s mother. He says you was away from me, but was with me and Shruti was with me, but very far. He says I loved just once person and that’s you. He says Shruti knew well that I just love you, and I am yours, and I never told her that I love her. He says I just loved you since I saw you, all those 26 years when I was away from you etc. He says I am just yours. He says I never hid my love from Shruti, Aadhya and you. He says Shruti was ready to wait for me, I made her understand that I can give her relation, name, but can’t give her love and togetherness. He says when I saw you after 5 years, I thought to meet you and forget it whatever happened, but then Aadhya made me promised that I will be with Shruti, though I don’t love her. He says I love Aadhya so much, that I decided to be with Shruti. He says if she had done anything wrong with me then I would have bear, but she tried to stain your idol which is of Devi, so how can I forgive her. He says I am saying today without any tears and guilt, that I don’t know how you control your eyes and heart seeing me, but I am standing here since many births, as my run starts with your name and ends with your name and that’s why God sent you to the same country, where I had lived, and sent you to the same restaurant where Shruti used to take me, when you came here to India, my name was written on your hand with mehendi, and then Shruti’s exposure, and she said that she wants to see us becoming Maan from Anuj and Anupama, and asks if this is not Kanha ji’s leela then what it is. He says why do we meet often if we are not destined to meet. He tells the poetry. He says moon and sea might be miles away, but the storm comes in the sea when the moon sees it, likewise Anuj gets the storm in her heart when Anupama sees me. He says why we are not agreeing that we love each other. Anupama moves back, hearing his long and true love confession. Anuj bends down on his knees and says I love you Anu, you knew it well then why you are moving back and says we reached here fighting with the world then why you are moving back. He hugs her and says I will not let you go, and asks her not to let 5 years overpower their lifetime companionship. He asks her to confess that she also loves him. Anupama pushes him and runs from there. Anuj thinks if she loves me and misses me like I miss and love her, then she will turn once and will look at me. Song/Qawwali plays….Anupama turns to Anuj and cries. Anuj smiles.

Anupama comes home and hugs Devika. Devika asks where was you, everyone is searching you. Anupama says Mr. Shah was right, I have broken, Shruti and Anuj’s alliance. Devika says you didn’t do anything. Anupama cries and says I tried a lot to stay away from Anuj and made my heart understand, but I came between them though unintentional. She saays may be I did something that Anuj got hopeful again. Devika says did you ask Shruti to ask Food critic to ruin her and others’ lives, and asks why you are blaming yourself. Anupama blames herself. Devika says Anuj and Shruti were just friends. Anupama says Anuj would have loved Shruti after marriage. Devika says Shruti’s breakup happened with her mistake and she knew already that Anuj just loved you and then also she tied the thread with Anuj though she knew that it was weak thread/relation. She says whatever happened was good, if they had married then if it was good thing to happen with them. Anupama says I have done a mistake. Devika asks her to pack her bags, as she is going to a long trip. Anupama asks what trip. Devika says guilt trip.

Anuj is walking on the road. Shruti thinks about Anuj and her breakup. Se takes her hand bag and leave. Devika asks Anupama why she doesn’t behave like normal people and don’t get happy. She asks if Anuj should have taken sanyas. Anupama says I shouldn’t have gone to America, or when I saw him, I should have left from there. She thinks I will make him understand, and says why I didn’t tell him when he came to talk to me. Seh says he can’t break the promise made to Shruti. Devika says Anuj can take his own decisions, and asks why you are so bothered. Anupama says I do care. Devika asks her to marry Anuj. Anupama says no, how can he break his relation with Shruti and says she will talk to him. She turns and looks at Shruti.

Vanraj tells Kavya that Anupama is like a termite in Anuj and Shruti’s life. Kavya asks Vanraj why does he always lower Anupama, and asks him to concentrate on getting Titu and Dimpy’s marriage done, and not to break it. He gets a call and says tomorrow another blast will happen.

Shruti says I am sorry for coming home and disturbing you. Anupama says I will talk to Anuj and will make him understand. She says I will talk to him, he can’t do this, and says you have given 4 years of your life to him. Shruti says I came to talk to you, and apologizes for hurting her heart and for doing wrong with her, and says I am sorry Joshi behen.

Precap: Titu comes for his marriage. Ansh welcomes him. Vanraj thinks to stop the marriage. Anupama thinks if he thinks to stop the marriage, then I will play your band. Anupama tries to convince Anuj to marry Shruti.

