Fan Fiction

ASHOKA – KAURVAKI “LOVES STORY of a Warrior “ episode 6

EPISODE-6. Plz comment if you like it ..i want your support. ..Luv u guys…….

RECAP- She fall in his arms ..

…..Ashoka was stunned. After a very anger, anguish and anxiety , suddenly he now feel a bit of peace, a feel of calm and good , a feel of presence…presence of “her”!
He pulled her out of his arms to see her. Ashoka’s heart was beat very fast. He was having a mix feeling of nervousness, a fear of wrong but a need to see her. So, he seek out to see her.
But the dark was a big obstacles between them. Ashoka was unable to see her full face he could make out her lips, her cheeks whose beauty was hidden by the dirt on them .. Also blood was flowing from somewhere up around ear. So , he lift her head quit up with his one hand to see where exactly was the wound. And Now, he could make out…Her closed eyes. And her head, where there was a little deep wound. He tried to toch it slowly. The momemt he touched it , he could feel the tightening of the grip of her hands on his shoulders. Which means she was’nt completely faint and could feel the pain and touch.

Ashoka slowly moved her towards him and tighten her again in his arms . Now her face was only such far from his that he could make out her breathing.
He took his mouth near her ears and slowly spoke -“Don’t worry. I am here…..” And then started staring her. Waiting for her reaction. As if he knew that he will find an answer.. he will find .. And then something happened that gave answer to his every question ..his every query. She opened her eyes… And thier eyes met…as if their soul met. And the next moment she again closed it…it seems as if they opened only for him.

But they gaved Ashoka something for what he was waiting desperately. Confirmation .. To Confirm her …..confirm that the presence was right. He knew them. He knew those eyes. Those eyes which make him ..good for nothing.. whenever he even think of them. Finnally Ashoka found them. And now never wanted to loose them again.
After few minutes Ashoka realized that he was acting like a fool. He was staring her for the past 20 minutes, where priority was something else…… To took her for Aid….to stop the blood flow and to save her .. Save someone who has unwillingly become important for Ashoka. So Ashoka lift him up in his arms and started moving towards the. Old woman ‘s house. The lady was standing at the doorstep. She ran towards Ashoka to help him out. Both of them took the girl inside. Ashoka quickly laid her on the bed, meanelwhile the lady prepared some medicine out of the leaves and roots that she brought from outside.
Withou any..She quickly started the treatment ..Ashoka was holding her hand. The lady rubed the medincine on the wound…and tge girl cried out in pain.

Lady after staring him for a moment-” You don’t worry…there will be some pain ….but the wound will be healed.”
And then they started encountring …a number of wounds on her body . She was badly injured . Some wounds were even deeper than the head one. The lady now need to change her clothes as she expected …some wounds inside also. She indicated Ashoka to go out.
But Ashoka did’nt want to leave her. So he asked the lady ” I can stay here……..i will turn my head opposite side….also if you want i can close them also. But I don’nt prefer the idea to leave her.!!!!As you may need me!”.
“But that won’t make any difference….”- the lady continued with a bit of laugh…. .” You can stay outside.. i will call you if there is any need….”
Ashoka’s face turned pale. He did’nt wan’t to leave her hand.
“Don’t worry i will take care of her…i cam see that she is very important to you…..i will make sure that she does’nt bear pain for a lot of time…but for that you need to go fast” -Lady.
Ashoka with covering his words and emotions – “No…i only mean that you may need help …. i trust you…..every person is important for me..she is’nt special…”…Lady with an expressions of cleverness…”I know …i know now please go out….dear”
Ashoka moved out ….with a sad expression on his face.

PRECAP- She wake up…and saw..Ashoka!!!!



I am A Person..with lots of ideas my mind. ....searching for the most suitable place...where I could share it alll!

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