Categories: Anupama

Anupama 8th October 2024 Written Episode Update: The Shahs loses Dimpy

Anupama 8th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Dolly blaming Aadhya for Dimpy’s condition. Meenu and Kinjal ask Dolly to leave Aadhya. Dolly goes on blaming Aadhya. Anupama is about to say, when Baa says if anything happens to Dimpy then I will not leave you. Dolly says pray to God that nothing happens to her, else you will not be spared. Anupama says leave Aadhya. Aadhya runs to Anupama and tells her that she is not guilty. Dolly says I saw her pushing Dimpy in the fire. Aadhya says she is lying, I didn’t do it. She faints and falls on Anupama. Dolly says she is acting. Pakhi says now she will say that she got panic attack. Anupama warns everyone and says don’t try to touch my daughter, I trust my daughter fully, she can’t do this, I trust her fully even if nobody trusts her, and says everyone’s mouth shall be closed.

She says open the mouth to pray for Dimpy. She asks them not to open the mouth to say nonsense. Bala and Sagar take Aadhya inside.

Baa cries and tells that havan fire has ruined their family. Dolly says mistake is of Aadhya. Baa says may be it is a mistake. Dolly asks if I am lying. Pakhi says you shall not take Mummy’s side. Dolly blames Aadhya and says she will not take Anupama’s side. Toshu says Dimpy is near death and you are saying this. Pakhi feels pity on Ansh. Baa says first we lost Shah house, Vanraj eloped, we lost rented house, and now this. She says whenever we left Krishna kunj house, such things happens. She prays asking God to do some miracle, that Dimpy gets fine, Vanraj returns and the return to their house, else take her life now itself.

Doctor checks Aadhya and says she is very scared, and says old trauma has triggered. Anupama recalls Aadhya getting panic attacks in the past. Doctor leaves. Anupama says what to do, whom to make understand, and Dimpy is fighting with death and here Aadhya…and Ansh is scared about his Mummy, what to tell to Tapish. She says Anuj and Babu ji are not here, how to handle everything. Kinjal and Meenu ask her to handle herself. Sagar says we all need you. Kinjal asks her to have strength. Anupama says with whom to fight? She asks didn’t you see how they were blaming Aadhya, she is a small girl, she gets angry, but doesn’t push anyone like this. Kinjal says why Dolly is doing this? Meenu says she is angry as Mami supported us. Anupama says she shall not do this with the girl. Sagar says we shall think what to do? Anupama says I know that my daughter didn’t do anything, and says they might have argued, but my Choti can’t hurt anyone intentionally, it was an accident. She says I will not accept even if God comes and says, then who is Dolly? She says I tried calling Anuj,but his number is unreachable. Sagar says even I tried. Anupama says Babu ji. Meenu says he didn’t know. Kinjal asks her to be with Aadhya and says she will be with Ansh and kids.

Pari is in shock. Ansh worries for Dimpy and Aadhya. Mahi says we will pray for your Mamma. Ansh says Dadu left me and now Mummy…Anupama worries that Anuj’s phone is off. She thinks if he comes to know then he will be shattered, and thinks to wait for him to come.

Dolly and Pakhi look at Anupama and tell that she didn’t go to hospital, and stayed with her daughter. Anupama prays for Dimpy. Toshu thinks how he will take Mummy’s signs on these papers. Pakhi comes there and says she is worried for Dimpy, and says just as she recovers, we will talk to Mummy. Dolly says how can a mother do this with her own kids. Toshu asks them to file Police complaint against Aadhya. He says he is feeling bad for Dimpy and angry on Aadhya. Pakhi says if anything happens to Dimpy then what will happen with Ansh. Toshu says Aadhya shall be punished, Tapish is not in the condition to take action, and says Aadhya has done a crime and she can target us also. He says Mummy will say the same again and will defend Aadhya. Dolly says I will send her daughter to jail, for separating me with my daughter. Pakhi says Mummy had thrown me out, now her daughter will be out.

Anupama prays for Dimpy. Ansh comes to her and says Mummy and fui will leave me. Anupama says no, and says God listens to the kids, and asks him to pray. Pari, Ishu and Mahi come there. Anupama asks them to come. They all come to Anupama. Anupama sings lori lori…..and makes them sleep.

Titu looks at Dimpy through the window pane, and cries. Kinjal, Toshu and others hear the lullaby while Anupama sings for the kids. Dolly and Pakhi execute their plan and talk to someone on call.

