Fan Fiction


Hai friends thanks a lot for all your response..Hope you all will enjoy the upcoming track..Keep supporting and encouraging me…
Episode 11

Its been three days after that incident..In these three days,swara tried to tell papa about karan..But to our bad luck,papa went to Bangalore for some business meeting..He will return after one week only..We thought its not good to inform maa when she is alone..So we decided to wait until return from his trip..But my tension increases by each passing seconds..I know karan is upto something..Because after that incident,he didn’t call swara..He not even try to meet her or contact her..How could someone like karan back off suddenly after what all happened that day..His words…..Oh god still I remember…It really scared me a lot..i strictly tell swara not to be alone even in college..Ragini went US to meet her parents due to some emergency..She will return after 10 days only.. In these three days I always around swara..I keep on check her for every hour..I should protect her till we put big full stop to this karan maa wants me to accompany her for her I came here with maa to hospital..I told swara to call me frequently..But for past 1 hour Im trying to contact her but her mobile is not reacheable..sanju is not attending my calls..I called ajay and ask him to check swara and sanju..But he too didn’t reply till now..Im restless here..what will I do now..We reached home at almost evening..I dropped maa at home and going to college..When I reached parking area,ajay and sanju getting into ajay’s car to move out..I immediately rushed towards them and ask about swara..But they didn’t answer…

I : (shouts)answer me damn it where is swara?sanju swara is supposed to be with you na..where is she?
Ajay:sanskar first relax..
I : (frustrated)ajay im asking you where is swara?speak up damn it..
Sanju: (cryingly)sanskar swara is missing..
I : wat do you mean by swara missing?she was with you na sanju
Sanju:we both are in canteen sanskar..That time she get karan’s mom call..she told that she came to college to meet swara went to meet her..She didn’t come back ..I thought she might be speaking with her aunty..But when me and ajay went to meet her..she is not in college..we almost searched everywhere..Her mobile also not reacheable..

My heart stops beating for a second..Fear restlessness occupied my mind..How could I be this much careless when I know karan could do something..How could i?What if something happened to swara..I should have tell sanju about everything..Tears starts rolling from my eyes..But I should be strong now..for my swara..I have to save my swara..somewhat I composed myself..
I: sanju do you have karan mom’s mobile number?
Sanju:no sanskar..But what is happening here..why u and ajay is behaving like this..she is with karan’s mom only na..
I: we don’t have time to explain everything now sanju..You come with me..Ajay you once again search everywhere in campus..Once check in ragini’s mansion and nearby park also..

Me and sanju leaves to karan’s place in my bike..I explained everything to sanju when we travelling..I tell sanju to go inside and check whether swara is there or not..Im waiting outside for sanju..Finally after 15 minutes sanju came back running with tears in her eyes..
Sanju: (crying)sanskar karan told aunty that he planned some surprise for swara and make her call swara..But actually karan only came to scared now sanskar..
I: pls stop crying sanju..we have to act fast.did aunty know anything that where karan take swara?
Sanju:yes..he take swara to farm house..I manage to get address is the address..
I : thank u sanju..Im going there..u do onething..inform ajay about all this and u come with ajay there..

I rushed to that place..I tried to enter bt the door at the entrance is locked from inside..I jumped off the wall..There is no one around there..the house is at lonely place..There is nothing in the surrounding except that house..The main door is not locked..I slowly tip toed into the house..There is pin drop silence there..I checked all the rooms there..But there is no one..when I reached upstair,I heard some sound coming from a room..Its like someone trying to break the door from inside..the door is locked from outside..I immediately opened the door..To my shock its karan who gets locked..i quickly scanned the room,but there is no sign of swara there..
I: (holds his collar)where is my swara?what have to done to her?
Karan: (holds my collar)don’t dare to interfere in my matter..just get lost from here..

I started beating him..I asked him where swara is..But he is not at all answering me..After fighting with each other sometime karan falls unconscious..I madly searched swara everywhere there..I found swara’s chain near the stair case which connected to the terrace..I immediately rushed towards the terrace..The scene which I seen there send cold shivers in my nerves..tears roll down from my eyes..i was just numb..

Swara lying there unconsciously..sanskar rushed towards her and place her head in his lap..Blood oozing from her head and corner of her lips..There are many bruises in her hands and face..Sleeves of her dress are torn..
Sanskar: (crying and pats her face)swara wake up..look at me swara..see ur sanskar is here..pls wake up swara..
He takes out his hand kerchief and tie in her head to stop bleeding..He removes his jacket and covers her..
Sanskar:swara pls don’t do this to me..wake up swara..Pls for me wake up once..
Saying this hugs her and crying loudly..
Sanskar:nothing happen to you swara..Im here na..I ll save you..
He picks swara and moves to the entrance..At the right time,ajay and sanju also reached there in ajay’s car..They both get shocked seeing swara in this condition..sanju started crying..Sanskar place swara in back seat and he too sits with her..They all rushed to the nearby hospital..
Doctors take swara to the emergency ward..sanskar,ajay and sanju waiting outside the room..sanju is crying..ajay trying to console her but in vein..Other side,sanskar’s condition is morethan worse..He sits there lifelessly..Tears rolling down his eyes continuosly..Ajay understands the situation of sanskar..
Ajay: (place his hands on sanskar’s shoulder)sanskar
Sanskar hugs ajay and cries loudly..Ajay too have tears…Seeing sanskar in this condition,sanju too composes herself and moves to sanskar..
Ajay: (composes himself)sanskar pls control yourself..swara will be fine..pls sanskar..
Sanskar still hugging and crying..sanju place her hand in sanskar’s shoulder..Sanskar senses its sanju..He composes himself and wipes his tears and turns towards sanju..sanju made him sit in chair and kneels down infront of him..
Sanju:sanskar,look at me..
Sanskar looks at sanju with tears in his eyes..
Sanju: you love swara right?

Sanskar looks at her without telling anything..
Sanju:I know you love swara..I can see that in your eyes,in your care,in your tears sanskar…
Sanskar:no sanju I don’t deserve her sanju..If I really love her,I should have save her na..Im the sole responsible for all this sanju..I know karan is upto something..still I didn’t save her..Its all my fault..
Sanju:sanskar pls stop blaming yourself..You only saved her sanskar..she is here infront of us just because of saved your love..Nothing will happen to her sanskar..Im sure she will come back to you..
Ajay:sanju is right sanskar..nothing will happen to swara when you are with her..She will come back for you..
Sanskar:If anything happen to her I ll die ajay..I cant able to see her like this(crying)
Ajay: (hugs him)don’t talk rubbish sanskar..u have to be strong..Believe in your love..Your love will bring back your swara to you..She will be alright..stop crying first..swara will need you when she regains conscious..For swara u have to be strong sanskar..

Sanskar breaks the hug and composes himself..He moves towards the room where swara’s treatment going on and see through the glass view..
Sanskar: (in mind)nothing will happen to will be fine…Please come back to me swara..Once you get alright and come back to me na I promise ill make everything perfect swara..i ll solve all the problems..Just come back to me only once..Then I ll never leave you till my last breath..

Precap:swara’s condition and revealation of incident happened in farmhouse

Sorry guys..couldnt update yesterday because of some health issues..


Daddy's angel,mumma's princess and my husband's world....

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