Update Credit to: MA

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  • Now that Chipkoo lady MAYA version 2.0 Shruti is being thrown out next turn of either kicking or silencing that ungrateful adopted child who is equally worst as the biological kids of lead lady

    Mr Rajan Sahi are you finding any auspicious muhurta to silence that nasty child. Looking at this hopeless rascal no one will feel like adopting orphans

    please let us know when are you going to silence that b@@ illegitimate spoilt rascal aversive cheap disgusting child. ( fall short of adjectives)

    In which household minor kids manipulate their parents and make parents dance to their tunes like JHAMURA 🐒 🙈

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  • Mr Rajan Sahi please for heaven's sake please silence that nasty b@# child. Her shouting yelling yapping is simply rotten third degree torture absolutely deafening



    FURTHER THE LADY PLAYING MAYA VERSION 2.0 LOOKS EVEN MORE CHEAPER THAN THAT PREVIOUS LADY. HER ATTIRE AND THE LADY DYING TO CLING TO THE SWINE SPINELESS ANUJ LOOKS YUCK 🤮 LITERALLY FEEL LIKE PUKINGMr Rajan Sahi please for heaven's sake please silence that nasty b@# child. Her shouting yelling yapping is simply rotten third degree torture absolutely deafening




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    • Why is Anupama denying her love for Anuj. Why are you trying to keep them apart? Aadya's demand that her father marries a woman who he doesn't love.,is insane. Since Shruti can't have kids she can adopt Aadya. She can have visitation from Anuj. He can move back in with Anupama. Aadya loves her Shru much more than Anuj. Give the story some excitement. Give Adhik full custody of Ishaani. Vanraj can visit his granddaughter anytime. Pakhi will have to be supervised on her visits.

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  • Vanraj's words are so true and , whatever he said about anupama is totally correct, she intentionally let anuj interfere in her life, and that cheap playboy was fiance was shruti's fiance he was trying very hard to persuade anu to come to their lives, and telling it was all kanha ji's wish. anupama should have literally scolded anuj very strongly that why is he again and again interfering in her life if she is staying with some other woman for 5 years , if he so much cared about adhya he should keep a 24 hours nanny, why keep shruti as nanny and promise her marriage , bro if you are currently single or divorced any girl if she feels for you then it is your fault if you dont tell her that you are not over your ex. , why did you promise her to marry, it is natural to feel jealous. he just wanted a slightest reason to break marriage , always following anu where ever she goes and talks to, always puts ears on walls to listen to what anu is talking, is'nt this cheap habit.

    if you are divorced then just let her and her shah family as they are , why do you want to mingle with each one and want to stay good in everyone's eyes, just mind your own business , this was the exact reason why they divorced and they are again entering this mud. and what about his own family guru ma and sister muku, he never cares about them. just becomes a simp seeing anu.

    shruti was such a lovely and bubbly girl, she should have left anuj , they both made her life hell, she just complained to miss smith to escalate the ,matter, which anyways a food critic must do, even if rahul put the cockroach, it was anupama's fault she let the biryani getting served, she was the owner and even head chef, why would world want to believe now that she put the cockroach or not, cockroach was found in spice and chutney biryani and it is the fault of owners, she just want that everyone says that she did not put cockroach and baaki sab gaya bhaad mai. she was talking on phone when biryani got served it was really anupama's mistake as she was careless. everyone has forgotten this. even if they both love each other, they are not good enough that they should marry, both are above 55 years of age and acting like nibba nibbi ka pyaar, such a load of crap,

    shruti must marry someone who literally values and cares for her and adhya should change her pops to , stay with shruti and her new husband and leave those two nibba nibbi with each other who just care for shah family and then cry for them

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    • It's take two hands to claps🤣🤣🤣

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  • Can't Anupama understand that you pushing Anuj into hell, just like what Duya told ger b4 loveless marriage won't works, and if that really happen then Aadhya will be affected too! How can she forces Anuj to marry Shruti when Anuj told her he can never be happy with Shruti is Anuj happiness don't matter to her?? Why she is trying to ruin Anuj n Shruti's life?? 🙄🙄🙄 Anupama don't have to reunite with Anuj, just leave him alone!

