Arranged Marriage With Love (RIANSH) – Episode 14

Hello everyone, I hope you all were waiting for my update.
Replies to comments of previous update:
Aww M, for writers the first comment matters a lot because we will get to know how our episode is and I am happy that you commented first. I loved your comment as usually. I am glad you love my writings. I hope to never disappoint you all with my updates as well.
Thank you Asen, Keep supporting.
Hey Natasha, Keep loving my ff. Thank you for your comment.
Hey Riansh_fan , I missed your comment for my previous update. I am glad you are liking my ff.
Hey Bhuvaneshwari, yes in my ff Kabir is a good person as of now. Keep supporting my ff.
Aww Priya, don’t know how but I always get a smile on my face while reading your comment. I can feel your emotions through your words. Lot’s of love sweetheart.
Thank you Ravi for supporting me since beginning of this ff.
Hey Diha, I am totally fine dear and I hope the same from you. I love your concern for me, I am glad you liked my writings. Love you dear.
Hey Lover Of Riansh, thank you for your support. I will try to post lengthy episodes.
Aww Cee, I totally loved your comment . I am very glad you are loving my writings. I wish to really hug you for such sweet compliment you gave. I will keep up to your expectations without fail dear. If I drag the misunderstanding between Ridhima and Vansh for long time then my ff will become like any typical drama which even I don’t like. I want my story to be real even though it is not. Love you a lot dear.
Thank you Yashika, keep supporting.
Hey Amrit,Vansh was thinking about the video which Angre captured when he saw Ridhima meeting Kabir in his phone and send to Vansh to take revenge on Riddhima.
Hey KV2711, thank you for the support you are giving. I will make sure you will love the future updates.
Hey Abhipsha Banerjee, such a beautiful comment dear. Thank you for the love you are showering on my ff. Keep supporting dear.
Aww Sandhya Shah, no words to express my feelings after reading your comment. I am glad t make you addicted to my ff. Love you.
Hey Srija, here is your update. Hope you will like it.

Episode starts with…..
Vansh calls Mr. D’Souza( his secretary) and asks him to find out who sent the video of Ridhima to him. Vansh goes to Siya’s room. Siya asks him to come inside. Vansh goes to Siya and asks whether she took medicines. Siya says” Bhaiya, If I don’t take the medicines on time then Bhabhi will get angry. She always takes care of me.” Vansh recalls his argument with Ridhima and gets upset. Siya finds him upset and says” Bhaiya, What happened? Why are you upset? Tell me, Did anything happened?” Ridhima comes there and looks at them talking. Vansh nods to Siya and says” Yes Choti, I have misunderstood Ridhima and shouted on her. I behaved rudely with her. Don’t know how she is feeling now? I hope she forgives me.” Siya smiles and says” Bhaiya, sometimes misunderstandings happen between loved ones. you must apologize to her. Bhabhi is very sweet and will accept your apology very soon.” Vansh smiles and says” Yes Choti, I will apologize to Ridhima and also give her a gift. She will forgive me for sure because she is very sweet at heart.” Siya says” Aww Bhaiya, you are becoming romantic after getting married. Ridhima Bhabhi is very lucky to get a husband like you.” Vansh smiles and says” No Choti, I am very lucky to get her. She brought happiness into my world. She cares for my family a lot. She understood my emotions better than anyone. She is very loving and understanding. She is the best life partner I can ever have.” Ridhima hears all this and blushes. She recalls the argument and thinks Vansh always cared for me, he never forced me in this relation. He respected my decisions. I think anyone in his place would have reacted the same by receiving that video.

Siya finds Ridhima lost in her thoughts near the door and calls her. Vansh looks at her in shock whether she heard their conversation. Ridhima comes in and sits beside Siya. Siya hugs her and asks ” When did you come Bhabhi?” Ridhima looks at Vansh and says” I have just come.” Vansh gets relieved hearing this and thinks Ridhima didn’t hear their conversation. Ridhima thinks I know Vansh you are thinking I don’t know what you have planned for me. I just don’t want to disappoint your surprise. Siya finds both of them lost in their thoughts and coughs. Vansh and Ridhima worry for her. Siya laughs and says ” Where are you both lost?” Ishani enters the room and says” Wow, everyone at one place. What are you all doing here? Do you people even remember that I am still part of this family?” Siya says” We were casually talking. Anyways you always remain busy talking to Aryan jiju . I think it is you who forgot us.” Ishani beats her with pillow and says” Stop it Siya, I don’t think about only Aryan.” Ridhima looks at the door and says” Hi Aryan, when did you come?” Ishani looks back surprised and finds no one. Ridhima and Siya laugh looking at her desperation to meet Aryan. Ishani hugs Vansh from back and says” See Bhaiya, they both are mocking me.” Vansh controls his smile and says” Stop it Ridhima and Siya, you both are mocking my Ishani. Ishani doesn’t always think about Aryan all the day. She just misses him every second. Right Ishani?” Ishani looks at Vansh smiling and says” Bhaiya, even you are mocking me. I feel I am all alone now.” She starts to leave but the trio start to dance around her. Kar gayi chul plays…. Ishani laughs at them and starts dancing with them. They all spend quality time with each other. Both the sisters hug Vansh and say” Bhaiya, after a long time we spent time with each other. Promise us that you will always be with us and support us.” Vansh gets emotional and says” I will always protect you all no matter what happens.” Ridhima smiles looking at them happy. Vansh gesture her to come near. Ishani and Siya hug her and says” Thank you Bhabhi, for making us happy. We love you so much.” Vansh hugs them and says” You three ladies are the most important people in my life. I promise to keep you all happy.” Ridhima gets touched with his words and looks at him lovingly. Dadi comes and finds them happy. Dadi blesses them to always be happy.

