Are you my Soulmate ? Episode 1

The episode starts with news report, mentioning about the tonight’s award function where all the popular businessmen of India will come and everyone is excited to cover the live event just to meet “Vansh Raichand” aka VR. He is the youngest CEO in all over India and the only heir of famous business tycoon Hareesh Raichand. Next scene shows the man trying to contact someone but the other person  isn’t picking up his call. He is murmuring where the hell are you Vansh, today is such a big day for us…. don’t you dare to spoil it. He ( Raghav Khurana ) keeps on calling him. On the other hand we see a man lying next to some girl in hotel room. His phone is ringing contineuosly, he ( Vansh ) wakes up and attends the call. He says ” what’s the matter bro, its just 8:30 in the morning, don’t you have anything important to do right now other than disturbing my sleep. The other person is Raghav . He says “you forgot that today is such a important day for Grandpa. Its his birthday and he wants all of us to be together just for this day. Vansh replies so go yourself. He wants just the family members and i am not his family, he pretty much made that clear 15 years ago. But Raghav somehow convince him for atleast come in tonight’s event for media coverage. Vansh agrees and then cuts the call. He says Family and smirks. He again lay down on bed and hugs the other girl. She opens her eye and see him. He says good morning baby and kisses her. She says what’s the matter, your face isn’t looking happy. He says nothing baby its just i am nervous to lay down next to pretty girl like you. He then cover both of them with blanket.

Next scene, Raichand mansion is shown, where everyone is preparing for Mr. Raichand’s birthday, everyone wants his 80th birthday to be special and they all are giving there best. His wife ( mrs. Raichand )  comes and sees the decoration. she says what’s this where are the white lilies , don’t you all know its his favorite flowers. The decorator says sorry and calls the dealer for white lilies. A girl ( Priya ) picks the call and takes the order. she cuts the call, her father says but all the delivery guys are busy, how will you manage to deliver this much big order on time. But she convince him to trust Lord Shiva, he will be with us and moreover i am planning to go at that direction only, so i will deliver the flowers myself. On the other hand Vansh is getting ready for work, is girlfriend says please stay little bit, work is not running anywhere, but he cuts her in between and says for Vansh Raichand works come first because people admires me because of my work…. and girls for my look … he smirks. He leaves for his office. On the other hand, Priya is on her way for delivery on her car but her car stops , she sees that her car is out of fuel, says oh no no…. dad will kill me if i get late for the delivery, he always says me to check the fuel before driving… what should i do now… i can’t even call him for this. She get out of the car and thinks to call a cab instead.

she was going to call a cab but suddenly another car from behind bumps with her car. She gets angry after seeing her car damage and shouts at the driver. The person comes out of his car, he is Vansh and he was talking with someone on phone while driving. She says ” oh hello mr. first cut your call and see what you have done to my car. If you don’t know how to drive than its best to take cab or if you have enough money. afford a driver instead. He cuts the call and sees the damage. He says how much you want for this garbage ( mentioning her old car). He gives his business card to her and says call my manager and he will help you in buying a new car instead. She sees the opportunity and blames him for getting her late for delivery. She ask him to help her delivering the order . He immediately refuses to do that and says call the cab instead of wasting my time, if you can’t afford the cab than take this. He gives her the cash for cab. She refuses and say, you done the damage and didn’t even said sorry, so you have to  help me in delivering or otherwise i will call the cops, He thinks if she call the cop than the media will get this news and my image will be down for no reason. He agrees to help her but says to sit on the back seat with her packages and don’t you dare to talk while i am driving. She agrees and sit on the back seat. He drives the car, while she directing him with the directions.

He thinks of the direction goes to Raichand Mansion and thinks what my luck is, i am going to that house even though i don’t want to. They reach there on time, he says her to leave his car now, i have to go for work. But she requested him to help her little bit more in handling the packages and come inside. He unwillingly agrees to do so and carries the packages. They enter the mansion, he recalls his time in the mansion and recalls how other people in the family treated him . He gets angry and throws the packages, Priya shouts at him what are you doing, carry them carefully and don’t create a scene here.

He sees her angrily and turns to leave but someone calls his name. She runs toward him and hugs hi m. Priya is looking at them and thinks how they know him. She hears someone saying ” Vansh baba is here ” she gets shock. The other girl says brother how come you lost your track and come home today but anyways i am glad you came , she wishes him Happy birthday too and says even though you left us but i recall today is your birthday too. He says what is the need to recall my birthday when no one was happy on my birth. He says my work is done here, now i should leave this place. Anshika says to please stay for little longer, Maa is gone outside for some urgent work, let her come and wish. He says i am not interesting in meeting aunt and you already knew why. He leaves . Priya follow him and says thank you for today. She even gives him one flower and wishes him Happy birthday. He sees the flower and then sees her smiling.



Precap- The award function is going on and the host announces Vansh name and ask him to come on stage for the award but he is not present there, everyone is waiting for him.



Hey everyone. Hru ? i hope all good. I am back with my new version of stories . I know i left few stories before uncompleted but not now. I will deliver full content on time.

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