Up in the sky- THE JHOLMAAL – EPILOGUE to all my stories. Before starting the most awaited and the last article by me on TU. Lets clear few things. First, this One shot is an epilogue. Epilogue to my all stories. From my first fanfiction – Junoon wala ishq to beast is mine. There’s a glimpse of all the characters and their future. How their life continued. So yea.. Those who have read all of my fanfictions (Which i remember must be just one.. That is sameera. The rest are either new readers or old have already left). Okay.…
Author: aamu
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#29 – THE FINAL DECISION Recap-Marriage.. Consummation… Truth.. Shattered.. Twinkle left ~ 2 WEEKS LATER ~ “Mumma..” Saani pulled out her lower lip.”Mumma.. Dont cry pleashh..” She held her mother’s arms.”Mumma.. Please dont cry..” her eyes welled up.”Mumma i am sholly.. If i did anything with wrong.. Pinky plomish i will be a good girl.” Twinkle turned away from her daughter and wiped her eyes. It had been 2 weeks and still her heart ached.. Her heart craved.. She cried.”Shh…i am not crying.” “Mumma.. Juth bolna paap hai…”Sani muttered and jumped on…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#28 [LONG UDATE] Recap- Kunj’s proposal.. ~ 2 WEEKS LATER ~ The door creaked open, Illuminating light in the dark room. Footsteps followed by and kunj entered.. “Did she had her dinner.?” He asked in a cold tone. “Yes sir, She denied but as we were doing everyday… We left it near her and she had it.”A man replied before leaving. He moved further.”How are you.?” He asked… The person stirred and tried to come out of the clutches of ropes.” YOU b*stard. What the hell is all this.? Why am i…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#27 Recap- Twinkle’s breakdown… And her past revealed to kunj “Good morning..” Kunj beamed as soon as twinkle opened her eyes. She squeezed her eyes and looked around the room. The last night incident came to her head and she snapped towards kunj.”You were here whole night.?” She asked in shock. He chuckled and shook his head in denial.. “I remember we arent married Yet and i respect your privacy.” He replied looking down. “Hmm..”She just smiled. She had no idea what to talk about knowing that he knew the whole truth.…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#26 Recap- The whole truth from. Kunj’s side and Twinkle raising her voice for herself! The ride back home started silent. Sani was already taken away with their guards and it was just Twinkle and kunj sitting in their car. The driver drove silently. Kunj stole glances from twinkle while she remained silent and kept looking out of the window. “Twinkle.?” He called out and she stirred before turning towards him. “Hmm.?” She asked. “Are you okay.?” He asked and she looked at him amused but nodded nevertheless. “Why would i not…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#25 Recap- Phone call and kunj’s wild dream. Twinkle’s hug and a kiss on cheek Kunj’s pov- “Good night.” I whispered ruffling her hair as she smiled and ran into her room. I walked back into my room and hopped on my bed. Just when i was about to close my eyes, my phone rang. I picked it up with a sigh. “Mahi.. What the—” I stopped hearing her sobbing. “Kunj, how could you do this.? You are leaving me for that girl.?” She trailed off and i closed my eyes. “Mahi..…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#24 Recap- Ferris wheel ride and mahi’s call CHAPTER ESPECIALLY FOR MY LOVE.. AND ONE AND ONKY THE BIRTHDAYY GIRL- SHAMMU. Wishing you a beautiful day with good health and happiness forever. Happy birthday!… Here’s the ‘Honeymoon’ and twinj scenes you wanted ? Hope you like it!!!
WARNING – There is not much mature content. Still Kids.. stay aware if you are uncomfortable!! Kunj’s Pov- “Twinkle…” I called out bolting the door open to land my gaze on the blazing beauty. There she stood in all her glory. Her wet hairs flew…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#23 Recap- Twinkle’s insecurities and refusal Next morning – “Mumma.. Plshhhhhhh” Sani ran behind her mom, stretching her lower lip out in a pout. “You can go.. I am not in mood.. Please.?”Twinkle stopped in her tracks and turned to her daughter. ” There’s no fun without you. “She looked down,” You dont wanna come with me.? You left the dinner yesterday evening too” Twinkle sighed in defeat. Her daughter was her second copy, she knew how to convince someone. Whether forcefully or emotional blackmailing. “Fine. I’ll come. Happy.?” She surrendered her…
BEAST IS MINE..! – TWINJ FF – CHAPTER#22 Recap- diary and confessions “I love you too… I love you with all my being” He spoke in a soft tone closing his eyes and resting his chin on her crown hiding her in his chest. She felt peace. Her heart beats became stable. Her raging breathes started to turn normal. She closed her eyes savouring their moment when yuvi’s painful words from the diary started ranging in her ear. She immediately pulled away and shook her head negatively. Kunj looked at her boggled.”Twinkle..whats wrong..?” He asked concerned holding her hands…