Categories: Anupama

Anupama 31st August 2021 Written Episode Update: Kavya’s Impatient Move

Anupama 31st August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama emotionally tells Samar that she was a lakshmi of this house and when she came here, Bapuji told she is auspicious, but she is a problem for this house now. He asks to stop thinking like this. She says she doesn’t want to, but the thought repeatedly haunts him. He scolds her and says if one acts kid, other has to be act elder; he and Nandini will find new academy space and will inform her soon. Vanraj returns from jogging and sees Rakhi there who greets him. He gets angry and asks if Anupama called her. Rakhi says he always remembers his ex-wife, but his current wife called her this time. Anu offers tea to Baa and Bapuji. Kinjal thinks why did mom come early morning. Samar says to create problem. Rakhi asks if his current wife called her to sell remaining portion of house. Vanraj

says its her unfulfilling dream. Rakhi says she is eager too fix her name plate. Vanraj says it will be with her always. Rakhi says time will reveal it. Kavya replies to throw her nameplate away. Anu knowing her intentions asks her to let it go. Kavya warns not to interfere followed by Vanraj. Rakhi asks why did she call her. Kavya says to give something. Rakhi says she would have given blessings over pone and not disturbed her beauty sleep. Kavya hands over her 22 lakhs cheque with interest. Vanraj says she should have given this cheque after 2 days. Kavya shouts better today than tomorrow and asks Rakhi to get lost. Rakhi asks if she knows there should be money in account before offering cheque. Kavya says even she should know to return things after getting money and asks her to send property papers via driver. She continues shouting, breaks Rakhi’s nameplate and says V’s wife broke Rakhi’s pride now, and shouts to get out of house. Rakhi says giving cheque and granting are both different, if she bought fake cheque from stationery. Vanraj says they are not fraud like her. Rakhi says betraying is in his and his wife’s nature, she speaks always stright, and if the cheque bounces even by mistake, Kavya will repent for her misbehavior. She walks away looking at her nameplate.

Kinjal scolds Kavya for being impatient and offering cheque to Rakhi before karkhana is sold. Kavya says when karkhana/factory’s surrounding properties are sold, even it will be sold for sure. Vanraj backs Kinjal and scolds Kavya. Anu says there is a difference between sold and being sold, anything can happen. Kavya yells Anu has exclusive rights of making mistakes and not her. Vanraj says Kavya is not less than Rakhi who created mess and informs Baa that they are going to meet Anuj Kapadia today. Baa hopes everything goes well. Anu asks if she will get some time to shift her stuff from karkhana. Vanraj nods yes and walks away. Bapuji consoles Anu that whatever happened and will happen will be god’s wish and not her mistake, so she need not worry.

Vanraj and Kavya visit Anuj Kapadia/AK’s office and gets impressed by the hospitality. Kavya says after paying Rakhi, he shouldn’t let Bapuji to give some money to Anu, she wants to give a tight slap to Rakhi. Vanraj says her bitter words were not less than a slap. AK’s manager walks in. Kavya as usual mistaking him as AK says she and her husband accept his deal, they can have a dinner tonight if he agrees, she wants to open a start up and wants to discuss its plan with him, etc., without letting him speak. Manager finally succeeds in stopping her and says he is AK’s manager, AK has gone for some important meeting. Kavya feels disappointed. Vanraj introduces himself and gives him legal documents. He asks them to sit while he gets them checked. Kavya says she was excited to meet AK and discuss opening a cafe in his hotel. Vanraj says its okay. Manager brings an envelope and says Mr. Kapadia left it for them. Kavya snatches it and thanks him. He leaves. Vanraj reads deal papers and opens his mouth wide in surprise. They get into car, Vanraj says they thought its a 5 crore deal, let us go home and discuss it with Bapuji.

Anu while teachings students hopes everything goes well. Samar asks her to hope for the best. Anu says yes as Kanhaji sent AK for them. They discuss how to vacate their stuff from karkhana. Samar says he thought Anuj looks like a typical businessman with less hair and bulging tummy, but he is fit like Mr Shah. He downloads pic online and shows her. Anu sees Nandini tensed looking at man at gate and asks who is it. Man leaves. Anu dismisses class and asks Nandini who was it, why she is tensed. Nandini says he is her first love and serious relationship Rohan; he was in her life, but when after her accident he found out that she cannot become a mother, he left her without any phone call or closure just leaving a message; she got his phone call 3 days ago. Anu asks if she had his number. She says its not saved, but she remembers his number and he is pestering her since 3 days. Samar gets angry for not informing her problem. Nandini says she was scared. He says he shared everything with her and was tensed thinking he was at mistake, but she did truth; he doesn’t want to interfere in her super personal issue and her ex-boyfriend.

Precap: Devika informs Anu that they are having a college reunion. Vanraj says whenever Devika comes here, she takes Anu outside.
Kavya asks if he has any problem if Anu goes outside. He says no. Kinjal gets Anu ready saying who knows her life may change.

Update Credit to: MA

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