Dayal smiling by seeing harshad and ragini talking with each other with smile..
Sachin too comes and sees dayal standing outside..
He comes and see them he too smiles.
They both comes inside..
By seeing them harshad gets up and gives seat to sit for sachin and dayal..
Harshad stands aside..
Ragini:- uncle your son promised me that he will cook spicy indian food you were witness to it.
Dayal:- done actually my son cook wells you will enjoy.
Sachin:- only she will enjoy ..
Cant we all enjoy harshad.
Harshad:-ofcourse uncle without you impossible..
Sachin:- even ragini cook well..
Dayal:- really.
Ragini:- some what ok types uncle i am not expert in cooking but i will cook definetly for u and all.
Jhanavi and arupya comes with few snacks and tea..
Adarsh comes with small bowl and lifting her daughter…
Jhanavi keep plate on bed and serves tea for all..
Ragini:- wow maa pakoda..
She about to take jhanavi slaps on her hand..
Jhanavi:- from night you were vomiting and all your eyes went inside because of weakness..
And without shame you were getting ready to eat pakoda again.
Ragini:- what is the relation between eating food and being shameless maa..
Jhanavi:- ragini.
Ragini:- okk but give something to eat and touches her stomach and say..
Here nothing left maa.
Adarsh:- thats why we bought you this and hand over her a bowl.
Ragini takes it see inside bowl and then see adarsh.
Adarsh sticks out his tongue and says ..haha teasing sister when they are on food diet is awesome feeling.
He takes one pakoda and say..
Awww what a taste maa you were awesome.
All tries to hide their laugh..
Ragini pouts..
Adarsh:- baby see your maasi how she is burning with jeously that i am eating pakoda and she is eating milk and bread..ha ha ha
Ragini:- he he baby say to your dad to stop that villan laugh and yaa when i can prescribe this food to patients for health sake then even i can eat it and what their in milk and bread..
I will eat..
And looks at bowl with weird expressions.
Harshad:- yesterday u ate all those spicy food with great enjoyment right..then now eat this as a punishment for eating all spicy food at a time..
Ragini eyes him angrily and sees bowl and gulps..
Takes spoon and keeps in her mouth unwillingly but gives a victory smile to adarsh and harshad..
Dayal:- thats like ragini thyagi..
They both hi fives to each other…
Soon ragini gets a conformation call that she got selected for lifesaving hospital as a nuero surgeon.
Ragini:- dad i got job in lifesaving hospital as a neuro surgeon..
All congralutes her..
Dayal:- ok ragini take care its already late even harshad had to leave for job he has night duty
Ragini:- bye uncle.
Harshad:- bye uncle.
Harshad looks on.
Ragini:- oh sorry i said in flow..
(Teasing) bye harshad. Good night
Harsha:- bye…good night.
All laughs..
They goes from their and sachin sits next to her and offeres her one pakkoda..
Ragini:- papa..
Sachin:- i saved it for you and yaa i cant eat without you eating..
And gives her a little bit and says..
Your health will spoil again thats why..
Ragini hugs him and says i love you dad..
Sachin goes..after some time..
Adarsh and arupya comes scretly
and gives her another small piece.
Adarsh:- i am joking ragoo..
How can i eat without sharing with you.
This small piece from mine and your babhi side and yaa this small piece is because by..
Ragini:- considering my health right..
Adarsh:- hmm and feeds her..
Precap:- ragini and harshad at coffee shop..
awww… they have so sweet relation….. Update soon…..
Thank u
miss you so much dear, nice part
Thank u
Nice bonding! ??☺
Thank u
Cute one!
Thank u
Thank u
Thank u
Cute one
Thank u
sindhu I missed you soooo much ..and I was waiting for you update….how was your trip…epic asusual awesome babes and sorry for late…take care
Thank u
ragini is indeed pamper by her family
everyone offered her pakora
harshad and ragini are superb adorable dear
their family would be really happy if they come together as a couple too lol
Yaa they will be so happy
Amazing sissy!!! Missed you hehe!! I wrote a Ragsan ff!!! Can you read it
Take care Hun.
I read it nusz
I am waiting for next part