Categories: Anupama

Anupama 2nd July 2024 Written Episode Update: Vanraj spices up the truth to humiliate Titu

Anupama 2nd July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Titu’s mother Sushma tells that she wants to go from there. Vanraj asks her to wait and tells everyone that he has found Titu’s mother. Sushma says she is not of anyone’s mother and says she has to go. Vanraj says you shall be here, it is your son’s marriage today. Sushma says I am not of anyone’s mother. Titu calls her Maa and asks if you are fine, how did you come here? Sushma says I am not your mother, and has to go. Titu asks her to stop. Anupama asks Titu why did he hide his mother from all of them. Vanraj asks Titu to say, and says everyone wants to know truth from you. Titu says his Mother is the tilak of his forehead. He says he tried to tell truth to Dimpy and called her many times to inform her, but couldn’t tell her. Vanraj says you had to say that your mother

is alive. Titu says he didn’t have the courage. Vanraj asks why? He says you all thought that I am wrong about you. Anupama asks why did you hide from us and asks him to say everything truly. Sushma says she asked Titu not to tell anything to anyone. Anupama says relation can’t be hidden and everything shall be cleared before the alliance is fixed. Vanraj tells that he will tell the truth and curses Titu saying his bad luck starts now. He taunts Kavya and Anupama and tells Dimpy that he enquired about Titu a lot and had gathered proofs so that he can break the alliance. He says if relation is wrong then he will get the good deeds. Babu ji asks what he wants to say. Vanraj says Titu is a criminal, before being a dancer and celebrity. He says his past, his family are related to criminal record, and says he is born in coal mine and he has the stain marks on his body, and his blood is bad, as he is gutter born.

Titu says enough Papa. Vanraj says I am not your Papa, keep your eyes down. Anupama asks him to tell everything. Vanraj spices up the truth and tells that he had taken his Inspector’s friend help to get proofs. He tells that Sushma was in jail since 15 years, and she was called as prisoner no. 312. He says now Mr. Kapadia will say, how can you accuse any woman. He says where is samdhi ji, and says there is no signal there, he is on the height. Toshu asks if he is in some remote area. Vanraj says he is in Swarg. He says Tapish’s mother sends her husband to death and she was in jail for killing her husband. He asks Tapish to say if this is truth or not. Tapish says it is truth that my Mother was in jail, my mother was accused of my father’s killing, but the accusation was wrong. He says my mother is punished for the crime, which she had not done. Sushma says don’t punish my son, we are not bad. Vanraj says you have hidden the truth from us. He says if I had not lied that Titu is unwell, then she wouldn’t have come. He says now you have come, marriage has stopped and will not happen now. He says who can hide one thing, can hide anything and we don’t want to have relation with such family.

Titu says my mother was punished, but she had not done the crime. Vanraj doesn’t let him say or clarify, and says you felt ashamed of talking about her. Titu shouts Mr. Shah. Vanraj beats Titu. Anupama and Anuj stop Vanraj. Babu ji says even illiterate people don’t do this like. Anupama takes Titu to the mandap and asks him to say truth. She asks Dimpy to question him. Dimpy says she felt pain, as he tried, but didn’t tell truth. She says Papa said his truth and now you shall tell your truth, no excuse now, no lies or cover ups.

Titu says my Papa was not a good husband, good father or good human being. He says he used to get drunk and beat my mother daily and she used to bear everything silently. He says daily I used to see marks on her face, when I come home from school. He says one day, Papa was much drunk and asked me to go to the wine shop to bring wine, but Mummy said that her son will not go to such place, Papa got angry and started beating her. He says he was very small and didn’t understand what to do, and he started beating me. He says he then took the knife and is about to stab him, when his hand stopped and fell down. He says I saw silbatta in my mother’s hand, which had stain on it. He says my mother didn’t kill her husband, but saved her son. He says then my mother herself called Police and surrended, and she gave me promise that he shall not tell anyone about her. He says he is saying this swearing on the fire.

Vanraj says it is a good story. Sushma tells that every mother can sacrificed her life for her child, and I just gave just 15 years of my life. She says she asked him not to call her as his mother, as she regards her son as a moon, and she can’t let him get stain on himself. She asks Anupama to see, how much they are humiliated in just 5 mins, and asks Dimpy not to break her alliance with him, and says he can’t live without Ansh and her. Vanraj asks them to leave and says Dimpy and Titu will not marry.

Precap: Dimpy locks herself in the room while everyone asks her to open the door. Vanraj asks Titu to leave, but he refuses until Dimpy asks him. Anupama asks them to go from there. Dimpy tells Anupama that she wants to think about herself and asks if she has the right. Anupama says yes. Dimpy comes out.

Update Credit to: MA

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