Fan Fiction

Are we destined for each other?????( Home Sweet Home!!!?)

They return back home on that morning itself. Shivika goes to their room.

A: It’s good back home!!! (jumps onto the bed)

S: That’s my side! (she rolls onto  the other side) But hospital was better, rt? You just have to lie on the bed and others will do the work.

A: Hospital? Better? Are you mad? I just wanted to get out of that place that moment itself. The smell of medicines, seeing the awkward environment – it’s as if you’re dead tomorrow, the needle stuck on your hand and that big bottle which has something blah blah…And seriously, you know what, I mostly try to skip medicines, but then when I came to know that skipping medicines will make me go to hospital, that moment I stopped skipping it till yesterday. (stops for a minute)

S: So, you hate medicines, hospital and similar stuff?

A: Yes, a lot. I always try to avoid it. So, next time, don’t take me to hospital, even if I d…… (cut off by Shivaay)

S: Don’t even speak of death. You don’t even know what happened to me at that time. I was and am regretting each word I was saying to you till the past two days. (holds her hands)  That moment when you fainted into my arms, seeing your lips pale, the dark circles on your eyes which I failed to notice due to my stupid anger, the scars (scars???) which you hid with your long sleeves….It literally scared me.  (tears started falling from his eyes )The moment I never wished, came into reality. I didn’t know what was happening. I don’t know what was inside me, is it the fear of losing you or losing myself. Ani, promise me whatsoever happens, don’t leave me and go. I don’t want to lose you. You’re my family. (holds her hand again)If you’re angry with me or sad because of me, then slap me, hit me, shout at me, do whatever you want, but never try to hurt yourself again. I can’t see you like that anymore. Those 12 hours, seeing you like a silent sick bird, made me hurt here (points at his chest, tears started coming from her eyes too), it was like 12 years. You don’t deserve me, you deserve someone better. Someone, who looks after you better than me, and I am saying the person who gets you is the luckiest man in the world. I literally am not worthy enough to get your love. Don’t think you will hurt me, if you leave me for your happiness. If you’re happy with someone, then that is enough for me. ( he opens the cupboard, and takes out some papers) I took these papers thinking that you’re nothing as compared to me. But, I was wrong. I am nothing in front of you. Sign these papers, leave me and be happy with someone else. I am sure; I will never regret, instead I will be happy seeing that you’re happy.

She takes those papers and finds out that they were divorce papers.

A: (cries) If I wanted to leave you, then what should I do with the love I had for you? Answer, Mr. Oberoi! Tell me, if this is what you have to say, why did you love me? If anyone asked the reason why I loved you, I can’t even explain what the reasons are, because it is even deeper. Leaving you is like…..No! Don’t leave me, I really love you. It’s not that I deserve you or you deserve someone better or not, it is whether we love each other or not.

S: Ani, pls understand what I meant. It’s not because of you, it’s because of me.

A: Shut up! I do love you and I am sure that you’re the only one who is my Mr. Right.

S: Are you sure?(in an innocent way)

A: Yes!

S: Tell me all your pains from your childhood.

A: You want it today itself?

S: We have to finish everything today itself.

A: You know it, rt?

S: But, I need to know your feelings at that time.

A: I used to remember those days when we were a happy family. I never saw my mom’s sister those days. Neither did I know the tension between them. It was two years before Sahil was born. I was in 2nd std at that time. Once it was a Sunday morning, when dad had to go to office for an emergency meeting. They had promised me that day we would go outside for a picnic. Usually, dad used to come late after a meeting, because of that I started begging my mom saying that we both can go alone. Neither did I nor did she knew that this was our last picnic together. She took me for a picnic at the nearby park. We started playing with each other. Those days, I never saw my maternal grandparents. I never knew such people do exist. For me, grandparents were my father’s parents; my father was their only son. So, I never knew about my cousins. So, the only people I was very close to my parents, especially my mom. It was due to my wish to eat an ice cream, all these happenings took place. Suddenly, my dad calls mom. I don’t remember clearly what they talked. But I do remember the last thing she told to dad was, “I have taken care of my daughter very well till now, now it’s your turn.”  Then she told me that my dad is coming here early for me. She also told me to take care of dad, I was confused then. She was about to cross the road when dad came and sat near me. She turned back and smiled. Then at the middle of the road, she met with an accident. I remember mom sleeping on the hospital bed and I used to eagerly wait for her to wake up, so that I can say sorry from my behalf. (cries) But what I never knew at that time is that she will never open her eyes. The next two days, I was at my paternal parent’s house. Then the third day, I saw a lady with my dad. She looks exactly like my mom. But the way she dresses, her smile, her expressions were different from my mom. I knew at that instant she is not my mom. But I thought I was wrong. Years later, when I was checking my mark list for my admission inside the cupboard. That’s when I saw the death certificate of my mom, my dad’s and my step-mom’s marriage registration photo, her name changing certificate (Idk what is it really called). I was entirely shocked. It was from that day, whatever my step-mom said started affected me. From that day, I lost all the faith I had in anyone.

S: (he makes her lie on his lap) See, at that day, you were small and I am sure, if you ever knew that this would happen, you would never even try to ask for it. You love her a lot, that’s why even if you aren’t the cause of her death, you were guilty. I don’t know if God exists or not, but I do know one should have faith in something or someone. Because only faith will give us hope. Hope makes us expect. Expectations help us to get out of the quick sand of guilt and depression. From now onwards, forget this incident and remember, you lost one mom, but you got two moms instead. (Anika nodes her head) So, from now onwards, you should forget all these guilt. Wait a sec; it’s time for your medicines. (He takes out one tablet. She gets up and takes the tablet)

A: Shiv, for the first time in my life, I am feeling good today. It’s as if someone took off the burden from my shoulders. I don’t know how lucky I am. I am lucky enough to have you, Omru, Pinky ma and Jhanvi Ma, Papa(Shakti) and Bade Papa. I don’t how I should thank anyone for the love you give me…

She gets dizzy, due to the effect of medicine, Shivaay immediately made her lie on the bed. She slept there till afternoon. He knew this would happen because the doctor has told him the side-effects of the medicines. He also sits beside her.


 What is it?

Did you readers like the way I expressed Shivika’s pain??

A good news for Rikara fans – Rikara will mark their beginning after some parts (It depends – I am having a good plot for them)Details will be given after 19th August, 2018.

Waiting for your responses by votes and comments!!!

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