Apnapan 16th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Sonali along with everyone gets the message from Pallavi, they are shocked to hear the confession of Sonali who accepts that she herself murdered her husband Mayank because she desired her own benefit, Sonali at once refuses to accept she is behind it mentioning it is a shooting. Sonali questions where Pallavi is who entering the door reveals she is here; Barkha goes asking her to check it.
Sonali tries to run to Pallavi but falls in front of her, Pallavi asks how low is she going to go, Sonali is shocked to see Mayank along with Karonika walking to her, who explains that it is true when they say the criminals would make a mistake because she saw Pallavi di making the recording, Karonika explains she trusted herself so much that she revealed the entire truth and because of her Mayank was locked in jail for seventeen years, Sonali tries to ask Mayank if he still believes her but he is about to kill her when Karonika stops her, he blames she ruined his life when he trusted her however Karonika leaves with her.
Nikhil asks if Sonali thinks that she is the only one who can play such games when they both are not such players as her however she would be shocked to know that their marriage was just an act as he asked the Pandit jee to recite the wrong Mantar, he wanted to find the truth as it bothered him why would his own wife Pallavi left him in the Mandap so he wished to find out the truth, Nikhil explains that he talked with Pallavi last night when Sonali accepted it all in front of Karonika and did she really think they would not be able to find Mayank since even the traffic signals have camera’s installed, they with the help of the police were able to find Mayank very soon, Sonali tries to assure she did it all for herself and Badal, Nikhil warns her to end this drama as he is not the father of Badal, Sonali insists that Badal is his father however Nikhil replies she is lying as he stayed away from his family for eighteen years and nothing happened between them both that night. Nikhil explains he always considered Badal as his own, but she also knows that nothing happened between them, he always thought why Pallavi suspected him because now he has found out the truth. Nikhil explains last night he did something which he would not have done, he took a sample of his hair when he advised Badal to rest.
Nikhil takes out the DNA test report mentioning it proves Badal is not his son but that of Mayank, Nikhil explains that she was pregnant with his son but wanted to hide it from him for which she used such a pathetic way, Nikhil explains that he is not his father however has always loved Badal like his own son which would never change, Nikhil demands she should speak the truth.
Sonali accepts Badal is the son of Mayank, she never wanted the child and tried to get an abortion, but the time had exceeded, she tries to apologize to him however he says she must seek forgiveness from Pallavi and Mayank. Pallavi replies she feels Sonali has wronged everyone, she left her own son in the hospital without thinking about him and then how could she dare try to ruin the lives of her children. Pallavi is about to slap her but Badal stops her explaining she is the one who raised him so why is she ruining her health for this women, Badal explains that Pallavi said that family is above blood relations and he knows that she is his mother, he had already decided he will never leave this house. Badal asks where the police is when Sonali questions why are they calling the police.
Badal goes to Mayank mentioning he doesnot know him so he cannot go with him, Mayank explains that he must not be ashamed since he cannot love anyone else, so just wants to pray for Badal.
Badal going to Sonali explains that she should never come back to his life as this is the least she can do for him.
Pallavi turns to Karonika explaining she promised she would make sure Karonika meets her brother, when Pallavi also asks her to make sure Sonali suffers the same pain, they leave with her.
Badal hugs both Pallavi and Nikhil explaining they are his parents, Pallavi apologizes to Nikhil explaining that she always believed he deceived her when it was all just the planning of Sonali, Nikhil also explains that he just loved her all this time. Pallavi explains this is the sense of belongingness which they have for each other as this is the family she desired; they all hug each other as a family.
Pallavi mentions that she feels a big misfortune has been stalled from their family, Pallavi says that everything is in order, but Nikhil says that he loves to tease her, Pallavi explains he even put the napkin in the jewelry box. Nikhil picking the socks places them in the wardrobe. Pallavi and Nikhil both come close to each other when Manna comes with the tea, Pallavi questions why does he not take care of her like he used to of Sonali, Nikhil asks when did he do it but Pallavi keeps questioning Manna however Nikhil is tensed and tries to defend himself however Pallavi just wants to believe what Manna is saying so Pallavi asks Nikhil to come and massage her feet, she even makes him help her drink tea with a straw. Manna starts making a video of them both which causes a lot of tension to Nikhil, he demands the mobile however Manna runs away.
Nikhil comes to apply the cream, but Pallavi replies there is no need for it since she doesnot want him to prove anything, Nikhil explains he can do this for her since it has been missing since the past eighteen years. Pallavi starts crying when he asks what the reason is, she replies they are of joy since she is with her family, Nikhil assures they would always stay together.
Precap: Nikhil and Pallavi hug each other; she explains this is her family. Barkha asks Manna if she can know a secret, she questions if Manna loves Ishan, Pallavi asks what sort of question this is. Ishan mentions Barkha is his friend and it is the truth that he loves Manna, she is also shocked.
Update Credit to: Sona