
Landed here accidentally, Believes in karma My mantra- chotti si tu jaan kahe rahe pareshaan chaad duniya ko , duniya toh degi gyaan

Mine exclusively Mine-a Riansh fan fiction (Part 8)

Stalker truth out Riddhima yawned continuously ,she wondered looking at all the people present there,they looked fresh and attentive but…

4 years ago

My husband is a millionaire- Riansh story (Chapter 5)

Boss congratulations Mrs and Mr singhania you two are officially and legally an couple now" These words...these few words grew…

4 years ago

My husband is a millionaire- Riansh story (Chapter 4)

Mrs and Mr Singhania Riddhima had decided to marry vihaan in the heat of moment...but seeing sejal's shocked expressions she…

4 years ago

Mine exclusively Mine-a Riansh fan fiction (Part 7)

Metting Riddhima fidgeted with her fingers, sweating outside the doctor's cabin, the words and scenerios replayed in her mind again…

4 years ago

Mine exclusively Mine-a Riansh fan fiction (Part 6)

Coincidences wow riddhu you are looking gorgeous" Yelled Aisha riddhima's friend "I Know I know" Chuckled riddhima Riddhima and her…

4 years ago

My husband is a millionaire- Riansh story (Chapter 3)

Wedding bells when did you think we should get married" Did I hear marriage thought riddhima " Miss mehra it's…

4 years ago

My husband is a millionaire- Riansh story (Chapter 2)

Marriage Turns out that riddhima didn't make an excuse she surely need to visit official urgently the next day, according…

4 years ago

Mine exclusively Mine-a Riansh fan fiction (Part 5)

Is vansh the stalker? Light Bright light That's what riddhima see opening her eyes Her brain take almost a minute…

4 years ago

Mine exclusively Mine-a Riansh fan fiction (Part 4)

Riddhima attacked Looking at aangre her heart shuddered, the man who always somehow brought a smile over her face, always…

4 years ago