Colors’ popular dance reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa has successfully completed seven seasons and now is all set to come up with its eighth season. Dipika Samson and Nora Fatehi have been confirmed by Colors to participate in the eight season of the show produced by BBC. The first is TV’s ultimate bahu Dipika Samson. who mesmerizes all with her performance as Simar in the channel’s popular show Sasural Simar Ka. The second name is Moroccan beauty Nora Fatehi, who sizzled up the screen with her avatar as CJ in the movie Roar. Also names like Radhika Madan, Faisal Khan, Parth Samthaan and Puneet Issar have also been doing the rounds. Leading actresses Sanaya Irani (Rangrasiya), Kavita Kaushik (FIR) and Sargun Mehta (Balika Vadhu) are said to have given their nods to dance their way to win the coveted trophy of the dance reality show. RJ Pritam who rose to fame with Bigg Boss last year is also said to have been signed to co-host Jhalak this year. The RJ who is already a craze with his radio programme will definitely add the much needed tadka with his hosting abilities.
Parth Samthaan, after winning millions of heart as Manek, is all set to come up with something new. Well, his fans are soon going to go more crazy by seeing Parth matching his footsteps with his choreographer in the upcoming season of Colors’ Jhalak Dikhla Jaa. He is also hosting Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya season 4 on Zing. The actor has started rehearsing and is all set to woo the audience with his dancing moves. Faisal l Khan too has been finalized as the child contestant. Faisal is the winner of Dance India Dance L’il Masters and later he got into acting with show Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap. . Noted film and TV actors Puneet Issar and Ashish Chowdhry have been approached to participate in the forthcoming eighth season of dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa. The dance reality show in the previous seasons was judged by filmmaker Karan Johar, actress Madhuri Dixit and choreographer-director Remo D’Souza. However, there have been reports that that judges can change this time. Are you excited to see the new season 8 of JDJ? Let us know in this poll.
Oh sss I want sanaya irani/surbhi Jyoti. 2participate @jdk… I’m dying 2 c dem… I’m 1000000000% sure sanaya ll win dis season… Aameen… Plzz plzz bring sanaya/Sj in dis season…
Wow parth n rj pritam my fav….
I’m soooo happy
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥All the best n god bless you always
my fav …P♥P
Great news
Parth has confirmed abt it??
Well if its a yes…am just tooo happy fr him… Love u parth
Love u parth….jhalak dhiklaja will b a greeaat opurtuniyy fr u dear …..jst rick it ……my manik ♥
Ammy di??? Is it u?..
Im waiting to watch bcoz my xpression queen SANAYA IRANI♥♥♥♥♥…
Yh me 2… I juz her
I want this.But because of its timings,colors will take off other shows
I want to s Rachana parulkar dancing
Wow. Ishani is gng to dance in a reality show.. She is also a dance master.
Sanaya has cum in last season to support her rangrasiya actor. Now she is going to dance.
KYY actor is also cuming to jhalak.
Eagerly waiting for jhalak diklaa jaa 8
wow i am waiting for drama queen sanaya irani and parth samthaan also perform i am eagerly waiting for him, also waiting for radhika madhan………., very exited
Yes I am I liked also I am excited simar going there
Only if Parth samthaan is taking part ? I am the most excited ? OMG
its awesome to watch Parth in JDJ………….he is so expressive.
Yes i am waiting for my angel sanaya irani performance??? love u sanaya tintin
o wow parth is also participating in jdj
I wnt rucha hasabnis aka rashi
I am eagerly waiting fr our Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada….SANAYA nd Manik….PARTH…mlove them both…..only fr them will see the show….nd ofcourse who can forget Faisal…our best lil master….Amazing contestants this tm….
Em not interested at all…..its all bakwas
Wow parth samthaan all the very very best. N pritam u r also my fav bt not as parth
Sanaya last performance in ipkknd modeling shoot was gud teri meri shoot also so… Dis wil be sanaya to watch for