Swara and shekhar comes to take ragini for pagphera. Sanskar listens to swara’s voice and comes running from his room. Ragini notices this. Sujata and ap asks them to sit and have some tea. They agree and sit. Sanskar is looking at swara constantly, ragini pinches Laksh and tells him to see Sanskar. Laksh says that Bhai is really bowled by Swara now.. They both laugh. Swara asks them whatr they laughing aabout. Raglak turn the matter and asks Sanskar to show Swara their room how they had decorated it for ragini. Shekhar says that he will see too and gets up.
Laksh says papa I have to talk to u about something important. Pls have a sit. He makesshekhar sit in the hall so that sSanskar and Swara can spend some time together.
Swara looks at the room decorated wirh baby pics. She says that laksh has made it so beautiful.
Sanskar: yes me and laksh spend so much time in picking each poster. I heard somewhere if a pregnant lady looks at a photo for long during her pregnancy her baby will also look like the photo. I want laksh’s kids to look like this.. Gollu mollu. Infact i m gonna call them gollu mollu..
Swara:(lookig at the spark in sanskar’s eye while talking about kids) u like kids very much na??
Sanskar: yes.. And finally their is going to b 2 little kids in our house. That is so soo so much exciting..
Swara: definitely i m also very excited. But gollu mollu will love their masi more than their chachu. I know that.
Sanskar: how can u say that??
Swara: becoz u dont have any experience with kids while i used to play with kids at baadi… I can handle little babies.. Will u b??
Sanskar: yes yes.. I will b(thinks for a moment
Swara: they r very stubborn. Will u b able to handle their stubbornness?
Sanskar: (thinks) yes of course. Stop pulling my leg swara!! Whatever the kids do i will love them always.
Swara: me too.
Sanskar will u have some chocolates. He gives her chocolate. She happily takes it and runs down.
Pari asks ragini if she will have mango shake before going?? Ragini says no. But ap and sujata insist her to have it. She agrees.
Pari goes to the kitchen and brings mangoshake for ragini. Swara comes their with Sanskar, sujata who is carrying the tea tray back to the kitchen collides with swara. Swara takes the tea tray from her to keep in the kitchen. She has a chocolate wrapper which Sanskar had given her and goes to throw it in the dustbin. But gets shocked on seeing something in the dustbin, she checks the juice jar and then runs. She drops the glass from ragini’s hand.
All r shocked. Ragini asks her wat happened?? Swara replies that her milk shake had papaya and she somewhere read that pregnant ladies should not eat papaya so.. Ap and sujata gets shocked and tell Swara that it can’t b. Swara asks them to come to the kitchen. She makes them smell it. And then shows papaya seeds in the dustbin. Ap and sujata asks pari as how can she b so careless as some thing can happen to baby. Swara asks ragini did she drank any of it.. Ragini says that she had a sip of it. Pari apologizes saying that she didn’t knew about papaya or else she wouldn’t have added it.
Shekhar Swara ragini with Laksh leave for pagphera. Shekhar says that dadi is very excited to met u both. She has been doing preparayt since morning and even sumi has done so many preparation. Ragini tensedly looks at Laksh. Laksh holds her hand and says that dadi has forgiven us for our mistake. Ragini remembers how dadi tried to have her medicine forcefully to kill the baby.
They all enter baadi, dadi does their Aarti and they enter. Laksh is sitting with Sumi and Shivani dadi takes ragini to the kitchen and asks how is she?? Ragini looks at her with confusion. Dadi asks is the baby fine?? Ragini nods a yes. Dadi says that this baby is the only heir to the maheshwari’s after wat Sanskar did may b he will never marry and adarsh is already childless and utara is daughter. So everything will go to her children. She asks her to live like a queen and soon give 2 sons to the family.dadi says that she knows a doctor who will tell them whether she has boys or girls.
Ragini pushes her shouts.
She comes out of the kitchen. Dadi asks her wat happened?? She replies wat if she has 2 daughters then?? Dadi says then they can do something.. Ragini pushes her and says that she don’t want her inauspicious shadow to fall on her babies.. She and her whole family will love the baby no matter whatever it is!! A girl or a boy she doesn’t care. And she should change her thoughts as she didn’t let Sumi get pregnant for her. And this family also has two daughters and she too had a daughter then how can she talk like this about her own granddaughter’s child. She was ready to kill the baby the other day. This is the same baby. Just the thing that changed for u is that their rich father have now accepted them.and so u suddenly started to shower Ur concern on them. Sumi comes and asks wat happened ?? Dadi leaves from their angrily. Ragini hugs Sumi.
Very nice dear ??
Thanks anjali..

nice love rag thing why people thing only boy can do for family but girls are no less than boy next part soon
it’s very very nice & awesome
Thank for reading
poor rags love her
Thanks dear for reading and commenting
awesome story
Cute swasan and raglak scenes in next part…. Enjoy all of u