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  • I was expecting Anupama to say these exact dialogues.
    That Anuj should go back to Shruti,and that Anupama blaming herself yet again for everything that goes wrong.
    I knew that lady would do some absolutely annoying mellodrama.
    And now the emotional dialogues are not about Adhya also it's Shruti.
    That Shrutiji loves Anuj a lot.
    What does she mean by saying that Shruti has given Anuj 4 yrs of life, Shruti didn't stop living her life or left her job etc & dedicated her whole life for Adhya, she just used to handle Adhya in her spare time( as per what's shown in serial)
    Why is Anupama making a huge issue of it ?
    And she either fights or cries, can't she just be normal.
    As Devika said today behave like normal human being. Be happy like normal people.

    Can't that stupid Anupama understand that she is unnecessarily pushing Anuj into a loveless marriage with Shruti.
    As per Anupama, Anuj would have started to love Shruti after marriage
    If actually LOVE is a crop that reaps from the soil of marriage, then Anupama should have married Yashdeep, love would have appeared in her heart out of nowhere the moment yashdeep applied sindoor in her maang.
    What nonsense are these makers showing ? Anupama is not human having normal human kind of emotions & behaviour, she is Goddess Annapurna who 1st think of others, then about the ppl she loves then at last about herself.
    Thinking about others is fine, she just over does that thing
    And by forcing a marriage who will benefit ?
    Shruti-Anuj will be stuck in a loveless marriage for whole life, the way Anupama was stuck with Vanraj for 26yrs

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    • Exactly exactly!! Totally agreed @Rosni why Anupama is so selfish, she so care about people thinking of her coming between Anuj n Shruti n so is bad person, but she never care about Anuj's happiness??? She just wanna be great, careless about what would happen to Anuj's life?? She cares about Vanraj's taunt but not Anuj happiness which is for Life! Why care about what Vanraj's taunt when he himself is a jerk!

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    • Yes, when Anupama can simply rejected Yashdeep's love why she is pushing Anuj to Shruti? If she wanna live happily staying single why can't Anuj? Why she must push Anuj to sacrifice his happiness for her and Aadhya? Not forgetting Shruti too, Shruti already said Anuj n her will feel suffocated if they get married, can't Anupama understands? She always give lectures yet her words speak louder than her actions?

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  • Both Anupama n Choti Anu are heartless ruining Anuj's life by forcing him to marry Shruti knowing Anuj don't love Shruti😵‍💫 Anuj you have love 2 wrong persons who careless about your happiness, they just want you to live like a zombie sacrifice your whole life for them so long as Anupama can still be great, and Choti Anu feels secure!

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  • Exactly, Anupama feels guilty as you wish, just STOP pushing Anuj to marry Shruti, you pray Kanhaji to Bless you yet you are here ruining Anuj's life? You don't have to go back to Anuj but you cannot ruin his life, at least he can live as a single father taking care of Aadhya, so Aadhya too shouldn't force him to marry Shruti!

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    • You are right! Aadhya cannot force Anuj if Anuj don't go back with Anupama, at least he can tell Aadhya he just wanna live without having the burden of a loveless marriage and as long as he is not with Anupama, Aadhya has no excuse to force him!

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  • Everything happened so fast that Anupama can't digest anything..Anuj broke engagement next he is proposing Anupama ..the root cause is Anupama..Anuj can't stand anyone who hurts his Anu..maan marriage did not even last 2years and here we are talking about 4 years engagement and we expect Anupama to just believe everything is over between Anuj and shruti and the fact that Aadhya is attached to shruti makes Anu believe that they will make a happy family..Anupama's behaviour really makes sense here ..once bitten twice shy...Anu has to make sure everything is sorted before making that commitment again..all that Anuj said to Anu is all his truth and I respect him for that ...Anu also needs time to digest everything and come to the understanding that Anuj was never happy and will not be happy with's up to Anuj to keep on proposing Anu till she understands otherwise its not easy for Anupama

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  • Anuj and Anupama were married 3 years. I don’t see Shruti sacrificing her life for four years. When did they even get engaged? And Aadhya should now be 14-15, almost off to college. Shruti wanted the marriage, Anuj was lackluster. He does not need to marry Anupama, but he should not be made to marry Shruti. Hard to believe that people think that is right. By that logic of commitment, Anupama should have stayed with Vanraj as Baa was asking her to do.

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  • Anupama suffers from guilt on all sides - symptom of abuse survivor. She does not think she deserves happiness and blames herself when anything goes wrong in her world. Her identity is to self sacrifice, then she can retreat emotionally into her shell. Abuse victims think they deserved the harm done to them.

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    • Your analysis about Anupama is correct, I mean the reason she behaves the way she behaves.

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