Anupama 7th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Adhik tells Pakhi that whatever she wants to think about him, can think, but she can’t keep him away from his daughter. He says he can meet his daughter whenever he wants and says until now he was behaving nicely, but not anymore, and threatens to file mental harassment and torture case on him. Pakhi says do whatever you want, but go away from here. Adhik says now you will see to what extent a father can go and asks her to wait and watch. Baa asks Pakhi to patch up with Adhik and says you will get your husband back and Ishani will get her father. Kavya says your father had lost so much because of his ego.
She asks her not to become like her Papa. Dimpy asks if she didn’t want Ishani to get her father’s love. Pakhi says enough and asks them to see their own lives. She says she will see him in court. Baa says a big storm have come.
Shruti tells Anupama that she will do the work. Anupama says she is doing this for her daughter and tells that being a mother, she likes to set the table. She says your daughter remind me of my daughter. Shruti says you can tell me whatever you want and asks about her family in India. Anupama says my daughter and her Papa. Just then Aadhya comes there and takes Shruti to meet her friends. She don’t want to talk. Anuj picks the cake and says thankfully, he will reach home. Aadhya asks Shruti to send Joshi ben from there. Shruti says she is helping me in serving and warming the food. Aadhya says I will help. Shruti tells that it is your party, and asks her to enjoy. After someone, Shruti thanks Anupama for serving them so nicely and gives her envelope. Anupama thanks and takes her. Shruti thanks her and asks Aadhya to bring her return gift. Aadhya brings the return gift and says it is your bye bye gift. Shruti goes to call Anuj. Anupama asks Aadhya if she don’t like her. Aadhya thinks infact she hates her.
Anuj’s car stops on the way. He says I will get late, and starts walking. Aadhya’s friends see Anupama’s video in which she is dancing in the park and asks Anupama to dance. Shruti asks if you are classical dancer, I didn’t know. Anupama says she will dance some other time as she is getting late. The kids insists. Anupama starts dancing. Aadhya gets the flashes of her childhood and calls Anuj, but he is walking on the road and trying to get taxi. Anupama dances. Aadhya shouts stop it and falls on Anupama. Anupama holds her and asks what happened? She asks her to take breath. Servant brings water. Anupama takes the glass and asks her to have it. Aadhya looks at her, and says no way. She gets up and pushes Anupama and makes her fall down. Shruti is shocked. Aadhya runs from there. Shruti calls Anuj and says Aadhya got panicked attack and asks him to come fast.
Anuj leaves the bouquet and cake and runs from there. Shruti ends the party and asks the kids to go. She asks Anupama to go and says you are getting late, and says she will handle her. Anupama asks what happened to her suddenly. Shruti says I will tell you later. Anupama checks the time and runs out of house fearing Yashpal. Anuj is coming running there and Anupama is leaving. They stop and doesn’t see each other, due to the bus between them. Anuj gets inside the house, while Anupama leaves. Anuj holds Aadhya and says everything will be fine. Aadhya is crying. Anupama thinks it is late, no bus is here, and thinks to take taxi with the money. She takes the taxi. She comes to the hotel and tells Vikram that she is very late. She tells that she got late, then didn’t get bus and took taxi which was stuck in traffic.
Yashpal comes there and says you are late. He tells that people come to foreign for work and to make their career, but people like you come to make excuses. He says he had worked hard for work and he slept on the road hungry. He says when I get the small chance, I respected it and also the person giving me a chance. He says what did you do and says you didn’t have passport and papers, but I trusted you, gave you work and gave place to live. He says I let you go to Shruti’s house and cook food, but you didn’t respect me. He says since morning, it is written on the board that special dish will be in the menu and asks where is the dish? He says you knows what is the result of being late, you have seen yourself. Vikram asks him to give a chance to her. Other chefs also requests Yashpal to give her a chance. Yashpal asks them to be quiet. Anupama tells him that Shruti’s daughter had got panicked attack. He asks her to go there and stay and tells that she is fired. He says he has to make that special recipe and says his restaurant doesn’t need her. Anupama says where I will go Sir, please don’t fire me. Yashpal shouts asking her to leave.
Precap: Anupama gets out of the hotel and thinks she was safe at the other side, where she will go now. Shruti tells Anuj that Joshi ben danced when we forced her, and asks him what had happened between Anupama and Choti Anu. Anuj is shocked. Later Anuj comes on the road and Anupama is going from there.
