Anupama 29th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Anupama asks Toshu and Pakhi to ask Samar to give party. Samar says I will give party. Vanraj says only men will go. Toshu tells that the ladies will get emotional about baby and will bore us. Anuj says yes, it is good. Babu ji says we will have party differently. Anuj says we were joking, and says we will have party together. Anupama tells that they will have party separately. Samar, Toshu and others tell that they will have party together. They tell that Samar will give party to men and Dimpy will give party to men. Kavya says we have decided. Anuj tells the men that they will have party in the hotel and they will have it at home. Anupama says we will celebrate. She says party is in the evening, but for now I will make your favorite food. Dimpy wipes the line in the kitchen. Anupama is happy. Samar feels electric current. Pakhi and Toshu ask what happened? Samar says he felt the current as his hand was wet. Pakhi says he should be careful. Samar says he got immune to current as she gives more current. They argue.
Samar says I will not call you to the party. Pakhi takes the selfie with her brothers, and gets emotional reminiscing the childhood. She says we take time to end the matter as we are grown up. Samar says even fight gets big. Toshu says they fight for bigger things. Samar says we can’t bear the same brother’s anger, and our ego gets big, siblings action are same, but our reactions gets changed. Pakhi says we shall change our priorities, and says spouse are different, and nobody can take siblings’ place. They say we will always be together….Anupama says my kid’ love shall not get anyone bad’s sight. Pakhi asks Samar if you will ignore me after baby is born. Samar tells that you are the first child for me, and asks if Toshu has forgotten you. he says he will take photo in his phone, as she puts filter and everything is pink. Pakhi says she doesn’t do. She runs away with Toshu. Samar tries to connect the wire to the extension box and feels electric current again.
Anupama makes Samar’s favorite food. Samar sings song Chand Chupa….and praises Anupama. He is happy to see the dishes and says he is on seventh cloud.. Anupama says you shall be happy always and keeps off the bad sight. While he gets down the window, nail gets pierced in his foot. He thinks may be bad sight is always going off as I am very happy. Anuj comes to the kitchen and holds Anupama. He asks her to say I love you. Anupama says I love you. Anuj reminds her of her promise and says he will help her in kitchen. Anupama asks him to knead the flour. He asks her to give water and says sorry for yesterday. Anupama flirts with Anuj and tries to kiss on his cheek, when baa comes there and asks them to have some shame as they have become dada and dadi. Anuj says Baa, why we will feel shame, we have learnt romance from Babu ji and you. Baa says everything is surprised and asks Anupama to go and tie black thread to Samar and Dimpy to save them from bad sight. Anupama comes to Samar and tells that she will tie him thread. Samar says he will tie it himself. Anupama ties him thread, Samar feels tickles and runs from there. Anupama thinks he used to do the same thing in childhood too, and says she will ask Baa or Dimpy to tie thread to him when he falls asleep.
Samar is laughing happily. Samar lies on the floor and laughs, then stops for a while. Anupama and others calls him. He opens his eyes and surprise everyone. Anupama tells Vanraj that Samar is very happy, she never saw him happy before. Vanraj says he didn’t become father before. Anupama says she will serve food. Samar says lets go. He feels dizzy and his vision gets blurred for a while. He then gets up and thanks everyone, says he is lucky to have all the relations and parents. He says my parents are best parents of this world, and my Mummy is very loving and caring Maa, says I love you Mummy and touches her feet and hugs her. He says you are my friend, partner in crime etc, infact God or more than God. He touches her feet again. Pakhi asks since when you got emotional. Samar says he thought about it so saying.
Precap: Anuj hugs Samar. She tries to tie him raksha thread, Samar says later. They go for men’s party. Later Samar’s dead body comes and Vanraj shouts telling Anupama that Anuj is responsible for Samar’s death.
Update Credit to: MA
This show has run its course now. It’s time to let go.
I agree 200%. Time to wind up this ridiculous show!! Most people who I talked to, told me that they had stopped watching Anupama since long time. It surely has become unbearable and the Makers have totally lost the plot and have no further ideas…
As it is Samar became useless after becoming grimpy’s chamcha so just let him go.
Entertainment doesn’t have to be so agitating
. Not that the show has to give a social message every time … like Kavya says to Varnraj that she’s pregnant with his baby and then the writers get a weird brainwave of changing the track about the father, well you can’t blatantly lie like that. She could have said so before. But they get the fit of trying to give a social message. Everything that can go wrong in a family goes wrong with these two families.
Aur kuch Nahin toh, Samar has to die. I mean, how can entertaining the public become such a load full of nonsense? Wasn’t Dimpy in his life not bad enough? If she’s changing for the better then he has to go? Like seriously? A family can have how many dysfunctional people and events
You are giving out the message effectively that life sucks. Not true at all. Are you writers from a planet called hell? Where everything goes wrong with every one? And Anupama is your only outlet to let the world know your problems? Get real for gods sake!
True @Razor samar is better off gone, writers need to come up with better ideas to rivive the show,,happy families is all we need to see, less of negative stuff
I am reading only written updates.Stopped watching.
@Kavita EXACTLY!
If someone goes against loving parents/family, hell break loose.
If someone abused loving spouse, life is hell.
Balance is needed.
Samar was trying to balance between 2 narcissists Baa/Dimpy. His plea is understood.
And yes his role was reduced to look like lachar and bechara as Anupama is only the decision maker.
Not only Samar all character in this show look stupid with a doormat lead Anupama.
As it is Samar became useless after becoming grimpy’s chamcha so just let him go.
Wasn’t Dimpy in his life not bad enough
Having Baa/Vanraj/Thoshu/Pakhi/Barkha in life also hell, If not more, they are equal to Dimpy in nature, non accepting, self centered, always blaming, manipulating.
These people can easily dominate any simple natured people, so dimple is tit for tat for them. No sympathy for any of these buggers.
Having Baa/Vanraj/Thoshu/Pakhi/Barkha in life also hell, If not more, they are equal to Dimpy in nature, non accepting, self centered, always blaming, manipulating.
These people can easily dominate any simple natured people, so dimple is tit for tat for them. No sympathy for any of these buggers.
The show has become terrifying ..
Not entertaining.
I read on and off . Stopped watching this drama over 2/3 months ago. Negativity overloaded
Why is the track changing? Why kill Samar?? The track should focus on Paki….. she’s being abused by her husband…. they should deal with that and send out a message. Why such tragedy? Separating, anupama and anuj? Why??
I agree, instead of focusing on the addick track they bring on something else, I mean so it stays with Anuj/Anupama keeping an eye on Adhik but no punishment for hitting someone? He admitted to the police he hits Pakhi and is a fraud but it’s ok for them.
Is everything ok now with Romil since he was forgiven for his prank?
Where is Ma’An and women empowerment? Seems like no ending to anything now killing Samar
If the actor wants to leave why not just change him like before?
I saw where the grimpi causes rift with AnA, is it because she too is in love with Anuj and wants him for herself? I won’t be surprised!!
The writers are making Samar final few scenes ridiculous btw