Vansh gets a call and leaves. Ridhima says” I am very happy to get you all in my life. I love you both a lot. I wish you both to be happy throughout your life and Vansh will make sure this will happen.” Ishani asks” Bhabhi, What about Vansh Bhaiya? How much do you love him?” Ridhima blushes and leaves saying she should cook dinner. Ishani and Siya also accompany her saying They will help her in cooking today.

Vansh goes to Angre and says” How are you Angre?” Angre hugs him and says” I am fine Vansh. How are you?” Vansh says” I am not fine Angre. I am very upset.” Angre thinks about the video he sent and says” I know Vansh it is not easy to handle the truth. I know you are upset because Ridhima cheated on you.” Vansh slaps Aryan shocking him and says” No Angre, you are wrong. I am upset because you sent me that video.” Angre gets shocked and says” Vansh, I taught you will get angry on Ridhima because she cheated on you with that Kabir. She has an affair with him.” Vansh stops him and says” Angre, you are wrong. Ridhima is not such girl. I have faith on her. Coming to Kabir, he is just a good friend of Ridhima. Don’t misunderstand the things. I am ashamed to know that you sent me the video.” Flash back shows Mr. D’Souza calling Vansh and informing him that Angre sent this video from another number.

Angre thinks he did a mistake and says” I am sorry vansh, I taught she has an affair. I taught she is cheating on you and I couldn’t bear that and sent you that video to show you the truth. I am feeling guilty for my mistake. I am very ashamed of myself. I will leave the house and go some where as I cannot face you and Ridhima because of my mistake.” Vansh says” No Angre, Do you think I will allow you to leave your house? You are my friend even before Ridhima came into my life. I don’t want to lose you. I just wanted to tell you the truth. I am sorry for hurting you.” Angre stops him and says” No Vansh, we are friends . I am glad you forgiven me. You are my best friend.” They hug each other.

They both come downstairs to find the girls cooking. Vansh says” I think today we have to order something from hotel because they will surely burn the dish together.” Angre laughs loudly. Ridhima comes to him and says” Oh Vansh ! do you think we will cook worse then let me tell you. We three are cooking for ourselves and if you don’t like then you can make anything you want because the hotels are not open because of the lock down”. Vansh realizes that the hotels are not open and says” Do you think I can’t cook? I cook food very tastily. People die to eat my food. But it’s ok I will manage with your food today for your satisfaction.” Ridhima smiles while he leaves.

The family is having Dinner. Dadi compliments the girls for cooking the food deliciously. Angre also compliments them. Vansh tastes the food and loves the taste. He keeps eating. Ridhima waits for his compliments. Vansh looks at Ridhima and says” The food is very tasty. I know it is not up to my mark but the food is delicious. You cooked really good Ishani and Siya.” Ridhima gets angry for not mentioning her and stamps his leg. Vansh shouts in pain. Everyone looks at them and smile. Vansh says” I mean to say, I know Ridhima cooks food very deliciously. I didn’t know that Ishani and Siya also cook food deliciously. My wife is just perfect and I don’t have any words to discribe her so I didn’t praise her.” Ridhima blushes and they have an eye lock. Ishq mein marjawan title track plays…. Dadi coughs to bring them in reality. Dadi smiles looking at their affection and says” I am very happy that you both are happy with each other. I always wish you both to remain together and happy.” Vansh suddenly coughs and Ridhima cares for him and feeds him water. Siya smiles looking at them and says” Bhaiya, Ridhima Bhabhi didn’t eat anything still now”. Vansh makes Ridhima sit and serves her food. She feels contended and looks at him with happiness seeing his affection. Vansh gestures her to eat. She eats the food. Vansh smiles at her.

They all finish their dinner and come to the hall. A lady enters the VR Mansion. Everyone look at her and gets shocked. The lady says” Vansh, my son”. Vansh says” Maa”. Ridhima looks at them in shock.

PRECAP: Anupriya(Vansh’s mother) says” I missed you all very much”. Vansh stops her from touching him and says” Why did you come here?” Anupriya looks at him in shock.
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