Update Credit to: MA
Lag raha hai writer log anupama se bheekh magenta chahte hain tabhi har jagah pe late aur Fire karwa dete hain
These people have some BS perception of mental health. This lady saw her boyfriend’s grown a** daughter push a woman and her first thought was “she is having a panic attack”. Ma’am she’s an absolute khabees. They raised her to be spoiled. I’m sure writers will eventually try to play the sympathy card of how she’s just a troubled child and Anupama will forgive her no matter what. They’ll reuse Romil’s storyline. The difference was Romil wasn’t actively trying hurt anyone, even in that Pakhi situation. Aadhya is conniving. I thought the story was about Anupama and her journey. Not her journey to Anuj. People want her attention, her efforts, but steps aside when she needs them. She deserves better than an emotionally immature man going through midlife crisis. People forget that Anupama has experienced life with a lot more complexity than Anuj. Anuj complains about how no one can understand his pain but Chhoti but who understands Anu’s pain. Anuj had a family growing up. Education, eventually wealth and privilege. Anupama was married off young to an emotionally and verbally abusive middle class family. Her having ties to them is not abnormal since a lot of victims have attachment to their abusers as they hold on to the good part of their relationships. It takes time to see just how harmful they were. Anupama never truly got the chance away from the Shahs in a positive context. Anuj has everything yet still plays a victim. Anupama gave him so much grace. Time and time again. Even when he was partially responsible for Samar’s death, it was similar to the car accident scenario that chhoti caused. But that was Anupama’s fault for endangering her. Anuj is hypocritical, he doesn’t need wife and children, he needs a life coach.
This is just way too much you are right and will always be @Mahira “who understands Anupama’s pain?”no one will ever understand she will just suffer silently maybe with time Anuj or CA will understand but it’s just so painful without samar..maybe Shruti will understand Anu atleast she had the guts to ask Anuj about Anupama and CA connection..Aadhya is now being overtaken by evil and guilt conscious no longer looks like a panic attack…Yashpal behaviour is a real life experience just because he also suffered in foreign countries expects others to suffer the same and find their way out this one is very true i have seen it happening even among siblings and close relatives treating others the same way of course under different circumstances
And #Kally you right Anuj could’ve help Anupama for rights to see her children but if the children decide with the father (Vanraj,)what right does she have and in CA,/Anuj sake Anuj already have a problem with Anu grown up child he would’ve easily change his mind because he constantly said Anu children are grown up she doesn’t need to hold there hands because CA needs needs her more if it was in his control he will be happy to see Anu children serveral tie with her forever because all he wanted that Anu must be by CA like a handbag all the time by her side when CA lived with Maya when Anuj arrived there CA was alone out with her friends to the beach but he always find faults when CA goes out and his Anupama wasn’t with her.
Anyone can correct me if my comment is wrong.
I totally agree #Sail/Mahira this reminded me of my past when I was also going through a emotional turmoil,so I joined group sessions and to my surprise I realise sometimes you feel like ending your own life or you problem is bigger then them and then you get a reality checked.
So this is actually what happened here with Aadhya/Anuj I think someone needs to show these daughter)father a mirror of their own/reality checked
1. Anuj always say he and CA can realate to the pain and suffering because they came from the orphanage but I remember the time when he shut-up Romil of his behaviour but Romil wasn’t totally wrong some children can be raised in a family home but still can experience loneliness and unwanted,
There is something that we all overlook a illegitimate child who lives with one parent suffer more as a child whose in a orphanage because atleast they are protected in a safe place they only experience the pain of not having parents, but a illegitimate child like Romil used to grow up with bully,hash words society taunts despite have a mother they call them dirty blood everyday when they go to school or in the neighborhood.
