Fan Fiction

Anything for ur love (prologue) Raglak & Swasan

Hi guys….i am back with prologue…so here it is……?

Scene 1
Boy 1 : I just fell in love ❤ with her…i can do anything to get her love….i will give her a …lovely life….her true life….i will bring her to heaven from that hell .

Girl 1 : God what u have done to me..?..u took away all my happiness….which lies in my parents….u made my life disaster….what more u want?? …i didn’t get any kind of love from any one…i didn’t hurt anyone ..then why only me??

Scene 2

Boy 2 : How dare she is to insult u…..i will just drag and throw her on ur feet’s…..she doesn’t even know what is love…i will teach her a lesson …..i will make her understand what a true love is….

Girl 2 : Oh god what kind of a hell is this….i will marry a person who will stay with me in my house (guys like illarikam)…he should become a puppet in my hands……he should listen what ever I say……

So guys this is the prologue….
Who r they….what makes them to behave like that ……if these people will ever fall in love with each other…..what will they do to get their love……what happens when they fall in love…..

Stay tuned to know what happens…and guess the answers for the above questions…
Thanx for all who read this
And comment and let me know how is this?
If I should continue or not ??…
Sry for the mistakes

Byeeee…gusys.. ? .


Being happy ? never goes out of style ?

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