Arranged To Him (Riansh) (Immj2) Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Same night …

After finishing dinner when riddhima was about to leave with the plates , when Vansh pulls her ..

She looks at Vansh for the answer …

” Tomorrow My Business Associates are throwing a party , so you will be their with me .. ” Vansh said looking nowhere but her , while riddhima gives a small smile ..

” Aa , and one more thing Ahana will be also there , I’m pleading you don’t create any scene .. Even if she tries , make a safe distance from her .. ” He said and walk off from there , while riddhima looks at him in disbelief ..

” Akdru .. ” Riddhima mummers and after sometime she also comes and sleeps beside him ..



Next day at evening …

Riddhima was getting ready for party , when the same moment Vansh enters the room and just looking at her , his legs were stopped in mid , his brain was all black by now and his breath got hitched ..

She was looking the most beautiful women he have ever seen till date plus without any heavymake up … Her face was reflecting her pure innocence … ” How can someone look cute and hot at the same moment .. ” Thought Vansh ..

While riddhima feel a gaze on her and so she turn to find one and only Vansh standing there with some unknown feeling in his eyes , while his face was adorn by a small smile ..

Here , Vansh looks away getting out of his trance … While come near cupboard and take his clothes and walked towards washroom ..

He closed the washroom door and take a deep sighs , which he didn’t know he was holding …

But it was something that make him worry , the girl he never noticed .. the girl he never thought Who’s now his wife , Whether this is a attraction or which ever feeling … but it was definitely not his cup of tea ..

Vansh was heart of many girls or even is .. he even had many girlfriends in his life , but love … Never .. this thing was never present in his whole life but then he found Ahana , which He seems that she is his ‘ type of girl .. ‘ so he took that as a relationship but the family never accept her ..

While Business is always first priority for him , that’s why he married her .. but today he had a feeling that his this decision was the first and best decision ever ..

Shrugging this running thoughts aside , He comes out changing in as usual three piece while like always looking hot , handsome and what not to say .. While Riddhima looks at him from corner of her eyes , sitting on the bed ..

Riddhima’s pov ..

No arguments …

Hayyeee !!! He is looking devilish handsome , but this stern and frown expression … Makes him horrible , creepy and what not ….

Man for once , can’t he give a compliment to me , just for once say that I am looking hot , breathtaking , ravish , beautiful .. let it be atleast nice ..

But No .. ( Takes a sigh )

Authors pov …

” Ready ?? .. ” asked Vansh fixing his wrist watch .. On which she hummed …

After 10 minutes both riansh come downstairs … Look like a perfect couple .. like made for each other …

While Kabir and Ragini were already present there waiting the couple ..

After bid bye to family , all four left for party ..

Kabir was driving the car , talking to Ragini , while Riddhima also join there talks sometimes.. As she was getting bore with Vansh who was all silent …

The moment they entered at the entrance , all started greetings them .. while Vansh and Kabir introduce their wives …

Later Both mens got busy in their business talk , whereas Riddhima and Ragini were talking each other and enjoying their cute time …

Vansh was listening to one of his partners , but all the time he stealing a glance to Riddhima , her smiling face… but then suddenly , he was boiling in rage when he noticed that two men were looking at her with lust …

” How dare they’re staring at Vansh Rai Singhania’s wife , my wife ” he thought , but suddenly he himself got confused , why he just called riddhima as his wife … Is he accepting her as his wife ?? ..

But shrugging these thoughts aside , he moves towards Riddhima and Ragini and spoke ” Aaa , You’ll can go there , that drinks are not alcohol .. “

Both the girls looks at him in confusion but thinking not more they leaves from there .. While he turns to the men and glares them , Both the men gulped seeing his shooting red blood eyes ..

All this while Ahana was standing in a corner , following every little move of Vansh and gets super angry , when she saw the protective side of him , for riddhima …. he never showed this side for her , ever in this 1 year of there’s relationship …

Ahana cursed Riddhima for all this and then suddenly she smirk because of her new plan .. She comes near a waiter and mix something in one of the drink .. while gives him money and point towards Vansh …

The waiter happily winks her …. Then the Waiter immediately moves to Vansh and gives him the drink .. he was in his deep thoughts for his this sudden behaviour and touch towards her.. when suddenly he feels dizzy after he drank that drink .. He comes at a corner but till then he was unable to even walk .. while soon someone supports him when he was about to get unconscious ..

Yes she’s Ahana !! , she take him towards a empty room of upstairs and made him lay on the bed .. While Vansh was unconscious already this led Ahana smirk ..

Ahana takes phone and text Riddhima ..” Vansh is always mine … “

Riddhima who was talking with Ragini , got shock to see this massage , while looks everywhere .. but to her disappointment , she can’t find neither Vansh nor Ahana ..

A sudden kind of pain was overwhelmed by her mind and heart , she looks at upstairs and run towards there ..

Reaching there , she found a room , while the door was slidely open so she looks inside , where she found Vansh unconscious while Ahana was upon him …

Riddhima runs from there , while Ahana turn back and smile , but it soon faint when 2 ladies come there with a smirk ..

While there Vansh was still unconscious , the two girl are none other than Riddhima and Ragini …

Riddhima pushed Ahana from Vansh and tried to wake him , he opens his eyes but it’s like he’s so drunk …

” O you damn girl , what you did to Vansh ji ?? .. ” Ragini asked holding Ahana’s arm as she saw Ahana tries to escape …

” I didn’t do anything , he came to me by himself .. ” Ahana said ..

Which raged Riddhima, she immediately stood up and tch tch she gave a tight slap to Ahana and when she again tried to say something , this time Ragini gave her a slap ..

” Riddhima you take care of Vansh ji.. I’ll teach her a lesson which she won’t forget in her next six births .. ” Saying she dragged Ahana out of the room ….



Ragini throw her in front of all people , while Kabir ran towards her.. ” what happened ?? .. ” He asked , while Ragini describes the whole story …

Ahana left from there , as she can’t take the humiliation in front of all… As many were calling her by names ..

She runs from there with hatred and swear herself that she won’t return to Vansh ever ..

As Ahana had gave a drugs to Vansh , iso it will be like same as drunken State .. With a lot of difficulty Ragbir and Riddhima comes home , hiding Vansh state , while slowly she Riddhima takes him their room …

As soon Riddhima makes him lay Vansh holds her hand … He immediately pulls her near him and hug her , nuzzling in her neck .. in his subconscious state ..

Riddhima litterly feel like butterfly in her stomach , while her heart start beating like a bullet train ……….

Hii !!! Guys ..

Hope you like it ….

So next part will the last as I told you it is 7 shots story ..

See you in the next chapter ..

Stay safe and continue reading my ff 😜 ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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