But back to father) daughter pain who is bigger than Anu pain
1. Anuj live as an infant at orphanage until 8xyears with other children but was blessed with a complete family and lost his adopted parents when he was a grown because of his stubborness his parents diebin a car accident no,-one blames him because it was an accident but I think he still live with that guilt but after that no-one inflicted pain on him
2. CA was living as an infant at the orphanage until 5xyears was blessed with a complete family though Anu confide in Anuj she scared she not going to be a good mother to CA because the responsibility has increased know and of their age but Anuj promised her he will help her if she fail he will be by her side to support her but after CA arrival everything change couple of months he forgot about his promise and shower all his love in CA that’s why he could easily leave Anu in the last and also excepted easily when she walk out of Anuj and CA how can you stay with some one who regret that he married you so quick and a daughter who call out you don’t love me because I’m not you biological daugther (Anuj is blinded by his daughter loveso he couldn’t see anything wrong about her but Anu saw a duplicate of Pakhi standing infront of her)
And I think Aadhya also live with the regret the word he utter before die
CA/Anuj you can see both their mother was business woman but don’t know how to maintain relationships
3.Anupama lost her father at a tender age, raised by her mother alone, couldn’t finish her education, married young live a 26 years emotional abuse and mental torture despite being married living a joined family but still treated as an outsider only her son Samar and Babuju who she respected as a own father
and was kept away from her own mother and brother, always blames for things even if not her fault she was taunted by society when Anuj left and hide away but today even know she still endures alot but still stay positive in life,Anuj 26:years love for Anu quickly overpower by his love for a daughter who is only a couple of months with them he couldn’t balance his love for his daughter or his wife, and suprisely when the accident happen he didn’t even once asked his wife if shes ockay like in the past a person couldn’t even bump in Anu by mistake then he will get enrage.
But since this America track began I can clearly see Anuj became a lapdog for his daughter Aadhya.
Lastly the reason why I put this three characters in a dialogue to show everyone the scale if you put Aadhya and Anupama pain and sufferings on a weight scale
Anuj and Anupama pain and sufferings on a weight scale
Please daughter/father stop acting like you are the only victims
And about Yaspal I wasn’t happy to see Anu came to America to come and work at a small resturant specially with her skills and experience.
I actually love Anu and Vikram’s friendship I hope Vikram will help her with a place to stay and she can also start a home delivery catering business with Vikram to show that Yaspal a thing or two.
Please keep Anu save when will her suffering ends.
Anupama’s pain? More like Anupama’s stupidity. Vanraj cheated once before Pakhi was born and instead of being on her guard she was busy doing her pati parmeshwar jaap. Never have I ever seen a more illogical and dumb woman than this character Anupama, goes to America; dresses like an Indian maid does Rajan Shahi hope to show the west conforming to Anupama’s trash status? That the trad wives follow her doormat philosophy? She failed with 3 out of 4 kids… actually she failed with all of them cause Samar went bad for a while too. I find it astounding how people will make excuses for this 60 year old backwards woman from bumf**k nowhere but a CHILD must be responsible, Aradhna is what 15 or so l? what do you want from a child with abandonment issues? Some of y’all need therapy more than the characters in this serial for attacking a literal CHILD character but defending grown ass adults who are very much oblivious of their own failings.
@Jade..xx agree with you
%. At last, someone with a logical mind.
All adopted/fostered children have abandoned issues and thus need extra understanding.
Anupamaa just walked away.
Anupamaa NEVER walked away from her 3 children, choti saw this time and time again.
Only when Vanraj finally told her to f**k off did she go! Otherwise she would still be going backwards and forwards to Shah House.
@Kally, exactly!!! Anupama didn’t even ask for visitation in the divorce to try a fix the relationship with Aradhna through those visits, Anuj didn’t ask her to leave the house, the great tragedypama decided to leave her marriage and her child completely and hide in a hole for 5 years – that is abandonment! She proved Aradhna was right by not even trying to see the youngest kid once but some people on this forum want the CHILD to be the adult and don’t see the failings of this useless 60 year old hag. She had Anuj’s support she could have gone to court and sued Vanraj for mental and emotional harassment and legally shut him up and prevented him from coming between her and her kids, there was a lot she could have done but she chose to go hide her face and for Devika to dig her out again. Cause Anupama can’t do diddly squat on her own
I agree with most of the comments. These writers try to portray women as goddesses. That no matter what happens to them they are supposed to bear it in silence. Anupama the great. They take away the fact that women are human beings also with real feelings. What I disagree with is Anuj pined for his Anu fir 26 years and allowed it to be over twice in just a moment then he did not truly love his anu. Also he encouraged her association with the Shahs so he gave mixed signals. And then Anu herself Baa treated her so badly yet she continued to go back typical abuse syndrome. That show emphasizes that when you are weak like Anupama and do not take a stand for yourself you will be constantly faced with tragedy
I feel you lack media literacy and comprehension because all your comments are very one note. Aadhya isn’t the only one with issues doesn’t mean she is allowed to act like trash. You can have issues and still be held responsible. Mind-blowing concept for you, I know. Aadhya is fifteen, not an infant. Nowhere in my comment did I say Aadhya must be responsible for anything but her OWN actions along with Shruti and her wannabe teenager father. Just because kids “go bad” doesn’t mean it’s always the parents’ fault because those kids are grown. Fully conscious and know right from wrong. We all went through a teenage phase, but most of us had the decency to not commit battery. Also, your comment screams ‘racist’. What do you mean an “Indian Maid?” Because her hair, make-up, saree were all pristine. Or is it wearing traditional garments in a Western country ‘down market’ to you?