Anupama says neither messages are going nor calls, and worries for Anuj. She gets a call and shouts NO……Everyone comes there and asks what happened? Anupama cries badly. Kinjal asks her to say? Anupama says Dimpy. Everyone cries. Aadhya writes sorry Bhabhi, whatever happened, I am really sorry. She says I didn’t push you, but I should have controlled my anger. She says she will never get angry or will never react even if she instigates her. She thinks to say sorry to Dimpy.

Ansh comes to Titu and asks where is Mummy? He asks him to say. Meenu says Papa was awake all night, let him rest. Ansh asks who made him stand like a statue. He asks Meenu to make video call to Mummy. Nandita says we will make you talk to her later. Ansh says I want to talk now itself. Meenu asks him to drink milk and then she will make him talk to her. Titu puts a bucket on himself.

Anuj reaches the hotel and thinks there was no signal in the train, and now the phone battery is discharged. He puts the phone on charging and looks outside through the window. He says he will bring them here to see the place.

Everyone is crying and mourning Dimpy’s death. Kinjal comes to Anupama and says what we will tell Ansh. She says how we will make him understand that his mother, our Dimpy has gone out of this world. Baa says first Samar and then Dimpy went. She says Doctor didn’t give us a chance to see her, she was badly burnt that they have done her last rites. Dolly says her age is less. Titu comes inside and breaks down into tears. Ansh comes there and calls Papa. He asks what happened to my Mummy, why she didn’t come home, when she will be fine? Anupama cries.

Precap: Dolly blames Aadhya. Police inspector comes to arrest Aadhya. Anupama asks who has filed the complaint. Dolly says we have filed the complaint. Anupama says you can enquire, but nothing will be found. Dolly asks what you will do, if you find anything. Anupama says then I will take my daughter myself to the PS.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • If again there will be leap n Adhya running away and Anuj Anupama parting ways i will stop watching Anupama serial, It will be worst serial then

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  • Biggest reason why there are chaos everywhere because, general public is selfish/ignorant.
    Once upon a time, there were kings who were busy in war and invasion.
    History has documented how people revolted and set a new system of government called democracy.
    If the general public gets out on road and demand against war, there is no way politicians will get involved in war.
    But the problem is common people are ignorant, they love wars news, hate speeches, conspiracy theories, illegal animal like content until all those hit them hard.
    They love to watch war news, Thanks God that they are in better place! And imagine that tomorrow they will rule on the ashes of dead.
    Dimpy died as she loved to imagine conspiracy theories, she loved being instigated, she loved those delusions which suited her narcissist nature.
    CA is in grave danger over and over again due to her anger.
    Problem is all in the individual's mind.
    Have a war against own short coming. Fighting an external war will never bring any solution rather it will pile of the revenge to destroy the upcoming future.
    Dear humanity, wake up, take your control in your hand, start protesting stop your blood thirsty leaders to engage in invasion and warfare.
    Without your protest they wont stop.
    People need to stay united to keep [Power in place], thats all we understood through out all the revolutions we studied.
    Environment is in real danger, youth is addicted why leaders are fighting to spread like microbes and malignant tumors?
    Stop your own leaders and you have all the power to do it.
    Ask for you own, neighbor's and environment's good.
    Don't get biased by those hate speeches of Dolly bhen, at the end of the day you will lose life like Dimpy due to Dolly bhen's revenge venture. Your child will be orphan.
    Dolly will also get her karma but before that you will lose everything. A loving husband, supportive MIL, dear child all because of own foolishness.
    So general public stop getting fooled, ask the best for yourself, your environment, participate, contribute and don't allow your leaders to get corrupted, play dirty politics and engage in invasions.

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  • Rajan Shahi Sir it had also happened same thing when Akshara was talking to police and Naira misunderstood her mother and ran away. And same thing will Aadhya will do. And Dolly is hypocrite woman and she wants revenge against Anupama. And that's why she will put her daughter behind the bars and her happiness will be ruined because Dolly didn't try to save Dimpy and she was standing and not calling for a help. And Dolly has become negative and a new villian. And Anupama and Anuj should not help them. And Dolly creates problems in everybody's life. And Titu and Shah Family will loose Dimpy forever. Toshu and Pakhi never bother about family because they think about themselves. And Pari saw Dimpy and Aadhya fighting for Ansh near fire she looses her balance and fall down while pulling Ansh to eachother and she dies in fire. And Baa is wrong hear and everytime.Even Vanraj and Dolly is wrong. And Dolly has only come for her property share and not for family and her daughter's happiness. And Titu will be alone without Dimpy. And Ansh will also feel regret saying that I hate you to his own parents.

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