Ragini and swara’s result have come they bothhave passes. Sanskar and lLaksh brings cake for them, whole family celebrate, shekhar Sumi, shivani and aurbind too comes their. Pari gets irked. She drops some oil on the floor in the kitchen. She comes to ragini and asks her to help her in bringing plates for everyone. Ragini is going to the kitchen when Swara tells her that she will bring the plates and asks ragini to stay with the family. Parish doesn’t see this. Swara goes into the kitchen and slips she sees oil on the floor an thinks to clean it so that anybody else won’t slip. She bring a bucket of soap water and starts to clean, but poor swara!! She hasn’t ever worked, so she doesn’t know how to do it and drops whole bucket of water in the kitchen to clean the oil. Sanskar comes their to find Swara and looks at her cleaning the floor. He comes towards her but before Swara could warn him, he slips in soap water, Swara starts to laugh and goes to help him but she too slips, Sanskar starts to laugh on her, they both try to get up but slips again. Adarsh comes their and sees them and tries to help them but he too slips. Seeing this pari who is standing besides him starts to laugh. Adarsh gets angry and pulls parish down too. Whole family gathers and laugh, sujata tries to help Sanskar but slips as well, Shivani slips Laksh tries to help he too slips. Rest of them starts to laugh as all of them tries to get up. Finally all of them get up. Ap asks sujata to get soap water cleaned by a servant properly. And takes ragini with her. Swara is irked at Sanskar as he laughed at her when she slipped. Pari is irked as her plan back Fired and she slipped instead if ragini.
Swara thinks that she will teach Mr. Maheshwari a lesson. She meets Sanskar just outside his room.
Swara : wat is this on Ur face??
Sanskar: wat??(he starts to rub his face)
Swara : let me help u!! She rubs kajal dubbed hand on his face and makes moustache and a tilak on his forehead.
As Sanskar sit on the dining table with all others everyone is laughing. At him he gets confused. Sujata and ap and pari comes their with the food.
Sujata: Sanskar what have u done with Ur face??
Sanskar: why wat happened to my face now???
Laksh: chachi! May b Bhai is appylin for the role of mangal dakkku..
Adarsh: no he looks like baba Sanskaranand. His name is perfect for him to b a baba.
Sanskar looks confused. Everyone starts to laugh even more. Sujata shows his face in plate. He runs after Swara knowing that she was the one who did it. Sanskar is cleaning the kajal , he remembers how Swara was close to him while putting kajal on his face and smiles seeing the kajal moustache. He imagines the same moment romantically. Where she would kiss him. But then wakes up daydreaming when sujata screams his name. As he sits to have his food he keeps on looking at Swara . and then sees that Shivani is curtly looking at him for watching her daughter. He changes the way he is looking. And continues to eat. He thinks that wat is his mind doing tricks with him. He knows that he can never have Swara now then why his mind is showing such dreams.
Godbharai of ragini.
Ap and sujata gives dress and jewellery for ragini to Swara . she takes it to ragini’s room. But Laksh doesn’t let her come inside , he takes the dress and jewellery from her and says today he will get ragini ready. Ragini asks him to let Swara come as he doesn’t know anything about getting ready. Laksh says that we shall see. He closea the door. He comes to tahini and keeps all jewwllry aside. He makes her sit and tucks her saree. He then makes her wear, necklace and earrings. He combs ragini’s hair and then makes her wear a flower crown on her head. Saying that for my queen their is her crown. He looks at ragini in the mirror who shys looking at herself. Laksh saystoday u r looking as the the prettiest woman on this earth. He brings her the function. Ragini is aabout to step when Laksh put his hand on her way. Ragini confused askswat is this. Laksh says today he will makeher walk on his hand. Ragini denies, Laksh takes a red cloth from his pocket and place on his both hands and ask ragini to step. Ragini is reluctant but then seeing Laksh insistence steps. As ragini takes her step towards the stage Laksh keeps his hand with her each step.
Nice update dear…
Awesome update
Nice, more raglak scenes please
Thank u all
raglak is amazing next part soon
This was really gud rekha well done and yh I hope nothing happens to the babies and try adding more raglak scenes
Thanks and nothing will happen to babies..
Nyc episode dear

awe laksh innocent love for ragini make me cry