Welcome back Jade/Kally you negative comments always make me laugh but on a serious note since I joined the forum their is no positive comments you write of Anupama if you don’t criticized her dress-up or her age you act the same way as the Shas blames her for everything, but everyone have their own views call freedom of speech,
There is something that I don’t agreed with you two what you said about.Anupama failed in raising 4xkids but you totally forgot it take two to tango (two parents) both parents are equally at fault when raising children wrong or right if the other parent overlooks a child mistakes of rude behaviour the other partner need to corrects it.
And all I want to say I see yesterday you two was not on the comments I also like to read you comments every day even if I don’t agree with your point of views atleast your comments makes me laugh.
@Erica you made me laugh after a long day of serious comments and a serious episode..just wish Anupama finds a place to stay miraculously…the way Shruti said Anupama and Anu i can tell she is now ready to show her real character and more drama just curious to hear Anuj answer to that 5 long years Anuj never talked about his past and Shruti also kept quite…before maan got engaged Anupama asked Anuj at the temple why he never got it will be onother stress for Anuj and Shruti to find Anupama as answers are needed for closure
Why anupama is still in same situation always saying ssorry sorry n holding the ears
Even it’shaas’ Anuj n choti anu
Now it’s time in front of the owner
No improvement in her language or accent weather it’s Hindi or English
She can gives paanch panno waala baashan but unable to talk clearly in some situations broken words tearfull eyes
She gets many opportunities but finally shows her as a failure person
Again some more opportunities…… Donno when I am going to see a rocking anupama instead boring n broken or pity …. anupama
The show is just displaying women as a weaker vessel
That’s the real reality out there half of the women suffer terribly at first and some don’t even make it to stand on their own the show is rather fair on this topic
I am so happy that Anupama is getting shown the mirror. In Amreeeka they are never so caring. I wish he got her deported.
I am liking Aadhya’s character, very mature for her age. She doesnt want the past to repeat.
The ppl who are calling her selfish, I hope things get worse for you, then you’d know the reality.
When will Baa and the older man die?
Dimpy needs to ger her spine back soon. Kavya too. Pakhi, I am so happy that she is getting her groove back. Let’s go to court!!!
The anupama series is currently broadcasting such a message on the concept of adoption and education.. We give the choice to a child to run the house that took him in to offer him a home.. Anuj was an adopted child .. Doesn’t he differentiate between the two situations.. Then the series shows Anuj getting married.. How old is he? and his friend?.. We can say that he is between 40 and 50. . Let me explain, it is said that he loved Anupama for 20 years.. Imagination that he was 18 years old.. Then after 38 years.. He finally gets married.. It seems to me that they have 5 years of life common including 1 year of separation.. So that brings him back to 43 years.. Then comes the jump which lasts 5 years to 48 years again.. And how old will his new wife be? Show an anupama strong free intelligent rich and prosperous stop denigrating the woman the mother that we are and to
Anupama left relationships but still continues to get entangled in them and get emotionally involved. Ex: suji cake. She spent so much time and energy in that but neglected her job.She should have left early from the party, just because they “forced” her she stayed bk. She didn’t even have them call yashpal. At her age and lifestage she should focus on get attached to God and thriving. Be nice, be friendly, spread ur valued but never at the cost of the hand that is feeding u
Can someone please help with link to watch India serials,,bastein have been suspended